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Rhyselle's Library  by Rhyselle 146 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/4/2008
Ah, a wonderful memory bound now to a terrible truth. Alas for our two, and yet hooray for our two as well, for although they believe all is at an end, Sam has the memory of how this can be turned to delight to sustain him, and already Gandalf, Gwaihir, and two others are on their way to bring them back to the world in which this smell will again be tied to moments of delight.

Thank you, Rhyselle!

Author Reply: All things that happen to us resonate in our minds as we go through life, even if we are not consciously aware of it. Thanks for reviewing!

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/28/2008
I really enjoyed this, Rhyselle. Nice to see Ingwë a bit vulnerable. Lovely.

Author Reply: I'm late in responding as usual, but I wanted to thank you for letting me know you liked it. It's so easy to think of these characters as we see them in final form and forget that once they were naive and uncertain of their lives' paths.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/21/2008
Yes. I can see this.

Author Reply: I'm very late replying, but I'm very glad that the scene works for you. Thank you for letting me know you liked it.

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/21/2008
An interesting look at an aspect of Elvish history few attempt to write about. Knowing the Ingwë of my own Elf, Interrupted stories, it's interesting to see him at an earlier, younger stage of his life and seeing the seeds of greatness that will make him the great king that he is begin to germinate. Good job, Rhyselle, and we look forward to seeing more of Ingwë and the other Elves as they make the Great Journey to Aman.

Author Reply: I'm very glad that you liked it. I was kind of surprised to find it in my head, but am grateful that the muse provided it. In regards to the Great Journey story, it appears to be growing like kudzu. Every time I work on my existing storyline set at the end of the Journey, I'm getting bombarded with mental images of what happened right before the elves set out and during the centuries long trip.

I oughtn't complain. It's better than writer's block! *Grin*

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/21/2008

Absolutely brilliant I tell you *grin* I love Ingwe here, I do I do I do. I can't wait to see how more of the Great Journey comes to be!!! *hugs Rhyselle*



Author Reply: I'm very glad you liked it. It's not often that I can actually have a drabble tell a story within itself about a character instead of being a mood piece, so I'm particularly pleased with this one.

Oh, the muse has more in mind, and I'm going to indulge her eventually, but I have to finish my talk for church tomorrow first... The topic is repentance and I'm sure that I'll get a lot of fic fodder from that too...

cactuskimReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/11/2008
Hi Rhyselle,

I very much enjoyed this story. Finrod's story has been one of my favorites since I first read it over 20 years ago, and I think you have done a very good job with this part of it.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/15/2008
Yes, he would think this, wish this, seize the chance to follow where he might. He might have been sent forth by Mordor, but it is his own desires he seeks to slake.

Excellent reaction to the prompt.

Kaylee Tonks-LupinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/14/2008
*shivers* Oh, meldanya, you got into Gollum's head perfectly! What else can I say...absolutely wonderful!!!!!!

*nods* It sounded EXACTLY like Gollum. *nods again*


eilujReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/14/2008
I'm usually not too fond of Gollum or Gollum-fics, but that's *haunting* and an entirely believable portrayal of the poor creature.

I never noticed there were footprints on the movie map.

Author Reply: Thank you for reviewing. I don't write much poetry... in fact, this is the first poem I've written in over 20 years. And while I appreciate the character of Gollum and his purpose in LOTR, I don't like him much at all. So I have mixed feelings about this piece--I'm chuffed that it comes out so vividly, but I'm also feeling like I need to wash my hands and have long hot soak to try to get the Gollum-feel off of me.

But the muse insisted that this be written and so I wrote it. I thought it intriguing, though, that this was most definitely Gollum and not Smeagol.

The map in the film didn't have foot prints on it... but my mental image of it put them in on it when I heard the prompt word "wandering". I should have been more clear in my author's note.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/10/2008
Great chapter - I don't know the Elves too much - but Finrod is one of my favorite of the 'older' Elves... don't tell him he's older, might get a complex.

But I really, really liked this!

Author Reply: Thanks! THE SILMARILLION is a great book in that there are so many opportunities for writing gap-fillers and scene expansions that can be somewhat limited in books like THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy. I'm hoping that my muse continues to be cooperative and feeds me more interesting bits in the near future. Finrod is my favorite of the elves, and I'm so glad tat I got to write about him at last.

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