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Trials and Tribulation  by Larner 34 Review(s)
ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/23/2006
Oh my, what a lovely story...and Greencap is a caution and Tribbles is a sweetie! And Frodo is amazing. There's to be more? oh goodie.....


Author Reply: So glad you enjoy them, Armariel. And there is one more chapter, in which Merry and Pippin suffer a profound shock as they learn that Sam...........

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/23/2006
This is wonderful! I love the Broadloams! What a terrific family--little Tribbals is adorable, and her nimble-fingered father and brothers are a hoot! I loved the way the stuff just kept somehow showing up in their pockets, and how sharp-eyed Frodo was in spotting it. But I just about fell out laughing over the *blotter* of all things!!

Frodo is definitely proving that he deserves his name: he is so very wise in the sentence he imposes, and in the advice he offers Greencap and Quince.

You certainly have a knack with OCs--I think that this little family has already captured my heart in just one little chapter! I'm glad that there's another chapter to come--I really love these hobbits!

Author Reply: Frodo IS a quick study, I think, and once aware what was going on would be on the lookout; plus we are told he's a bit sharper in some things since he was wounded with the Morgul knife.

Frodo was indeed properly named--few of us will dispute that.

Thank you so for the compliment. I love trying to make my OCs realistic--or at least interesting. It is an honor, Ma'am.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/23/2006
Frodo displays his finest side, a sober, compassionate face that gives justice, not vengeance. You can feel the wisdom and gravitas that he's acquired along the way, along with his intricate understanding of the Hobbits around him. Yet he also seems detached, as if he's already planning for the time when he'll leave them.

I love Tribulation and the way she came by her name. She could have it much worse, of course. She could be a Puritan child, and a boy, and then she'd be saddled with something like "If-Christ-Had-Not-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Had'st-Been-Damned." I'm guessing a Down's child, yes?

Author Reply: Oh, the horror of possibly carrying such a monicker! Speak no words of such ill omen! (Tongue in cheek there, of course.)

We know Frodo never expected to truly go home again, and I doubt there have been many times since he woke in Ithilien he's truly felt he'd have much time in the Shire if he were to return to it.

He truly wants those around him all to contribute to the betterment of the world; and since the one good thing he knows of Greencap is his ability to tell fascinating stories to fire the imagination, he'll see him do it if he can; and he'll do what he can to see to it that this child will not sit hidden in the smial, or be exposed to general abuse due to her disability.

My first teaching contract was in a state institution for the retarded, and there were several students in my class who were Downs Syndrome. I now have a client who has this condition as well. There are few more loving individuals I know than these folk, and they are often far more capable than one would begin to guess.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/23/2006
"But I don’t understand as why ’tis ye’d wish me to be a’tellin’ stories on market days. It’s not what most would call proper work, after all."

Frodo looked at him solemnly. "No, perhaps not proper work, but at least it’s something that allows you to give rather than take from others
"Do you love her? Are you proud of her?"

Guido’s voice in response was almost derisive. "Well, o’ course!"

"Then let your own love for her be seen by all. Let all others know it; and if they realize you love and respect her, they’ll realize they should treat her well, also. Yes, some like Lotho Sackville-Baggins are cruel and will remain cruel toward such as she no matter what; but those whose opinions mean the most will respond as you show the way. And she has as much right to hear the stories as all the other children do."

How wonderful, Larner. Frodo's sense of justice, and his ability to bring out the best in people, will elevate the entire Shire -- and its inhabitants to a new level. And I do love Tribbals already.

Author Reply: Yes, Frodo has accepted the role of the yeast, leavening the whole lump of dough, and will do his best to see as many as he can influence will be making things good for the Shire long after he's left it.

And am so glad you like Tribbals. She reminds me of some of my past students and one of my current clients.

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