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New Year's Eve  by Thundera Tiger 45 Review(s)
Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/15/2004
BTW, is this set after 'Fear No Darkness'? Do all your stories follow on from each other? If so, I take it that Elrohir survived the orc battle.


Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/15/2004
As always with your stories, this is getting more and more complicated! Poor Eomer is (unintentionally) causing all sorts of problems; and Legolas and the twins are intentionally causing problems! What was in the wrap Elladan gave his brother? I assume they're intending to drug poor Elfwine to get rid of him.

I love Legolas's plan to set the twins up as potential assassins!


Author Reply: The assassin plot is a bit of a stretch, I realize, but I've already stretched the characters several different ways and I figured one more stretch wouldn't be TOO bad. I enjoy what happens because of it, at least. As for what Elladan gave Elrohir...well, you should find out what's in it in two chapters, because that's when we'll meet up with Elrohir and Elfwine again. Elladan *might* say something about it next chapter, but he's going to be having his hands full with other things, so it's unlikely.

Oh, and to answer your question about "Fear No Darkness," yes, this does take place ten years after that story. So you can safely assume that Elrohir survives FND (although "survives" is such a relative term). I stated somewhere else that both Elladan and Elrohir live, so don't worry about them TOO much.

elf-girlReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/25/2004
please update soon. I'm anxious to know how would this story finish.

Author Reply: Believe it or not, the next chapter is actually halfway done. So it shouldn't be *too* long before we see an update!

DanielleReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/10/2004
loving the story i thought u had given up on the story as it was a long time beofre u updated.Aragorn's, Eomer and Arwen i went to see more of them as i love that part of the story.Keep up the good work and hope u update soon plez

Author Reply: No, I certainly hadn't given up on this story. Updates might take a long time, but I've invested too much into these things to give up on them now. There are rather lengthy sections already written out that have yet to appear, and I need to work them in. So hang in there. I'm not the fastest writer, but I do get around to things eventually!

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/1/2004
Great chapter, Thundera! I know you are away, but I am going to leave a review anyway-a nice treat for when you return.

That was a very funny chapter. Elfwine is absolutely adorable. He acts much older, though, than his nine years of age. Perhaps his parentage is a factor? It will be interesting to read about his persuasion of the healers. Poor thing, it will be a bit of a shock once he realizes what had happened to his father.

Have I said how happy I am that Imrahil found Merry? Once Merry recovers he should be very grateful to the Prince of Dol Amroth. I thought the pounding he heard on the wall was his headache-but apparently it was Legolas! And there's another problem. Those two wandering the passageways seperately is not a good idea, as Gimli belatedly realized. I wonder who will win the contest? I am guessing that neither shall, and Aragorn will discover where his son had been all day after all.

I hope you enjoy(ed) your well deserved vacation! Keep writing and I can't wait for an update!

Author Reply: Many thanks for the treat to return to. Loved it!

Ah, Elfwine. Yes, I realized about halfway through writing the chapter that I'd made him sound much older than nine, but he is the crown-prince and it's my belief that the Rohirrim learn to grow up quickly. On the subject of Legolas and Gimli, your prediction of the outcome of their contest is dead on. Aragorn's involvement, though...well, let's just say that he's going to have other things to worry about. Things that aren't even related to Eomer and Arwen.

Hiro-tyreReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/29/2004
I have a document containing the most amusing quotes that I have ever read in fanfiction saved to both my school and home computers. This story has by far the most entries on the list. I love you, Thundera-sama. The brilliance of your brain is quite blinding. One thing in particular that I admire? Many fics portray Gimli as becoming more elvish. You portray Legolas as becoming more dwarvish. I dearly love this.

Author Reply: *beams* Really? That makes me warm and tingly all over. I got into your quote list. Yea! I actually keep a quote list of my own for amusing quotes from movies, tv, novels, and fanfiction, so to end up on someone else's is quite an honor. Thank you! As for Legolas becoming dwarvish, it struck me as a natural step. Gimli had to adapt in order to become friends with Legolas, and it stands to reason that the reverse was also true.

fadagaskiReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/27/2004
Heehee! I love this story, because it makes me laugh in a subtle way - not like a great honking over-blown parody, if you see what I mean? So between Merry's drunken meanderings and the fight between Gimli and Legolas, I've been quietly chuckling away. Hooray for new chapters!

I can feasibly see both Legolas becoming utterly lost, and him reaching the nursery before Gimli. And standing there like a bemused cat that just got into the cream. Hehehe.

I want to see what Aragorm will make of Elfwine. And what Elfwine will make of his father. Heehee!

(Have a nice holiday!)

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your compliments about the type of humor. There are plenty of parodies out there and some of them are outlandishly funny (Bryn, CNell, Cassie, and Kielle come to mind as excellent parody writers) but to my mind, the genre is slightly overdone. And some of the parodies are just inane. So I wanted to try a more realistic kind of humor. It's exagerated a bit, I'll give you that, but I really wanted something that could almost fit into canon if one gave it a good push.

As for Legolas and Gimli, the outcome of their little race might surprise you. I know it surprised me when I was still working out the story's outline. And Elfwine still has a ways to go before he ever reaches the Houses of Healing.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/26/2004
Oh, Thundera, this is just hilarious! How do you keep all the threads straight? I'm having a hard time -- oh, wait, maybe it's the fumes from the Elven wine?

LOL! And Eowyn with the Rider holding the gelding tool... still grinning from that!

Hope all is well with you, and thanks for such a funny story!

- Barbara

Author Reply: The threads are kept straight through means of a very large, very strict outline. Otherwise this story would go completely nuts. Well, not that it isn't already, but you get my meaning... Anyway, keep away from that elven wine. You'll want to be awake for what's coming next. Thanks for the review!

danielleReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/19/2004
When are you going to update its been months and i really want to read more of this story

Author Reply: My apologies. I'm currently working on several projects, some of which aren't connected to fanfiction at all and some of which are, and it's taking me some time to get back around to certain fics. I haven't abandoned it, I can promise you that. It's just taking a while, so please be patient with me! And once again, I am sorry! I really do feel bad about making people wait.

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/12/2004
Again, I loved every bit of that story. Aragorn's continuing dark mood (someone has to give him a thorough shake or whatever is necessary that his sense of humour finds its way back), Éowyn's annoyance at Aragorn for drugging her brother, Arwen's amusement, the Rohirric sense of humour, Imrahil being stuck with a drunken Hobbit (yes, I see what you meant with 'unusual partnerships'), the brothers El going to find our what happened to their horses ... much potential for further mischief. Though if poor Aragorn will find out that his son has escaped his assigned guardians he will explode (especially if he finds out who his new guardians are ...)

You see, I still enjoy the story and I have no worries that I will continue to do so.


Author Reply: Ah, the potential for trouble looms large, but I think people may be surprised by what starts happening next. You see, not even the obviously planned can be expected to turn out aright. At least, that's my thinking for this fic. Ah well. But I am in total agreement that Aragorn needs a good shake. And he'll get it eventually, but for the moment, he's stuck dealing with a rather infatuated Rohirric king. As for unusual partnerships...well, they're going to abound in this fic. War makes for strange bedfellows, after all, and we'll see that more and more as the fic goes on.

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