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For the Love of a Friend  by PIppinfan1988 57 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/7/2006
What a lovely gift. I can imagine that board becoming a Took family heirloom, passed down through the generations.

Author Reply: I suppose it could be...maybe. :-) Thank you for reading!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/1/2006
A wonderful reason to waken, I must say! Ah, Pippin, so worthy are you to be named a knight of Gondor, alongside Merry as knight of Rohan.

And he's had a day to recover more fully.

Author Reply: LOL, yes, that extra day of rest was the only way to make him take it easy. Yes, they both are! :-) And the only thing I can hope for is perhaps I've given someone a reason to actually do the research/write about the knightings.

Thank you again for reading!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/1/2006
I can certainly feel with Pippin about his desire to fill his vision with Frodo and Sam; but he ought to have taken it far, far more slowly, of course.

A very few problems with wording; but a marvelous chapter showing the progress Pippin is finally making.

Author Reply: Yes, he should have, but he only had eyes for Frodo at the time. ;-)

Thank you--and I don't mind PMs giving me feedback on grammar and mechanics, or redundancies. In fact, I welcome them! Thank you for reading!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/1/2006
The yoyo and cup-and-ball are wonderful gifts; but I understand the concern about Pippin being mistaken for a child here. So glad that he's able to be up and now has his chosen means of expression, allowing him release from the memories and pain for a time. So this is the musician who will write the Lay of Frodo of the Nine Fingers, is it? Nice.

Author Reply: I imagined that Pippin might remind some of the soldiers of their own children that they had to leave behind or watch them leave on the wains that left the City. They may or may not have taken him for a child--especially after our learning of all his journey and subsequent battles. But for the moment, Pippin is helping them cope with missing their own children. I probably should have expounded upon that, and perhaps will go back and add a bit. Thank you for the feedback! :-)

"Caleblin", lol, I found in the back of the Silmarillion, and is the closest thing I could come to "Silver"(Caleb) and "To sing, make musical sounds"(lin). I tried my darndest to include "Gold" (mal), but it just wouldn't work in any position I tried. JRRT describes the minstrel as having a voice like silver and gold, so I tried to name him accordingly. And yes, I imagined him as the one who wrote, "Frodo of the Nine Fingers".


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/1/2006
And so you and I have similar visions of the artistic skills of our heroes assisting them in dealing with their nightmares and stress, although in my version Frodo is the better artist. Love the way in which Merry handles it here. And I love the knowledge that Pippin finds similar release in music.

Author Reply: Oh, that is too cool! I really enjoy it when we share similar ideas!

I first wrote about Merry's drawing abilities way back in a lesser known tale called, "From the Bottom of My Heart" and it sort of went on from there into other tales. As for Pippin, I initially didn't write him musically inclined because I, myself, am rather musically-*challenged*. I do love music, though, lol, and so I have decided that my Pippin shall, too. :-) As for Frodo...I haven't mused on him much, but I like to think that writing his book was his release after the War...however, who's to say he and Merry *both* didn't inherit the same gene for having 20/20 vision in the mind's eye? I look forward to reading about it! :-)

Thank you for reading!


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/30/2006
I love the way Pippin reacts to Aragron in this chapter. He's a bit unsure at first as to exactly what is coming, but once he knows he is more pleased for Merry than for himself. Wonderful story and wonderful chapter. I am enjoying this very much.

Author Reply: Thank you! I think Pippin knows that he isn't going to get away with his misdeed, yet at the same time, he does not feel sorry in the least for taking a look at Frodo.

I am glad that you are enjoying it--I'm enjoying writing it! :-) And thank you so much for all of your faithful reading and reviews!


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/29/2006
This is a wonderful chapter. I like the way you've shown how much Pippin has matured by showing that Aragorn didn't have to lecture him about what he'd done, he knew and admitted his folly.

The questioning about trust was interesting. It really is a matter of trust for a patient to follow doctor's orders, and it is also a matter of trust for someone to swear service to their king. Lot's of things going on both on the serface here, and underlying, too.

I can't believe there's only one more chapter. I hope you have another story brewing.


Author Reply: Thank you! I imagine Pippin being at that age where he is both tween and adult. He knew Aragorn wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily. ;-)

Trust, to me, is the cruxt of any relationship--a king and his knight is no exception. Aragorn knew he was dealing with a young hobbit and so tested him a wee bit.

LOL, I always have a story in the back of my head...but less than half of them make it to fruition. Thank you for being a faithful reader!


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/29/2006
Bless his heart!

LOL I think it is so funny that Aragorn made him sleep a day through :)

I'll be sad to see this end.

Author Reply: Well, knowing how rambuncious our Pippin can be, this was the only way Aragorn felt he could keep the tween in one place and rested. :-P

Thank you for all your faithful readership and encouragement, Mentor! :-)


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/29/2006
You write the combination of love and respect between Pippin and Aragorn sooo well. And ohhh, this passage is lovely:

"I trust you, my lord, for so you are. You are no longer my Healer, but my King, and I hereby place my utmost trust in you.”

Hobbits speak lightly, except when the occasion calls for more courtly words.

I'm thrilled that "Shelter" helped spark this lovely idea for you! :D

Author Reply: Awww! Thank *you*! I merely thought that Aragorn would not let his "Knight-to-be" get away with his deed without an explanation.

And I agree with your assessment of hobbit speech, although I was treading where I had really not gone before. Thank you again!

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful encouragement!


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/24/2006
Nice chapter. Thank goodness Gandalf was there at the end. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Sorry this review is so short, but I'm getting really tired, and the hand is giving me the "stop" warning.



Author Reply: hullo! So sorry--I thought I had answered you. :-( Hope your hand is doing much better! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review, but please let your hand rest! :-)

but not too much--I'm waiting for another chapter to Mind's Eye! ;-)

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