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Journey Home  by Dot 15 Review(s)
jambaby1963Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/3/2006
I really liked this story. I like how some authors portray Legolas a a very competent and experienced elf. It makes more sense with the Legolas that eventually appears in the books and movies. Keep up the good work, I look forward to more stories from you!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I'm just thrilled that you feel it fits in with Legolas in the books. I felt that he would be an experienced captain, calm and in control, and yet perceptive too to his warriors' needs. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for the review :-)

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/3/2006
Awwww. This was really sweet and well written. The bit at the end with Thranduil brought tears to my eyes. Nendir, wounded and struggling with his own concerns, remembering what Legolas had said and trying to comfort him was really sweet.

Author Reply: Thanks, Gwyn. I think by the end Nendir was able to see Thranduil as a person as well as a king, and more importantly as a father who'd want to know that his son was well. I'm so glad you liked that part! Thanks for the review.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/3/2006
This had some really nice moments in it, Dot. In addition to the vibrant description near the start, I liked Legolas's calm comfort. My favorite moment though was the Thranduil one at the end. Both giving and receiving comfort, he was wonderful!

Author Reply: Thanks, daw. I thought that at this stage Legolas would know what a young warrior needed - even if it meant sharing some of himself - and would see past the fear to the warrior they'd become. I'm glad you like the way he came across.

My favorite moment though was the Thranduil one

Hey, I didn't know you like Thranduil! *snort* I'm so pleased you enjoyed that. Nendir's words weren't planned at all but I felt that Thranduil deserved a little reassurance too :-) Thanks for the review.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/3/2006
Wow, Dot! that was great!

I particularly liked the opening, so believable that the poor warrior thought he had forgotten to put out his lamp! That made me smile!

Antien was good too, reinforcing Legolas' comments with an even more down-to-earth remark, so poor Nendir would actaully stop worrying. Yet Antine knew exactly when the Captain's reassurance was needed. You managed a very realistic picture of a multitask patrol here, and Legolas is superb as a caring, responisble and battle wise Captain. And Thranduil's guest appearance was very welcome and truly impressive. Great job!

And all without graphic details! ;-)

And Happy birthday FP! I did not kow!

Author Reply: Thanks, Perelleth! I'm delighted you liked the opening. You know when you write something and stare at it so much that you have no idea any more if it works? Well, I couldn't tell by the time I posted if it would come across how I meant it so just hoped for the best :-)

And it's thrilled me no end that you felt the patrol and its members come across well. I thought the older ones would have the experience to know just what a hurt young warrior needed. And young men do have their pride!

Thranduil insisted on visiting the wounded. Who was I to stop him?!

And all without graphic details! ;-)

Heh. I admit I got a little worried after that discussion so your reassurance is much appreciated! Thanks for the review.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/3/2006
This is lovely, Dot! Legolas is a superb captain - and I loved what he said about his Adar! And I could just see Thranduil's proud smile when he heard young Nendir's shy praise of his son.

Lovely point of view too - I really enjoyed seeing through the eyes of a young warrior - one, too, who was in pain and feeling particularly insecure at that moment. And isn't it just the truth that when we're hurt we want to be home - but that as soon as we get there the concern of parents becomes rather stifling! I loved Nendir's response to reaching safety - and hearing children, both as a reassurance and as a reminder of why he became a warrior.

And then there are things like the community of warriors - the feeling of being part of a team that Nendir had barely realised until he was going home, and the horror of battle and the response to killing of even battle-hardened warriors - and how they are willing to share that to comfort one who has barely dipped his toes into the job.

Thranduil's royal visit - the effect he has on the healers and patients! There goes an elf with charisma! I'm glad to see proud father can overshadow king, too.

That is a gorgeous story, Dot. Just delightful. I loved it.

Author Reply: Thanks, Bodkin! Your review came in just as I went to turn off my computer and rush off to the airport and you sent me on my holiday with a great big smile on my face!

It started as an exercise in POV for me and then I scrapped it as a birthday fic and tried to write another story but Nendir sort of grew on me and I kept coming back to him. I’m so pleased that you liked seeing this through his eyes. I wanted too to get a glimpse of Legolas as a captain and I thought he would offer comfort if he could, but would be used to young warriors and know the type of comfort they’d need and be willing to accept. Even if it did mean letting things slip about his own Adar! Of course, Thranduil himself needed an appearance then.

I'm glad to see proud father can overshadow king, too.
That was possibly the fangirl in me coming out but I’m very glad you felt it rang true :-) Thanks so much for the review!

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