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Happily Ever After  by Nilmandra 20 Review(s)
meckinockReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/18/2008
Aha, so all is made clear. I had chills when I read the part where they were standing before the thrones of the Valar. But when Elrohir and Elladan explained their plight, I was shocked. Wow. You can understand Elladan's resentment a little, that Elrohir's choice was to abide by his. What could he do but make the choice he knew Elrohir wanted? It was generous of the Valar to give them an extension on filing their return (did you happen to write this during tax season at all?), and very fortunate that Elladan got the Man stuff out of his system to the point where he'll be able to be happy in Valinor. From the way he looked after riding around the pathless voids with Earendil it didn't look too good. I'm sure the new baby sister helped. And Elrohir. How painful it must have been for him, loving it there and not wanting to leave, knowing that he'd be bound by Elladan's choice if the other chose to be counted among the Secondborn. And that if that happened, his parents' mended hearts would be broken all over again. I'm glad you found a way for this to all work out - happily ever after. For everyone. They deserve it.

Author Reply: Even as I writing this, I knew the Valar were AGAIN doing a little manipulation, just as they have in the past. Instead of making the twins choose in Middle-earth, where they would know neither the bliss of Valinor nor what lies beyond the Circles of the World, he let Elladan come and have a taste of both. Now, he can't see beyond the Circles to really know what is out there, but then, neither do the Valar, perhaps. But he lets him fly and sail the skies and see the joy of his parents and new life in his sister. And even his brother in love. IT was risky of the Valar - for if Elladan chose the fate of the Secondborn, many people were going to be seriously hurt. But they gave him enough to want to know more. It is harder to leave a situation that intrigues you and makes you happy for a situation you do not know at all.

But since neither did I want to face the wrath of an elf-lord in his fury (or his broken heart), Elladan needed to stay.

ElfinabottleReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/18/2008
Thank you, thank you, thank you! What an absolutely wonderful ending to this story. Whew! I feel like I'll be able to sleep tonight. Your writing here is beautiful, as always. I hope we can look forward to a story about what the Valar have in mind for Elladan. Yes?

Author Reply: I do not know! I have only an inkling of what they have in mind. I hope more inspiration comes. :>) I am glad you enjoyed the story.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
What a lovely ending.It is right the twins should stay together and not cause more heartbreak for their parents.What a dreadful choice to make! I am glad not be half Elven and have to make it!It was a lovely touch to give elrond and Celebrian a baby daughter.

Author Reply: I did feel sorry for Elladan, but I am glad he understood Elrohir at the end. And I am glad they stayed, for the sake of their families. But in the end, I hope they stayed for all the right reasons. Alasse was part of that, too - I had written her into their life a few years ago, and nearly took her out, thinking it complicated matters, but new life is part of what Elladan needed to see. Thanks for reading. :D

Hotaru9Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
It was brilliant. I've loved all your stories and I'm so glad to have finally read the end of your history lessons series.

Author Reply: Thanks, I am glad you liked it. I am glad they are all together and that Happily Ever After has begun for them.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
Thankyou so much for this beautiful story, my only curiosity is what Elledans job will be that the Valar appointed him? But maybe that's another story? Hopefully sometime. Hugs Deb

Author Reply: I have only an inkling of what they had in mind - a glimpse. I am dying to know too! Thanks for reading, Deb.

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
That was extremely fulfilling to read. Of course you made me cry again! You trickster you! I never suspected a second delay in their choice, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why Elrohir wasn't getting better once Elladan (seemingly) chose the Eldar. Of course it all made sense when I realized what was really going on! Sneaky! .. but great!

Author Reply: LOL, I am glad you liked! I was hoping I could pull this off to a successful conclusion. The power of the story was just to never go into the twins POV.. a great thing once I realized it.

NalediReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
I'm so relieved that they chose elvenkind. After Elladan's comments about his fascination with the Imperishable Flame, I thought he might not being able to resist the lure of finding out what lay beyond the circles of the world. I'd hate to think what it would have done to Elrond if he'd been parted from them both, but I agree wholeheartedly that Elladan and Elrohir had to chose the same fate.

That was beautifully done - thanks for sharing this with us.

Author Reply: A reviewer reminded me that in HLI the young twins promised they'd always be together. :>) I couldn't separate them, not easily!

I am glad you enjoyed.

CesReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
You brought this story to a wonderful ending and managed to tie up all loose ends. It seems so obvious now what was troubling the twins, yet I'm glad I had to experience it through the eyes of Elrond and everyone else who was confused. It made it much more believable.

Excellent story and one I will be reading over and over again!


Author Reply: Ah, the power of POV. Staying in Elrond's (and Celeborn when Elrond wasn't around) was the key. I am glad you enjoyed the story - I much enjoyed thinking it through and writing it.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
Incredible ending to a beautiful story. I just loved every moment of it, even when my heart cried in pain, but it wasll all worth it. I loved how you pulled all the strands and threads together into a wondrous last chapter.


Author Reply: I am glad you enjoyed it, and that it came together in the end. Thanks for reading.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/17/2008
This was a compelling story because you left us with such a mystery. It's also a fascinating consideration of the nature of the half-elven. Both sides of their heritage are there somewhere and that has to leave them torn sometimes. I'm very relieved that in the end, you chose to make Elrond happy.

Author Reply: I think the end was a foregone conclusion unless I wished to face the wrath of an elf-lord in his fury. :>)

But the concepts are fascinating.

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