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The Dwellings of the Dead by Nilmandra | 23 Review(s) |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/22/2006 |
Holy Cow this is scary, Nilmandra! I have always thought the idea of the Houseless Ones was absolutely terrifying and you did too good a job of showing why here. Set them together with the equally scary setting of the plague in the mannish villages and you have a really powerful story here. I am curious to see where this is going to go (afraid to find out, but still curious). ;-) Author Reply: The TA is just full of scary things. I knew I wanted to do a ghost story for Karen and I knew Middle-earth had plenty to choose from, but I was surprised at just how much there really was. I think what is to come will surprise even Glorfindel. | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/22/2006 |
First of all, Glorfindel rocks. The moment when he comes, all aglow, is terrific. The scene in the village is very sad. I can't imagine what it must have been like to see plague sweep through a town and kill everyone. The scene with the beech was also interesting. Elrohir apparently hasn't seen something like this before. Author Reply: I think poor Elrohir was pretty overwhelmed by it all. He's going to get back home and feel like it was just some nightmare and he's glad he woke up. :D | |
Vicki Turner | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/22/2006 |
Ooh, very intruiging! Author Reply: Glad you think so! The early third age has everything to choose from - deceit, treachery, war, disease, more war, bad guys, more war, evil things, more bad guys, more war.... | |