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A Time to Hope  by PipMer 40 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/11/2007
Merry's excitement is catching! I was so excited by the end of this that I really do wish that we had another chapter. I want to see how well Merry does in keeping his own energy in check when he is allowed to be with Pippin. I loved this part.

(("Oh, Pippin," Merry murmured. "You were ever so brave, and I'm so very proud of you. It's time to come back to me now. Sam and Frodo still sleep, and will for some time yet, but you have to wake up. You need to keep your Merry from going crazy here. No one else will laugh at my jokes the way you do, Pippin. No one else has the patience. Strider says that you're healing nicely, and that when you wake up I'm to help you with your exercises. I never thought I'd say this, but I could do with some endless Tookish chatter about now." Merry stroked Pippin's cheek with his fingertips. "I swear I'll never tell you to be quiet again, if only I could hear your sweet voice."))

LOL I hope Merry knows what he's in for!

Author Reply: He he.. yep, I wonder how long it'll be before Merry thinks "Remember when there was peace and quiet around here"...

Seriously, I'll try to have another chapter up shortly. Thanks for reading, GW!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/31/2007
I love the way Merry and Aragorn worry about each other as well as the three injured hobbits. I like the fact that each of them knows exactly how tired the other must be. It really is true that waiting can be the hardest thing of all and poor Merry certainly had his share of waiting to do. I look forward to more of this one.

Author Reply: Thank you once again. I enjoyed how the interaction between Merry and Strider worked out, I think it's quite believable. Two friends comforting each other in a time of vigil over loved ones. It was actually quite enjoyable to write, even though I'm putting Merry through quite the worrisome time.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/31/2007
Poor Merry. You have written this so very well. I like the use of the movie verse here with both Merry and Pippin at the battle and then the return to the book with Pippin killing the troll. This is very, very, good.

Author Reply: Why, thank you, GW! I appreciate the kind words. The angst was just dripping out of me when I wrote this!

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/30/2007
What very fine dialogue! It was crisp and believable and moved things along very nicely. I almost always get into trouble when dialogue drives my story, but you do an excellent job here! I hope Pippin wakes up soon. Between this story and "The Blessing" I'm starting to feel like he's terminally unconscious!

Well done! :)

Author Reply: Thank you, elanor! Your comments mean a lot to me.

I know what you mean; "The Blessing" is killing me! Poor Pippin; the lad sure goes through a lot in some of our stories, doesn't he?

I seem to be drawn to angst, for some reason; it flows really easily for me. I envy Grey Wonderer, who can do humor so well. I would like to be able to do something a bit more light-hearted, but that sort of story just doesn't come to me very easily.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/30/2007
Oh, how too easily can I see this! Poor Merry. And Aragorn's not the only one needing rest, obviously.

Author Reply: True, Merry needs rest just as badly. I feel more sorry for him than I do the injured hobbits; at least they're all unconcious, with no awareness as to the hurts of their loved ones.

Thanks for reading, Larner!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/29/2007
While there's life, there's hope, Merry! Keep at it.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Exactly, Antane! My sentiments exactly.

Thanks for commenting.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/29/2007
It's lovely of Strider to take the time to smoke with Merry, and tell him that Pippin probably hears his voice. And quite impertinent (and delightful) of Merry to tell the king he needs to rest! (Which he does.) :)

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound! One of the things I love about the hobbits is that they don't stand on ceremony. Merry knew Aragorn as Strider, and that's how he continues to talk to him!

Thanks for commenting!

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/14/2007
I so loved Gandalf here! Thank you so much for that.

It has always been interesting to me that the Professor skirted dealing with all these physical injuries and various characters' reactions to them. Did he simply not have the heart, after WWI, or were grief and injury in detail just not a part of his vision? Or are we modern folk more concerned with such things for the sake of realism? Certainly those of us who are deeply engaged with his characters cannot seem to avoid wondering about it all.

Merry is nicely drawn here--passionate and vigorous in the struggle, and just as passionately bereft in the aftermath. I always think of him as a hobbit of so many feelings he can barely contain them. You've done a good job of that here!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Elanor! Sometimes, Gandalf is hard for me to write; I struggle with his manner of speech at times. It's a fine line between grumpy old man and wise Maiar! But he didn't have any speech here, so it was easier for me.

I wonder about that too, with the injuries. I just think it wasn't really part of his vision... other things were more important to the story for him than the recovering hobbits. Barely a word is said about Pippin's injuries...only that he had spent quite a bit of time in bed, and that he was somewhat injured. I chose to add to his injuries here.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/14/2007
Ah, full of angst. And reason indeed for Merry to be worried, of course.

Author Reply: Thank you for commenting, Larner. Yes, poor Merry doesn't really know what to feel, I'm afraid. I'm sure it's like this for anyone who has sat in a hospital waiting room wondering about the condition of a loved one.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/14/2007
Ohhh, poor Merry! What an agonizing time of waiting and despair and almost-hope this must have been for him. How lovely of Gandalf to be so tender and understanding. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you for reading and commenting, shirebound! I tried to imagine what it must have been like, to be the healthy one when all of your friends are so badly hurt. And the struggle between the need for hope and the tendency toward despair is realistic, I think.

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