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Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe by shirebound | 23 Review(s) |
Cairistiona | Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008 |
Ah, I'm both happy and sad... happy that the story came to such a satisfying conclusion and sad that it has indeed come to an end. I loved the descriptions of Aragorn transforming into a king before the Hobbits' very eyes. And the bit about his keeping that image of the four Hobbits in his memory forever. Lovely stuff, all that. And the discussions of the merits of lemons make me hungry for something lemony. Very good story! Thank you for sharing it with all of us. Author Reply: Thank *you* for reading! It's a strange feeling to end a story, definitely both happy and sad. I'm so glad you enjoyed the ending. | |
Cuthalion | Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008 |
That was such a lovely journey, Janet. Thank you for giving me a light heart, too. *hugs* Mona Author Reply: Thank you, Mona! I defintely wanted to end the story in a light, hobbity way. *hugs you back* | |
Pearl Took | Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/20/2008 |
Bravo!! A marvelous ending :-) I love the use of the hobbit's old beds and that they were going to keep using the stacked beds. I love Sam wanting lemons so much that he's talking about building a greenhouse for them. I love Merry still micro-managing and I love Frodo wanting to just be Frodo. MEWD, m'dear friend! Author Reply: Thank you, Pearl. I wrote and re-wrote the ending several times until it felt "right". Maybe the Lady's elven dust will work their magic on the Shire's crop of lemon trees. :) | |