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The Other Balrog-Slayer  by Fiondil 17 Review(s)
EllieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/3/2007
This is wonderful! The love and the acknowledgement of the unsung hero is excellent. Nicely done!

Author Reply: Thanks Ellie. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

J.Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/19/2006
Lovely...I loved it!

Author Reply: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2006
Truly, the unsung heroes are worthy of our praise, along with those about whom the ballads portray in the height of their valiant deeds. Without the valor and sacrifice of the Ecthelion and Turgon and countless other brave elves, the remnant of Gondolin would not have had the opportunity to flee to safety. Each played a important role, though most, as Námo pointed out, remain unremembered for their actions.

I delighted in the thought of the love of Ilúvatar flooding Námo and spilling over onto the elf, who was too frail to bear the glory; what a unique blessing from the One.

And you even added a mini-Quenya lesson for a treat.

This story came at a time when I was also feeling rather ‘unsung and unappreciated’, but you showed me that, like Ecthelion, each event in our lives has meaning and purpose, and will one day be remembered.

Thank you for this wonderful tale, Fiondil.

Author Reply: Thanks Eruanneth. I appreciate your comments. I think many of us feel "unsung and unappreciate" sometimes and it helps to remember that even if no one else knows what we've done, there is One who always knows and always remembers. Námo reminds Ecthelion (and us) that Ilúvatar's love is all the glory we really ever need and is worth more than all the praises of Men and Elves put together.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2006
Oh, that is lovely. I really enjoyed seeing Ecthelion enduring through a virtual adolescent angst fit as he tries to re-accustom himself to being returned to life. The emotional strain of becoming whole again must be awful - and I loved the parental care and affection that Namo was spending on trying to get Ecthelion to see how unimportant the matter was. That the doing was more important than the renown.

And the care that is going into looking after Turgon - four Maia to guard him and keep him safe.

Beautifully written - and very touching.

Author Reply: Thanks Bodkin. I appreciate your comments. Yes, Ecthelion has much to learn about renown. I think Námo says it best: Ilúvatar's love is all the glory any of us really need or should ever desire, though most of us, myself included, find it a hard concept to accept.

And Turgon has much to answer for, I think, for his arrogance, but in the end, I have faith that he will become whole again. Námo doesn't surrender his charges easily, as Ecthelion is finding out and he obviously is working towards healing Turgon eventually.

Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2006
Thank you, Fiondil, for this reminder and for this very appropriate tribute.


Author Reply: You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2006
Aw! I dont know what else to say but Aw!

Author Reply: That's praise enough. Thanks.

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2006
Poor Ecthelion. It's true, you barely hear about this elf. Most fics about him are usually...well, *wince* slashy in genre or just plain horrible. (make a face)
Beautiful and lovely, this piece of work. It's touching and stirring at the same time.
Thanks for sharing this us, Fiondil. It's wonderful, my friend.

Author Reply: Poor Ecthelion gets no respect. He doesn't even appear in the character list here on Stories of Arda. I've asked Nilmandra to rectify the situation. Thank you for your comments. I really appreciate them (and I'm sure Ecthelion does, too). *grin*

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