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The Many Aspects of Merimac Brandybuck  by Lily Dragonquill 100 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/24/2007

Sweet baby - and Frodo really could do with his own family. With lots of children. But, unfortunately, we know he won't get it.

Merimac, having been such a flirt, will be a very protective father of his little Bluebell.

Author Reply: *grins*
Yes, Merimac will be very protective - and he will teach Berilac to be the same :)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/19/2007
"Besides, he isn't exactly ugly," Merimac went on, oblivious. "There have to be some lasses attracted by him."

ROTFL!!! Oh my! Mac is just wonderful, even if he is indeed *a little* blunt ;-)

Well, from your German story I know that Frodo had at least one girl-friend, if that is a suitable expression for hobbits.

Some people say that it was due to The Ring that he never married. What's your opinion?

If there was something in LOTR I could have wished for, it would have been a family of his own for Frodo!

Author Reply: Clover, in fact, is borrowed from my German story. Nelke in English doesn't sound nice so I changed it to Clover... and Mac knows about the two of them even in the German story .... and will know even more as the years pass by :)

I agree with the common opinion that the Ring is one of the main reasons why Frodo never married. I can't think it really "allowed" him to love.
He would really have deserved to have a family of his own though.

BTW: Have you been looking at my homepage lately? There is a new drawing of Merimac.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/19/2007
Nelothiel, is it? I'll have to remember that one!

And there is nothing at all wrong with Bonnie (after all, that's my given name! Heh!) It would have suited her well!

Love the argument and the admonition for Frodo to find his own love and begin his own family. I often wish he had done so.

And poor Mac--surrounded by womenfolk and poor Frodo. And, yes, this also is Frodo's home.

Author Reply: I'm not sure about Nelothiel. I made it up with help of an Elvish dictionary and it had a nice ring to it :)

It would have been wonderful if Frodo had a family of his own. He would really have deserved that. But well, at least he has one family who will always be there for him - in spite of the teasing :)

Thanks for reading.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/1/2007
Poor Merimac - one way or the other, it's always his fault. Good thing his shoulders are broad and his affection for his cousin is constant.

Author Reply: His affection is constant and I believe he secretly likes being the bad influence :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/25/2007
Ah, love this moment between the two cousins as they find one more reason to bond together.

I knew there was a reason I had Frodo turn to Mac as the one to teach him how to defend himself and others. Heh!

Author Reply: Thanks a lot!

And which story might that be where you have Frodo turn to Merimac as to one to teach him how to defend himself. Merimac has offered the same thing to him in my German story but Frodo declined - or rather, Merimac declined after finding out that Frodo could very well defend himself in a fight.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/25/2007
Wow! This is great!

I did read a couple of stories where Frodo was the one to rescue a young cousin (mostly Pippin, I think). But never before have I seen a story in which Frodo was rescued from a tree!

And, my, could she kiss!

LOL!!! Mac had a lot of practice before he finally married! But I forgive him, he's really a charming hobbit.

"You should have taught me how to climb down as well," the lad declared. "You can't just show me how to climb up, you know. If momma knew about it she would rip off your head."

So, Mac was Frodo's teacher? Well, he should have known...

"But you caught me," Frodo pointed out and flung his arms around him as soon as Merimac scrambled into a sitting position. "You're my bestest cousin!"

And this is of course the "bestest" compliment Merimac could have wished for :)

Thank you very much, Lily! I enjoyed this story a great deal :)

(BTW, I saw your Merimac icon and I think it's really lovely!)

Author Reply: stories where Frodo was the one to rescue a young cousin

I thought about that as well, but then - knowing some of these stories myself - I decided that Frodo must have known out of experience that young hobbit-lads sometimes end up on trees and don't dare to come down :)

Mac had a lot of practice before he finally married!

In kissing - yes :)

So, Mac was Frodo's teacher?

Of course he was. Nobody else is so close a cousin to Frodo and willing to teach all kinds of nonsense. Well, Saradoc might be but at this time he is busy courting Esme :) Merimac should have known perhaps, but then he didn't climb up to the very top with Frodo and the last few steps were no problem anymore for Frodo.

Aren't they lovely icons? I need to make better screencaps, as soon as mom sends me my DVD, and then I might be swamped with Merimac icons :)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/15/2007
Poor Merimac! What potential for disaster - mice under the bed! I love the way he galvanises Saradoc into action and they both seize on Aunt Primula's strength of mind to save them from their mother. (Not to mention the brotherly sniping at each other.)

But even escaping this pit can't stop the lad! I just hope his mother likes rabbits.

Author Reply: First Rorimac must agree to the rabbits, then they have to build a hutch and finally they still need to catch one. The rabbit will probably be far too wild and scratch the poor young boy after which Merimac will quickly lose interest :p

The brothers love each other fiercly - especially because they have someone to tease without getting into too much trouble :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/12/2007
Ornery pair, Saradoc and Merimac Brandybuck. Cute--very cute.

But stairs--inside a hole? Hmm.

Author Reply: They are a very quarrelsome pair, indeed. Thanks for reading.

The stairs, for me, are an exception in Brandy Hall and maybe the Great Smials. Since it is said that several hundrets of relatives lived there I imagened that there was need of a second floor otherwise Buckhill would have seemed more like a dam than a hill to me. And they wouldn't be very steep or long stairs anyway.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/12/2007
Really, sometimes I wonder who is worse of the two of you.

Yeah, I wonder that myself ;-)

Merimac tried his most pleading and devastated look on his brother. His eyes were wide as saucers, his lips trembled, and if he concentrated hard enough he might even manage a tear or two.

LOL!!! Last week I watched "Shrek 2". And if you have ever seen that movie, you'll certainly remember the cat. It was a real master in giving *that* look.

Well, I think Mac and his auntie both learned something that day. Mac decided to build his rabbit a bigger hutch (if he gets one, that is). And Primula is now prepared for that look, which she will see often enough on the face of he son ;-)

Author Reply: Yeah, I wonder that myself ;-)
So do I. Saradoc might be the responsible adult and respected Master of Buckland but his child-self is having quite a will of his own. Quite... Merimac, actually :p

Of course I remember Puss! And, thinking about it, yes, Merimac might have looked just like that. Now, everybody go "awww" please for the poor child :)

And Primula is now prepared for that look, which she will see often enough on the face of her son
Can one be prepared for that look? *goes "aww" all over again*

Thanks for reading, dear!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 4/10/2007
Either Frodo is sneaking into the Merimac stories…or Merimac sneaks into what would be a Frodo story.

LOL!!! It's funny how often that happened (as far as I know, that is)!
But let me tell you that I like stories with Mac and Frodo very much :)
So, please continue in that way!

And I would like to read a young Esmeralda story. I don't think I've ever seen one.

Author Reply: Oh, I do enjoy Merimac and Frodo a lot. Merimac brings on a completely different (and very interesting) side of Frodo.

I actually intend to write a Saradoc/Esmeralda courting story one day - all I need are some ideas :)

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