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Beyond The Dimrill Gate  by Jay of Lasgalen 18 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/7/2006
Kudos to Estel and his cool head in a crisis! Even at such a young age, one can see how he'll grow into the unflappable Aragorn we all know and love. Elrohir is a very lucky Elf, though he's likely to be pretty miserable for the next few weeks, especially after being doped with horse tranquilizer. Galadriel has some interesting foresight there.

Author Reply: This story is the turning point for Estel - when he does his great deeds with the twins, and starts to become Aragorn.

Elrohir is very lucky he was there - things would have been very nasty if the orcs had come along if he was trapped under those rocks and alone :( I'm not sure what effect horse sedatives have on an elf, but it's probably what's making Elrohir feel so sick. Fortunately Estel only used a little.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/6/2006
Estel had to feel completely trapped during those long moments when he was along with an unconscious Elrohir. Can't go forward, can't go back, inexperienced to know any tricks, and responsible for someone who is defenseless. He's fortunate he's not having to learn this lesson alone. Not that I envy them trying to get out of this mess!

Author Reply: Estel would probably have felt better about this if he'd been alone - he'd have fought the orcs, found a way out, or got back to Elladan. But he can't, because he knows he can't leave Elrohir. This is teaching him a lot about responsibility and difficult choices, but he'll be glad to hand some of the responsibility over to Elladan.

hanciReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/6/2006
To go around... brrr. Poor Elladan.
Smashed medicines - what a luck. Well, better the medicines than Estel. And the horse tranquiliser survived. :o)
I really thought that trick with the cloak would work (well, based on the movie) - I didn't thought of the blood. That was really great.
Well, the orcs wanted to go back, where to? Elladan probably knows.
Estel not believing Elrohir it was Elladan - he's adopting the attitude 'better safe than sorry'.
(It's a bit disjointed, sorry.)

Author Reply: The trick with the cloak did work - too well. The orc didn't notice Elrohir until it stepped on him; and even the cloak couldn't camouflage that. (Though you're right, it was a pure movie moment!)

Bearing in mind what's happened, and all he's been through, you can't really blame Estel for being over cautious, can you?

paranoidangelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/6/2006
You're so horrible to these characters! I thought they weren't doing too badly really, I should have known something like this was going to happen. I can't imagine how they're going to get out, now they have few supplies and an injured Elrohir to contend with, as well as the orcs being a problem.

Author Reply: Horrible? At least I've got them back together instead of making everyone wait for the next chapter! Don't forget, this is Moria, and Estel has 'evil memories' of the place - so something bad had to happen :>)

At least Elladan's supplies are intact - but what are they going to do about Elrohir? *Grin* I have some plans there ...

nessaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/6/2006
I am enjoying this story so much. The tension mounts and we are all wondering what is going to happen next. They have a long way to go before they are out of there, and now there are injuries to deal with. Does Elrohir remember Estel drugging him? Or will he?

Author Reply: Elrohir remembers something happening - but not what, or who. It's all caught up in nightmares at the moment. How much he'll remember, we'll have to see.

Although E3 are back together again, their problems aren't over yet - but they're together. That's the main thing.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/6/2006
Phew - I'm glad Elladan managed to find his way round to Elrohir and Estel. Especially since Estel's medicines are smashed and Elrohir's are under a pile of rock. See, Elladan? It really was quite simple!

It probably helps that he's tuned to his brother. That and natural talent.

Estel coped well with the ton of problems that landed on his head like a load of ... rocks, but he's still very young - the arrival of Elladan must be a huge relief. He's not ready for taking the leader's role just yet.

How Elladan is going to cope is a whole other can of worms, though. It's useful that the piles of orc bodies won't cause much alarm - but they've got to deal with their unfortunate smell (pongy elves), find out what they can and fish out a concussed Elrohir with a broken leg. In the dark.

Looking forward to finding out how!

Author Reply: Estel's coping well, and doing his great deeds now, and maturing fast - but you're right, he's very relieved to see Elladan, and not just because he knows it will help Elrohir more than anything else could. Elladan, his medicines and his supplies are a welcome sight.

You've summed up very nicely the problems that still confront them - the main one being how the heck they are going to get Elrohir out without the orcs noticing. Elrohir is going to have his own suggestions - but his brothers aren't going to like it ...

FireReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/5/2006
I love Elladan realisation: "All he had to do was to avoid prowling orc patrols, keep himself from becoming hopelessly lost, and trust that he would be able to find his brothers again in this nightmarish place.
He sighed. Oh yes, it all sounded so simple."

Now that sounds easy .. NOT.

It's good that Estel was able to keep is thoughts together when the orcs approached, quick thinking to use the paste to control restless horses to keep Elrohir from alerting them. That's what I call making good use of what you got at hand :)

I love the way you write the bond between the twins and how they just keep calling eachother El.

I love to read more of this so keep it coming please.

Author Reply: Poor Elladan. He knew his brothers were hurt, and knew he had to reach them somehow. He also knew it would be almost impossible (but, being fanfic, he succeeded.)

Estel is proving himself very resourceful here - it's the start of the 'great deeds' hinted at in the beginning of the story - and he's growing up very, very fast.

I've had the twins call each other 'El' since I first started writing about them. It was their way of making it even harder for people to tell them apart - and now they're so used to it they couldn't change.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/5/2006
Moving rocks like that must be sort of like playing Pick-up Stix, a game I played as a kid where you had to pick up these thin sticks without disturbing the other ones. Tricky as heck.

I'm glad you let us see Elladan's arrival though. That settles everyone down a little: Elrohir, Estel, Elladan, and me. :-)

Author Reply: And when you moved a stick you shouldn't, it was someone else's turn. Game over in this case would be a bit more permanent :(

I decided I'd done enough cliff hangers, so it was time for a cosy reunion scene. All three are very glad to see each other!

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