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The Aftermath  by Elanor Silmariën 48 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/23/2006
I love how you do this, Ellie--write about the parts from the book, but take time to put in a little more detail than Tolkien gave us. I hope I can master it as well as you have when I get a little further on in "Renewal".

More, more, please! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: I'm glad you're liking it! (these reviews are making me blush like Sam and I'm not sure what to say to them! *blushes*) Oh, I can't wait for more of "Renewal" I just read what I've missed so far, and I'm loving it so much! I'll try to get more out as soon as possible! I've got a few ideas that I think my muse is going to cooperate with, but I'm not sure yet.
Merry Christmas and God bless!

lotrgirl1415Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/23/2006
I have always wondered if Frodo ever really felt uncomfortable during the lay “Frodo of the Nine Fingers and the Ring of Doom.”

I mean I were him it would of irked me to the max. Plus he seems so shy already in this fic, and all these thing building up one on top of the other. (The waking up after a long hard journey, the orc clothes, the lay, and the swords bit)
I would think that that would eventually lead to mental distress in a person (or in this case, hobbit).
I mean he still needs to figure himself out and put him self back together, after his and Sam’s journey, and the events of that journey.

I REALLY enjoy you are touching this subject, and I love (lovelovelove) your Frodo POV! I know this is my 3rd time saying so but you are so good at it. This is the Frodo I usually envision at this point in the trilogy.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.

Lots of love
No galu govad gen

Looking forward to the next update

Author Reply: yeah, I would have been really uncomfortable, too. I'm so glad you are enjoying this! I'm having such fun writing it and getting to go back and reread RoTK over and over and over again. I'm so glad you like the Frodo POV (again! *grins*) It's my favorite way to write, since I've found Frodo thinks alot like me, so it's easier for me to write it that way.
God bless and merry Christmas!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/23/2006
Oh this is great seeing this from Frodo's POV. Tolkien said that the one complaint about his book that he agreed with was that it wasn't long enough. I am so glad that you are helping to remedy that.

Oh, and I agree about the stars being annoying. Most of us can recognise the Prof's bits or can go back to the book if we want to check!

Author Reply: *blushes* Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying this! Yeah, I figured most of you are about as obsessed as I am, and know when it's something Tolkien wrote. Lol! Antane said most people just say that some of the quotes are from such and such a chapter, so I decided to do that instead.
God bless and Merry Christmas!!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/23/2006
One of Tolkien's inconsistencies is that he describes Frodo as being naked under Sam's cloak, and yet he describes the orc rags. I can imagine he'd want those physical signs of that time gone.

Author Reply: Weird, I never noticed that... *runs to read Rotk again* I found this whole secion so fascinating! Yeah, I'd think he wouldn't want to see them ever again. Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/23/2006
It's lovely to see an update. I like how you describe Frodo's relief at being in soft, clean clothing again.

(You might want to correct Westeron to 'Westron'.)

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it! Ah yes, my spelling... I'm usually good at spelling... english that is. When it's new words or things in Elvish or fantasy names like that, I can't spell. *goes to change*
God bless and Merry Christmas!

lotrgirl1415Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/16/2006
YAY!!!I <3 updates!
Especially this one!
Poor Frodo I've always had a special spot for Frodo in my heart since I was 7, and I read the LOTR trilogy with my dad, and have always wished to comfort him and Samwise after all they've been through especially. I love the way you capture them both.

I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. & Still love the Frodo POV.

Lots of love
No galu govad gen

Looking forward to the next update

Author Reply: I'm so glad you're liking this! Frodo is my favorite too (if you couldn't tell all ready *grins*) I do the same POV in "The Latter Days" which I started before this story, but it's supposed to be the sequal to this one. Thank you so much for reviewing! I will update as soon as I can!
God bless and Merry Christmas!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/16/2006
Sorry about that, I don't know what happened. I was going to say I can understand Frodo's dread of those clothes and the nightmarish quality they would have for him. *hugs Frodo and Sam* And I can't wait for them to meet the king! Won't they be surprised! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: I'm so glad you like it!!! *grins* That's the next chapter! I don't have it quite finished, but it will be up soon! *bounces* That's my favorite part!
God bless and Merry Christmas!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/16/2006
I love it, I love it! The angst mingled sweetly with the comfort, the teasing. But poor Frodo, I can understand his dread of those clothes, not just because they were Orc gear

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/16/2006
No, I don't think the Gaffer or anyone else would understand about Sam bossing his master around, but Frodo does and that's all that's important. Sam ever knows what is best for his master-brother-child. You've already shown in Latter Days that he has no qualms about showing in public how much he treasures his dearest. The rest of them are just going to have to adjust. :) But it would be horrible to have to wear those rags again. Ick.

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: *grins* Yep, the world will have to figure out how to handle them. They are much different than when they left. I read that part in ROTK and I was very surprised that they had to wear those clothes again! I started wondering how Frodo would feel about that, and well...this chapter came out of it! Merry Christmas mellon nin!
God bless,

Arwen of LorienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/15/2006
Ohh! Those Gondorians really shoulda thought to leave our poor hobbits some better
clothes!! *Is revengeful* lol Jk, Great new chap!
I love Sam in this chapter..*No sir, it ain't!!* Teehee!
God bless ~Arwen

Author Reply: Yeah, I know, they've got that whole giant city and they can't leave a hobbit something nice to wear! *grins at revengeful elf* OH, I'm so glad you liked it!! God bless, and Merry Christmas, mellon nin!

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