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Sweet Woodbine  by Bodkin 16 Review(s)
FireReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/8/2006
Finally the missing elves have come, even if Thranduil was wondering if they were heading the right way :)
The way you described the way the elves already in the Blessed Realm now that they where coming was so beautiful, just like the arrival at the dock.
The anticipation of all gathered there was so well writen it was palpable.
I loved Thranduil's reaction at seeing Elerrina, as wel as Taryatur reaction to that reaction :)
This story really has so much going for it, please just keep it coming.

Author Reply: I think Thranduil - and Celeborn - would have remained torn right up until the last moment, not sure whether they were doing the right thing. Looking on it, perhaps, as a betrayal of the forests of their home.

Elves are, I believe, connected to their spouses and their children/parents in such a way that the breaking - or maybe suspension - of that link while one is is Ennor and the other in Aman is actually quite painful. Its resumption once the new arrival is on the Straight Path must have let the other know that it was time to head to the docks.

Thranduil had a few minutes, whilst watching from the ship, to realise how things stood, but I like to think that a lot of his reaction was just instinctive - family stuff ... the beloved of my son is my daughter - regardless. Taryatur doubtless thinks he did it on purpose just to be aggravating!

I'm glad you're enjoying the story. The next chapter is started, but hasn't yet got very far and it's a busy weekend.... But still, sometimes it just begs to be written. More soon. Well, fairly soon!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/8/2006
This is a very bittersweet chapter - the joy of reunion is tempered by the fragility of those who have arrived. The best moment of all? Thranduil's instant and complete acceptance of Elerrina. That was wonderful - and made even better by Taryatur's dismay! I liked Legolas instinctively knowing that his father was arriving - it's nice of the Valar to notify the next-of-kin so they can be there as the ship docks!

I know this is Legolas's story - but I wish we could have seen more of the twins, and their reunion with their parents.


Author Reply: Very Thranduil. He must have made up his mind while standing there watching Legolas worry - and he won't go back on it.

But they are frail - I have this last group of arrivals hanging on so long that they only managed to sail by the skin of their teeth. It will take them a while to recover.

Valar-mail! But if the separation of Ennor and Aman makes spouses, parents / children deaf to their subtle bonds, taking the Straight Path might well revive them - and the awareness of the presence of one who had been missing would be enough notification.

I don't think the twins can be too present here - they will take over too much. Maybe they need an arrival story of their own.

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/8/2006
Hi, I was so happy to see this update and to see that finally Thranduil and Celeborn and the twins have sailed. Such dedication such determination how lovely it was to hear the words and thoughts of Thranduil and Celeborn as they sailed
And Legolas, Celebrian, Elrond and Galadriel suddenly realising that their loved ones are coming
Thank goodness Elerrina had her brother with her and thank goodness Legolas had her with him as he waited for Adar
And Thranduil's arrival how typical of the king to be so aggravating as to accept on first sight his son's choice of wife, of course I'm betting he will have rather more to say when he gets Legolas alone!!!
A wonderful chapter that had me smiling and wanting to know more (subtle hint!!!)

Author Reply: Thranduil and Celeborn - and the twins and Glorfindel - put off sailing for some 300 years after Arwen's death in my interpretation of this world, by which time the lands east of the sea were becoming numb to the voices of elves. To have their loved ones there to reach them, I reckon that those bonds between spouses and parents/children must have become aware of their missing family members - probably about the time they started on the Straight Path. It must have been a very emotional time - I'm glad Legolas had Elerrina's support there. And that Elerrina had her brother! (Taryatur must have been very reluctant to agree to this - but, give him his due, he did!)

If Legolas was aware of Thranduil, it must have worked in reverse, too. Thranduil must have felt Legolas's attachment and his uncertainty - and it is typical of him to welcome his son's chosen one. Of course, he might have his doubts later - but I don't think he'd admit to them!

More soon. Although the next chapter hasn't got very far yet!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/8/2006
Thranduil is one of a kind. "My daughter." Just like that. *sigh*

Author Reply: He made a very quick judgment there. Of course, he had been watching them from the ship from the very first moment he could pick them out. And I imagine he is as aware of his son as Legolas is of him.

Bur yes. Instant approval. I imagine Legolas's emotions flared then like Mithrandir's fireworks.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/8/2006
I love Thranduil's intensity and singlemindedness. This is clearly an Elf who has survived thousands of years by focusing on one goal at a time and never letting himself waver until he's achieved it. It'll be a tough thing for him to adjust to a more measured, leisurely way of life. But I have no doubt that he will relax with the same focus and intensity that he brings to everything else in his life.

And he made quite the statement there with Elerrina. Thranduil has a sharp eye, and he sure knows what's good for him.

Litheredh, on the other hand. . . he seems like he's been the fall guy once too often.

Author Reply: Thranduil has had problem piled on problem for centuries - millennia - and has developed a style for dealing with them that is very different from the Blessed Realm's slow debate and gradual evolution. He's pretty raw at the moment and in need of rest and recuperation - and then he would, I think, descend into boredom. Except, of course, then the West becomes a possibility and a whole new realm of activity opens up to him.

I think he decided he didn't care about any of the peripherals. Legolas loved Elerrina and that was enough for him. He wants family - and happy family, too.

Litheredh is doing OK. He's beginning to think much more like a leader of elves. Not sure that was his intention, but hey...

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/8/2006
Geez, I love Thranduil. "Daughter." Ha! Take that, you prejudiced Noldo!

And I'm a little embarrassed to say I also like the sexual tension between Legolas and Elerrina. I think they need to get married soon or they're going to explode.

Author Reply: Thranduil is prepared to make quick decisions - and I think he is very raw at the moment and very open to his son's emotions. And family is important to him. He may well have spotted the complications later - but I think he would still have thrown his support behind them.

And sexual tension is just so much more satisfying than resolution ... They will have to hang on a little longer. My timeline is only vague and I'm not checking it very thoroughly - but I recall Elladan and Elrohir have to have been around long enough to be pretty recovered. And Elladan gets married first. But - in elven terms - it won't be too long now.

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