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Happily Ever After by Nilmandra | 81 Review(s) |
meckinock | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/17/2008 |
Gotta tell ya, I'm stumped. Elladan, radiantly healthy and yet in turmoil. Elrohir, fading fast but glowing and peaceful. The Maiar know but they're not telling. Elrond at wit's end. I did enjoy it when Irmo told him he had to learn patience LOL. That just goes to show, you can never go home again. You might be king of the world, but to the folks back home, you'll always be that little Billy who dumped his diaper in the middle of the beauty shop while his mama was getting a perm. But I digress. Exquisitely painful and beautiful chapter, especially the trip to visit Grandpa and Grandma. Author Reply: LOL, they are all children again here. And for Elladan, probably the most important person to help him is his grandfather, the star. | |
meckinock | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/17/2008 |
I don't know who I feel worse for - Elladan and Elrohir or their parents. Elrond summed it up perfectly - nobody expects there to be such pain and suffering in the Blessed Realm. To see it and not be able to understand it, much less do anything about it, must have been torture for him. And especially at a time that should have been full of joy in anticipation of the birth of their daughter. It was interesting to see Olorin; kind of jarring though - it would seem really strange to talk to a person you knew for a thousand years in one form, and all of a sudden he looks totally different. I was reassured when he showed up though, and seemed to be strongly *cough cough* urging Elrond to take Elrohir to Lorien. Go Gandalf. Author Reply: I was thinking about how the relationship between Gandalf and the elves he had 'worked' with in Middle-earth might have changed. He was limited in his knowledge and had to learn along with them. HE says he gave and took counsel. Now here he is back in wisest of the Maiar form. There can still be friendship - obviously - but in terms of knowledge and power, there is now a whole different street. That would be interesting thing to weave into a story. :D | |
Hotaru9 | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008 |
It was brilliant. I've loved all your stories and I'm so glad to have finally read the end of your history lessons series. Author Reply: Thanks, I am glad you liked it. I am glad they are all together and that Happily Ever After has begun for them. | |
Elflingimp | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008 |
Thankyou so much for this beautiful story, my only curiosity is what Elledans job will be that the Valar appointed him? But maybe that's another story? Hopefully sometime. Hugs Deb Author Reply: I have only an inkling of what they had in mind - a glimpse. I am dying to know too! Thanks for reading, Deb. | |
Gwynhyffar | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008 |
That was extremely fulfilling to read. Of course you made me cry again! You trickster you! I never suspected a second delay in their choice, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why Elrohir wasn't getting better once Elladan (seemingly) chose the Eldar. Of course it all made sense when I realized what was really going on! Sneaky! .. but great! Author Reply: LOL, I am glad you liked! I was hoping I could pull this off to a successful conclusion. The power of the story was just to never go into the twins POV.. a great thing once I realized it. | |
Naledi | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008 |
I'm so relieved that they chose elvenkind. After Elladan's comments about his fascination with the Imperishable Flame, I thought he might not being able to resist the lure of finding out what lay beyond the circles of the world. I'd hate to think what it would have done to Elrond if he'd been parted from them both, but I agree wholeheartedly that Elladan and Elrohir had to chose the same fate. That was beautifully done - thanks for sharing this with us. Author Reply: A reviewer reminded me that in HLI the young twins promised they'd always be together. :>) I couldn't separate them, not easily! I am glad you enjoyed. | |
Ces | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008 |
You brought this story to a wonderful ending and managed to tie up all loose ends. It seems so obvious now what was troubling the twins, yet I'm glad I had to experience it through the eyes of Elrond and everyone else who was confused. It made it much more believable. Excellent story and one I will be reading over and over again! Ces Author Reply: Ah, the power of POV. Staying in Elrond's (and Celeborn when Elrond wasn't around) was the key. I am glad you enjoyed the story - I much enjoyed thinking it through and writing it. | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008 |
Incredible ending to a beautiful story. I just loved every moment of it, even when my heart cried in pain, but it wasll all worth it. I loved how you pulled all the strands and threads together into a wondrous last chapter. Blessings! Author Reply: I am glad you enjoyed it, and that it came together in the end. Thanks for reading. | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008 |
This was a compelling story because you left us with such a mystery. It's also a fascinating consideration of the nature of the half-elven. Both sides of their heritage are there somewhere and that has to leave them torn sometimes. I'm very relieved that in the end, you chose to make Elrond happy. Author Reply: I think the end was a foregone conclusion unless I wished to face the wrath of an elf-lord in his fury. :>) But the concepts are fascinating. | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/17/2008 |
All I can say is 'wow' - these chapters are almost excrutiatingly painful. Though it was a delight to 'see' Elladan grow and thrive... to see Elrohir fade is beyond painful...... Must have been very difficult to write. I hope you see 'hope' at the end of all this... I am beginning to wonder. Author Reply: There is always hope :) The 'Man' in Elladan is exploring and seeking. As for Elrohir - well, he is dominated more by his Elf side. Poor thing. | |