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For the Love of a Friend  by PIppinfan1988 57 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/1/2006
Aww...what a sweet and tender chapter! I can never get enough of reading about how they come to realize that *all*four*of*them* have miraculously survived, after all that they came through! *sigh* Just lovely, dear.

Author Reply: Thank you! I have always felt that Merry and especially Pippin were slighted by the Professor when it came to their time of healing, so I hope I am fixing that in my own little way in this tale. ;-) I have so enjoyed the way you and other authors have given them their due, too!

Thank you for reading!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/1/2006
What a wonderful relief for Pippin to know that everyone is safe; and to see his dear friends around him every time he wakes.


Author Reply: To me, that would be one of the first things Pippin (or any of the hobbits) would want to know upon waking (that is, after asking for the time, lol.) He'd want to know how are and where are the others?

Thank you for all your encouragement, and thank you for reading!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/30/2006
. The aroma instantly calmed him. The residual despairing thoughts from his earlier dreams had dispersed--his heart now filled with hope and promise.

What a lovely image. Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound! You know...I wrote this same phrase in the "old" version, but in a sort of abstract way. I've had so much help and encouragement from wonderful folks such as yourself since then, though I still have a long way to go. Don't know if I'll ever get "there", but I'm having a great time along the way. :-)

I'm happy you're enjoying the story a second time around. :-) Thank you for reading!


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
A wonderful start!!

I didn't see anything amiss.

Our poor dear lad at one of his most needy times. *sigh*

Well done and looking forward to more :)

Author Reply: Thank you for the feedback! I almost gave up the ghost on posting this tale yesterday, then just as I was about to click on "Edit", I found the missing words that had exploded on "impact". However, I didn't know if anything else was amiss, so that's why I asked for help in the search. You never know--I might need this assistance again, lol.

Oh, he is indeed needy--but at the same time, he is our Pippin...being Pippin. You'll see (again!). :-) Glad you're enjoying a second helping. ;-)


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
Ooo! I'm lovin' it. I know I read this early on at FFnet, but I've forgot it. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it.


Author Reply: Glad you're enjoying it--again, lol. You and a few others, I see. :-) There isn't as much as there was before--some of the old story ended up on the editing room floor, so to speak. Then again, there is some new material--like Pippin's dream imagery.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
This is a promising beginning!

I love the imagery, and Pippin's calling for his dear ones! Look forward to more, dear!

Author Reply: Thank you! The imagery was something I added this time round--Pippin's dream sequence was rather boring before. I do love to both read and write dream imagery; I can't pinpoint just why, but I do.

I hope to post more on Friday, Saturday at the latest. I see I have a nice before-bedtime story to read tonight! :-)


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
Seems properly intact now.

Oh, I can certainly understand Pippin's feelings here. Poor lad! But between Aragorn and the athelas Pippin is in excellent hands now.

Author Reply: Thank you for the feedback, Larner! It was a terrible night for posting, lol. Yes, Pippin is in the caring hands of Merry and Aragorn...but can he lie still long enough to recuperate? We shall see. :-)


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