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Thranduil's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 69 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/17/2006
Poor old Alfirin. She always gets exactly what she wants. On the bright side, there are times when she makes Ithilden look relaxed, and that's quite a feat.

Sinnarn is just a natural target, isn't he?

I love the idea of Beliond and Maltanaur and Thranduil all being kids together. It's great that Thranduil can trust them with his own kids, and it makes for some interesting glimpses of Thranduil's younger, more frat-boy-like days. And it's probably what keeps Beliond and Maltanaur from doing the natural thing and wringing the necks of Legolas and Eilian. . . who are, of course, doing the natural thing and laughing themselves silly at the sight of Beliond and Maltanaur all locked up.

But the best line of the whole story was this one: “I suppose he could have picked the lock,” Maltanaur said.

“You really have to be suspicious of a Man who would do such a thing,” Beliond said. He pulled his dagger out of his boot and set to work picking the lock.  It sprang free, and he pulled the door open.

A little bit of irony goes so far in seasoning farce.

Thranduil is great here, just calm and cool and completely in control. I think he's the only one who remembered that the day is a party and that people are supposed to be having fun.

Author Reply: I too like the idea of Beliond, Maltanaur, and Thranduil being kids together. I can imagine all sorts of good times! And I've always thought that Thranduil named Beliond as Legolas's keeper as much for Beliond's sake and Legolas's. He knew Beliond needed to come in from the cold and be around people again. Too bad for Legolas he was the one who had to coax Beliond around. He didn't know that was part of the deal.

I giggled about that lock picking thing too. I repeated it to my husband and even he laughed and he never reads my stuff or anything.

I suspect the rillium flingers were having fun in a twisted kind of way.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/17/2006
Oh I love Nalden already. He is a cutie. I have to admit, I was really worried what Sinnarn was planning with those shovels until I saw they were searching for the Mirkwood equivilent of truffles. Hehehe--his friends are going to think both he and Thranduil are crazy for eating them. I was also really worried that nosey Eman might get himself locked up or stuck in the cave (it would serve him right). I loved Sinnarn's reactions to that whole situation: Mannish Rubbish. Thranduil would have loved that. But Eman's reactions to elves had me rolling! I really hope he figured out his mistake with Eilian. He richly deserves the embarrassment.

Hehehe--I wonder what Helad was doing. I love Beliond. He is truly my favorite of your characters.

Author Reply: Beliond looks confused but says, "Thank you." Then he wanders off to figure out what he's doing wrong. :-)

Eman made me laugh. I've been wanting to write that about begetting days for a long time now. When I'm writing only about elves, they seem so normal to themselves that it's hard to make them seen anything other than human, so it was fun to have a human look at them and roll his eyes.

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/16/2006
I loved coming home to an update on this story. :) Sinnarn is trying so hard to be sweet to his grandfather, but I suspect all may not go as planned. I almost feel sorry for Alfirin. Well, I would feel sorry for her if it wasn't so dang funny!

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Gwyn. I liked writing about Sinnarn's love for his grandfather. Thranduil needs that, I think. Sinnarn is sort of a complicationg free zone for him. He doesn't have to raise him, just enjoy him.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/16/2006
Delicious. Unlike the rilliums. Which sound rather like the durian fruit. I love it that Sinnarn's affection for his grandfather is powerful enough to make him try them. And that he is prepared to dig up the stinking things and take them back as a gift. (I hope Thranduil is so pleased that he cooks a few to share with the Men of Esgaroth and Dale. They would be delighted by the honour done to them... Wouldn't they?)

I love Nalden tagging along behind Calylad and Sinnarn, too. And young admirers have their uses! Let me see. Padlock. I wonder if Legolas's recently acquired skills might prove useful somehow. Although he really doesn't want his adar finding out about them.

And Mannish rubbish!! Sinnarn definitely hasn't attended tact school. Even Uncle Eilian can manage more subtlety than that!

This when he approached Calylad and Nalden, they did not flinch, so he assumed he was clean enough was just so funny! I don't know why it cracked me up even more than the rest, but it did.

Eman of Esgaroth is lucky not to have Beliond on his tail. He doesn't seem to pack a great deal of diplomatic skill when dealing with Thranduil's close family - but then, in a way, it's not surprising he's shaking his head at the general weirdness of elves. He's hilarious over the begetting day thoughts, too. And never likely to be illuminated over the answers, because there are some questions you just don't ask.

