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Day and Night  by Peredhil lover 12 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/13/2007
Nice conclusion, with Estel and Elladan both wrestling with questions of identity and their future.

Author Reply: Thanks, daw, I'm glad you liked the conclusion. Both Estel and Elladan are left with a lot of questions and plenty to ponder, but such is life most of the time, and experiences are rarely wrapped up in a tidy ending. There is always room for a sequel.

Thanks for reviewing faithfully, I really appreciate it.

peredhil lover

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/12/2007
Yeah, well, no pressure there, Elladan!

I liked the introspective tone of this last chapter. Both Estel and Elladan have quite a bit to think about, and their relationship will probably never be the same again. Also interesting is that Elrohir doesn't seem to have nearly the same issues with the world as Elladan. I like that. It makes the twins seem like two separate people instead of interchangeable names.

Author Reply: Thanks for sticking with the story and reviewing, French Pony, I appreciate it.

Both Estel and Elladan have been left with a lot to think about, and it does leave a lot open for a sequel. Hopefully, I'll get around to writing it! ;-)

peredhil lover

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