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The Case of the Purloined Mushrooms  by Inkling 30 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/20/2007
Why do I have the distinct feeling one of the Netherfields is cooperating with Otho in this situation? And Frodo enjoys it, does he? Sly young Hobbit.

Author Reply: Thief or not, Frodo is still a rascal! As for your guesses, you’ll soon see if they’re close to the mark…
Thanks for reviewing!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/20/2007
The lad wasn’t helping things, either, stopping at intervals and fixing his gaze on some tempting item or other, until the vendor all but leaped protectively in front of his wares.

Oh my, that is great! Well, I should not approve of Frodo's behaviour, but actually I do ;-)
I particularly liked the little faunt who looked for his "wings"!

So, it should be clear that Frodo did not perform the last mushroom raid, because he was watched by Bilbo and the shirriff (although he obviously fell asleep). That's what a sensible hobbit would conclude - but not the farmers! They need the thief in person to accept that Frodo is not to blame.

However, Otho's last remark leaves me wondering like Abie. What did he mean? Or has he something to do with the raids?

Well, Abie will find out! He may be no Sherlock Holmes, but he has the right amount of good hobbit sense!

Author Reply: Hi Andrea! The market scene was fun to write, so I’m glad it gave you a chuckle! And you’re right…Abie’s good hobbit sense will make a detective of him yet. As for Otho’s remark, stay tuned! Hehehe…
Thanks for reviewing!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/16/2007
So, Abie is going to investigate? Great! I like that post-hobbit very much.

Your description of aunt Dora was wonderful. Poor Frodo, though ;-)

Such was the force of command in her voice that I found myself squaring my own shoulders and lifting my chin…and I could see Bilbo doing the same.

LOL!!! I can very well imagine that!

Now, I'm still suspecting that Merry has *something* to do with the mushroom affair. But what?

Well, Abie will find it out. I trust in his investigation skills more than he does ;-)

Author Reply: My grandmother used to make me sit up straight, and even though she’s long gone, bless her, just her memory can still get me to do it! I was thinking of her when I wrote that bit…

Abie is rather a reluctant detective, but he just may rise to the occasion!

Thanks for reviewing!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/15/2007
It sounds like Abelard has been given a sign, LOL!

I did get a kick out of your Aunt Dora! Even more formidable than mine, I daresay--poor Frodo and Bilbo!

As for Merry, well, I'm sure Frodo is trying to protect him from *something*--but what? And I hope that Abelard will find plenty of clues out at the farm.

I'm really looking forward to more of this tale!

Author Reply: I’m finding Dora a fun character to write, as I think you have too! She has some more good scenes later in the story. Thanks and hope you like the rest!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/15/2007
Aha! A means to visit the premises, then! Wonderful! Looking forward to learning what Abie learns. And LOVE the description of Lardo. Sounds as if he was aptly named, then! Heh!

Author Reply: Well, as someone—Dernhelm?—said, “Where will wants not, a way opens.” And so it has for Abie. And as for Lardo…the name was just too tempting to resist! Thanks, Larner.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/8/2007
How wonderful! I love your OC and his writing style.
And I can very well imagine that Aunt Dora and Old Rory used the Third Class Shire Post to save money ;-)

So... I think Frodo was on Farmer Broadfoot's field. But I don't think he stole the mushrooms. Maybe his younger cousin knows much more about that ;-)

I'm looking forward to reading more!

Author Reply: Hi Andrea! I’m so glad you like Abelard and his style. This was my first attempt at first-person narrative and I found that it wasn’t easy!

You are partly right in your guesses but I’m not saying which part! ;)

Thanks for your feedback and hope you like the rest.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/8/2007
I love your sly tributes both to Miss Austen, and to Ross MacDonald's Lew Archer! And I love his reasons for being a Third-class Post-hobbit--he's a lovely OC. The references to Aunt Dora and to Frodo's previous reputation in Buckland were deft and funny.

It's quite clear that Frodo is covering *something* up for little Merry, though I hold in reserve my suspicions as to whether it actually has to do with mushroom-poaching, LOL!

You say you will be including a recipe? Have you heard about Shire Kitchen's Recipe Fic Challenge? It's a LiveJournal community, and I do not know it you have an LJ or not. The rules are at:

If you aren't on LJ, you could email me directly if you should like to participate. My email addy is available here at SoA.

Author Reply: Thanks, Dreamflower! I was kind of nervous about making the narrator an OC, so I’m very happy that you like him. And since you enjoyed the Aunt Dora references, you may be glad to hear that she makes an appearance in Chapter 2.

Yes, there is a recipe. I don’t have an LJ, but it sounds like fun if there’s a way to participate without one. I’m about to go on vacation but will email you when I get back.

BTW, I haven’t had a chance to get to it yet but am looking forward to reading your newest Eucatastrophe story.

Gentle HobbitReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/8/2007
This is rather fun! Frodo definitely knows something (obviously!) but it is something a little more complicated than covering his own tracks. Covering Merry's, perhaps?

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: Thanks so much, Gentle Hobbit! You’re right, things are a bit more complicated than they seem…after all, what’s a mystery without a few red herrings? :)
Hope you enjoy the rest!

lovethosehobbitsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/8/2007
This is delightful! I *love* your second person account and can't wait for more.

Author Reply: Thanks, tree! I’m so glad you like it so far and hope the rest doesn’t disappoint. Am about to leave on vacation but chapter 2 should be up next weekend.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/7/2007
Wonderful, Inkling. So, Frodo is keeping suspicion off of Merry, is he? And now Merry is the new Rascal of Buckland and the Marish? Love the lowly third class postman. Lovely indeed.

Author Reply: Thanks Larner! Yes, Frodo is a good older cousin, but as for what both he and Merry are up to, you'll just have to see how the mystery unfolds!

Am going away for a week so will get back to your story when I return.
Happy Easter!

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