Beliond was a little frightening. Yeah. Like water is a little wet. And liquid nitrogen is a little cold.

Great stuff. Looking forward to more. And in hope that Beliond looks at you with that expression and demands that you detail lots more of Mirkwood's history.

Author Reply: Durian! I was trying to think of the name of that fruit. Yes. I thought of the rilliums as kind of a cross between the durian and truffles.

It made me happy just to write that Sinnarn loved his grandfather. You know Thranduil just basks in that.

I got all excited when I realized that Maltanaur's grandson and Calith's son were not too far from Sinnarn in age. I think either you or Dot pointed that out to me first. Poor Calith. Nalden is such a sweetie.

I figure Eman is a member of an elected Trade Council in Esgaroth, just doing this temporarily. Sort of like presidents appointing their businessman buddies to be ambassadors to all the fun countries. Although I don't know how much fun Eman is having. And you're so right. He's never going to ask to be enlightened about begetting days! You have to admit, that whole concept is a little odd. What was Tolkien thinking?

IdhrenielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/15/2006
"Beliond was a little frightening." Hahaha this line made me laugh a lot! I just imagine who Beliond looked like when he passed by the man.
So, beloved Thranduil likes stinking mushrooms? Men are so curious, more curious than children? I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: Beliond is a pretty scary guy, as Legolas would tell you. He has to spend all his time on duty with him!

ScarlettPendragonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/15/2006
Hi DAW!!

OMG!! You're back!! (**Glomps on and Hugs DAW**)

And with a fantastic new story - I cannot wait to see what Eman comes up with to complete with "Helad's" odoriferous gift!! And I love that even the less perceptive humans can sense just how scary Beliond is!! LOL

And Chapter 1!! I see Eilian is being his usual michevious self - I'm sure he'll manage to get in even more trouble before the end of the story!! And what was Legolas thinking?! I know he didn't really want to talk to the poor girl, but belching at her (clearly he didn't pick up all his bad habits from Gimli!)!?! He can thank the Valar that Thranduil (or Alfirin!) didn't catch him!!

OMG!! I can't even express the joy I felt at reading this story!! This is like meeting up with friends you haven't seen in a while, but whom you pick up with where you left off with immediately - it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! I am looking forward to more chapters - I'm just hoping nothing bad happens to Nalden in the next one!!

Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!!


Author Reply: LOL. Hi, Scarlett.

I'm having fun with this story, although it's only one more chapter after this.

Legolas and Eilian both have been behaving in ways Adar might not approve of. And poor Alfirin. She has this all male household and she just wants things to be NICE. LOL. They do what she says, but they can't help themselves. They're male.

I'm so glad you're enjoying this.

emjoReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/15/2006
As much as I like this story I would like to hear more about this family camping trip. Camping with Thranduil, Legolas and all the other fine members of the house of Oropher, count me in! Anyway another great chapter I can't wait to see what happens next.

Author Reply: As much as I like this story I would like to hear more about this family camping trip

It's happened before that I mention something in a story and people say, "Tell that story!" I mentioned the mice in the palace in "Tangled Web," and then wound up writing that story in "Legolas's Begetting Day." And then in "Legolas's Begetting Day," I mentioned that he had once been separated from his family in the woods and wound up writing that in "All Those Who Wander." So this could go on forever!

I'm glad you liked it, emjo.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/15/2006
Oh, this story is such a delight! You have left us with so many opportunities to imagine the different possibilities that it's impossible not to laugh at things that you haven't even written. Does that make sense?!

Sinnarn can outdo even Eilian in getting into mischief. It's amazing how one generation's difference can make Thranduil accept so readily everything, good or bad, that Sinnarn does and yet the king would pull at his every hair if Eilian had pulled the same antics. But then my own father is like that so I shouldn't be surprised.

I really had visions of Eman of being locked in the cave with those smelly rillium and thus starting a war between the Wood Elves and Esgaroth. The head-scratching over the idea of a begetting day by Eman had me sputtering over my keyboard.

I hope you have more of Beliond coming up. I miss the grumpy old bear and would love to see him carrying on in the role as the Mirkwood intimidator of Men.

Thank you for such an entertaining chapter!

