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Might Have Beens  by Larner 28 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
Thank God indeed this didn't happen! Frodo had no right to ask his Sam this - this is going to destroy that gentle heart unless some great grace is given to him to endure his terrible darkness now. It was Frodo's terror speaking, not certainity. Would he have begged, would Sam have done it if they had known Glorfindel and help and salvation were so close? Not even the Wise can see all ends. This is why we should never murder someone simply because they ask for it because they can't or think they can't endure a moment more. I shudder to think what is going to happen to Sam now who is no longer going to be Sam. Don't let him near the Ring! Or else all of Middle-earth will fall and that loving soul will be the first. Not only poor Sam, but poor Merry and Pippin and Bilbo and Aragorn and everyone. Please have some goodness be brought out of this terrible evil and pain. God wouldn't have allowed it otherwise.

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Oh, I am certainly glad this never came to happen; but had Frodo felt his ability to hold off the taking by the shard slipping, I can imagine that he would prefer to die rather than to become a wraith under the command of the Nazgul.

Aren't you glad this didn't happen in the original?

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
Oh yes, I can very much see Sam becoming a force to be feared if it had come to such a pass. Sam will quite literally see the Ring destroyed with his very last breath.

Author Reply: Unfortunately, had Sam become the Ringbearer, and in such a manner, I truly doubt he would have left the Sammath Naur. Yes, his last breath indeed.

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
I could see this happening, although I'm relieved that it did not. What an awful promise Sam had to fulfill. His actions were ones of love, though. I don't think Sam or any of us could have borne the horror of Frodo as a Nazgul and being forced to serve the Dark Lord. Elrond is perfectly correct. Sauron does not realize what Sam's grief and anger will lead him to do.

Author Reply: Even born out of love, the promise Sam has been made to fulfill has made of Sam more than a force to be reckoned with.

Thanks so for the response, Althea.

ShannReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
Oh, Larner, that was so sad! I really cried. That was one heck of a might have been. I am very glad it didn't happen, but it makes me shiver to think that one day's delay might have caused it. At least I like to think that Aragorn wouldn't have opposed it, and let Frodo be taken. Poor, poor Sam.

Author Reply: Again, just one day may have changed very much indeed--and yet I think Eru would have found the means to use those changes to the good of all, as long as all remained true to the quest.

This is looking at what might have been had the promise evoked in "Requesting Mercy" in Moments in Time had come to this pass. No, Aragorn would have understood all too well what was asked of Sam by Frodo and why he felt bound to honor the promise he made.

Yes, poor, poor Sam. But had Sam not done this, Aragorn would probably have had to do it.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
Oh, ouch. It could have happened just that way, too.

Author Reply: Yes, all too easily it might have come to this, SurgicalSteel. Thanks for the response.

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
This was so powerful, Larner! I would love to read a follow-up story, that shows everyone (including Sam) coping with the emotions following such a tragic situation. How difficult it would have been for Sam to bear not only the burden of the ring, but also the burden of what he had been made to do. Yet, I have no doubt that he would fulfill the quest.

Author Reply: This plotbunny has given birth to another nuzgul, I fear; but I will insist on holding it off until I'm done with Stirring Rings and The Tenant from Staddle.

TelpethoronReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
This is an interesting take on the tale - what might have happened had Sam taken the Ring to Mount Doom instead of Frodo. Sam was indeed a brave soul, but could he have taken on this task all by himself, without Frodo? Perhaps. This is one reason I like AU stories on occasion - a chance to see how one single event can change the course of history. What might the Fellowship have been like if Boromir had lived? Would he be the one to go to Osgilliath instead of Faramir to try and retake the city? Lots of possibilities.

Thanks for posting this - it's always good to see your writing!

Author Reply: Oh, yes, AUs have their appeal. And I suspect that Sam would have indeed become an unstoppable force had he be forced to do what he did here and become the Ringbearer.

As for Boromir leading the attempt to retake Osgiliath--how do you think that would have gone?

And thanks so for the review.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/11/2007
Utterly and thoroughly chilling! *shudder*

Author Reply: Oh, I agree, Dreamflower. Had it come to this Sauron would have been totally doomed indeed.

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