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A Cat in King Elessar's Court  by Agape4Gondor 386 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 6/30/2008
Bless him, Gimli, and our Elessar all three! Yes, the poor cat will find he can do far more perhaps than he believes possible.

Author Reply: Yup - with the support of his newfound friends, the Cat should do just fine!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 6/30/2008
Oh, the dear Cat! Poor thing! But I know the King has judged him rightly. (And now I am very curious about what the Cat's mother did...)

Oh--and I loved Gimli's threats at the beginning! He *is* taken with the Cat, isn't he? *grin*

Author Reply: Ah - perhaps that will be another tale... *back - back - you nasty nuzgul!*

I did so enjoy Gimli and the Cat's relationship.... I cannot imagine cats in the mines of the Dwarves... just canaries *giggles* - but I'm sure Gimli was taken with the little creature... stalwart, brave, fierce, loyal - all traits dear to a Dwarf!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 38 on 6/30/2008
I love how gently the King is treating him, and yet also giving him new purpose and hope for the future.

Author Reply: Tolkien seemed to think the world of Aragorn... and yes, he treats the Cat with special favor... there is hope for the Cat - and the King... oh, and Faramir too....

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 6/30/2008
I've been reading this since day one, but decided to wait until the full story was completed until I left a review. This has been wonderful Agape. I've loved every moment and am so happy Alqua will not only live, but also serve his King. I'd love to see what that Oath of the Cats of Minas Tirith is BTW. :o)

This has been such a wonderful story for a Cat lover like me. I loved every moment of this story and seeing how it all turned out from Alqua's POV. Give him a scratch behind the ear for me please?

Looking forward to the Epilogue. :o)

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed the tale - as I've said before, the Scribe has really enjoyed the telling of it... even though the Cat was sometimes quite put out with the Scribe's way of doing things... I will tell you, though, that we are still friends.....

The Cat most heartily accepts the scratch and thanks you!

Epilogue will be posted on Thursday...

Bless you and thank you for staying with this and for reviewing!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/30/2008
Oh poor Alqualonde! An eye and a paw! I do hope our beloved Ranger King is able to heal him of most of his hurts.

Did he miss the fall of Sauron after all that? He will be upset! And I'm glad Beregond was able to help Pippin. As for the AU of Gimli needing a bit of help - I've always thought it would have been virtually impossible for him to shift a troll single-handed!

Incidentally, I have known cats who have had to have a foot or leg amputated and they still climb trees and chase birds afterwards! Hopefully brave Alqualonde will still be able to run around the Citadel.

Author Reply: I don't think the Cat gives a twig about Sauron - he's hurt and badly. He has friends who are suffering too. What's a little villain when there is so much pain around him!

Thanks for your support on the Gimli issue....

I have seen maimed animals come back and not only survive, but thrive. I'm hoping it's the same for Alqualonde... after all, he has some pretty impressive friends.

Bless you for your review and support....

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/29/2008
And the cat leads them indeed to Pippin's resting place! Hooray! And am glad Beregond got to help!

Author Reply: I just knew Beregond, who doesn't appear to have been injured, would want to help 'rescue' Pippin... and I was very glad the Cat was there to help find him... a daunting task with the number of dead - both foe and friend - upon that battlefield!!!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 36 on 6/29/2008
Ah! Excellent! Love that our Pippin gets a chance to fight first, and rejoices to use the skills taught him by Boromir! Yay!

Author Reply: Yes - I could not leave out Pippin's part in the battle. He did good... And another Yes - he did do Boromir proud...

Thank you very much for the review!

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/28/2008
The last two chapters knit together very nicely. Poor kitty. I hope he is not going to lose sight in one eye. :( Happy that kitty's nose still works well. Gimli is such a precious...*sigh*. Wish I could give him a really big hug. Oh well, hugs to the Scribe. Until next time. Love Neilia

Author Reply: Very glad these chapters meshed for you. I'm afraid the Cat has lost his site, but only one eye and only one paw. He'll make due, I'm sure.

Thanks for the hugs! Only one chapter and the Epilogue left, I'm sorry to say.

I'll miss your hugs! The scribe....

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/27/2008
I loved this line. (“You will not be dying for you have a Dwarf to help you.) That sounded so exactly like what I expect from Gimli!
Alqualondë was very brave in this and I did like the memory of Denethor and his injuries that you put in. It seemed right that Alqualondë would think of him at that point.

As to your slight change in canon, I enjoyed it. It is interesting to see these things a new way now and again.

I hope Alqualondë's foot will heal properly. Another injured warrior for the healing hands of the King, perhaps?

Author Reply: Oh my, GW.... I'm glad you 'caught' that line - it is a particular favorite of the Scribes...

The Cat has lived with the Steward (truly) for at least eighteen years... daily, living and breathing and serving and loving... he would not so easily forget him, even in the midst of pain and terror.... Poor Cat.

Another reader suggested Beregond was too modest to let it be known he helped... so that helped assuage my concerns about canon! LOL

As for healing - we will see....

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/27/2008
What a brave cat! I only hope he will recover.I liked the part he played in finding Pippin and Gimli's way of getting some help.I'm glad the cat knows the true worth of both Gandalf and Aragorn.

Author Reply: The Cat thanks you - but it wasn't so much bravery as concern for his friend. The Cat humbly acknowledges his failure to see clearly....

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