Author Reply: Hey, if you want to imagine scenes and laugh at them, I'm thrilled! I do that all the time with stories I like.

Thranduil and Sinnarn have a close relationship that is precious to them both, I think. It pleased me to have Sinnarn think about how he loved his grandfather. And Legolas and Eilian must sometimes look at one another and roll their eyes. Indeed, I know they do. :-)

I too scratch my head a little about the idea of a begetting day. What are they thinking??? Beliond will be present in the last chapter. How could I do without him? After all, what we have here is a cave with a lock.

DotReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/15/2006
Beliond is hysterical! He isn’t even bothering to be discreet any more, just stalking around after hapless Helad.

How adorable is it that Nalden trails after the other two?! It reminds me that part in Bodkin’s story when Siondel tells Emmelin how Sinnarn used to follow Legolas and Annael around. Nalden seems like a sweet kid. I do hope he’s not going to end up in trouble…

What I love most about this is how much Sinnarn obviously loves his grandfather. Even though I’d personally prefer someone show their love for me in a less smelly manner. And they’ve even been on a camping trip! Hilarious image of Thranduil calmly slicing stinky mushroom thingies and the guards backing away in horror :-D So, Sinnarn is planning on giving them to Thranduil uncooked and pongy?? LOL. Oh well, I suppose the cook would have to prepare them if the king ordered it. What’s Sinnarn done with the original contents of the bag anyway?

Eman isn’t Esgaroth’s chief diplomat, is he? Because he’s as obvious as Beliond juggling knives in a Dale marketplace. I just loved the whole part with him trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s just priceless. When you look at it from his point of view, elves are a bit odd! The scene with him looking in the bag had me in stitches, along with him pondering the ‘elven delicacy.’ And after Sinnarn going to the trouble of hiding it, Eman just drops the bag and legs it out of the cave. This poor guy is not having a good time in the Woodland Realm. And apparently, neither is Helad. For a moment, Eman almost felt sorry for the man from Dale. Beliond was a little frightening. ROTFL!

The child was too young to worry about. Ah now, see that coupled with him telling Sinnarn that he can count on him has me worried. But actually, I don’t mind what happens – I’m just thoroughly enjoying watching them all! I do love a good laugh :-)

Author Reply: Beliond operates on the principle that if Helad knows he's there, he won't try anything. And the poor man is a little rattled!

I thought of that line in Bodkin's story too, the one where Alfirin worried that they would go off and forget Sinnarn someplace and he was her greatest treasure. I love that story.

My favorite line in this chapter was the one where Sinnarn thinks it took all his love for his grandfather to make him eat the thingies. Thanduil needs that, I think. There's a special tie between these two that they each value. The thingies shouldn't have been pongy because they shouldn't have been cut into yet, but the shovels nicked them and they've been tossed around a bit since then.

I figure Eman is a member of the Trade Council in Esgaroth and as I recalled they elected their officials. So he's probably some merchant doing this for a stretch of time. Poor guy. He'll have tales to tell when he gets home. And no one is going to make him eat those things!

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/15/2006
Oh what a lovely dance you are leading all of us, such complicated steps we have to follow to try and keep up with the elven shenanigns.
Does Thranduil have any idea of all that is going on around him or is he determinedly keeping his head below the parapet and letting them all get on with it.
Sinnarn is so sure his gift will be welcome but I am beginning to wonder especially since he doesn't think the cook would enjoy having it in his kitchen, I do like Nalden he seems destined to grow up just like his father I do hope we see more of him again.
As for the two men no wonder they are confused and anxious, Beliond following you around is enough to spook anyone
I can't wait to read the next part although I echo the words of another reviewer it is a double edge sword since that means we reach the end of the story
I do believe Afirin will have her wish about this being a begetting day Thranduil will never forget!

Author Reply: I have to admit I hesitated a little when I started laying this story out because I knew I would be jumping around a lot from character to character and as I say, there's a cast of thousands. So I was afraid it would be confusing. But then I decided I didn't care! LOL. It was too tempting.

At the moment, Thranduil is trying to convince the men to do as he wants and ally with him and one another. The other thing he's doing is whatever Alfirin tells him, which I think is wise in a situation like this. She's like a general arranging her troops. Of course, she doesn't know what some of the troops are up to.

Glad you liked it!

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