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Crickhollow March 1420  by Anso the Hobbit 46 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/20/2006
Pippin certainly had a great deal to explain and in a very short time. I do hope Frodo receives word of this and comes as fast as he can. It looks as if Merry will need both of his cousins and his parents to get through this time!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/18/2006
Oh, dear, another problem? Just when things are finally looking up? Oh, dear.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/18/2006
Safe to wake, now. Poor Merry, caught with the pain of his own memories, recognizing Frodo's headed into his own as well, but remaining in Buckland to be by his mother when he'd wish to be able to be by Frodo's side for his time of need.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/18/2006
Finally able to catch up a bit.

Poor Merry, caught indeed in the memories of a year past. Now to call him out of it.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 8/18/2006
Oh my. It was going so splendidly up until that last sentence!

I love your Esme. She is such a warm, loving and supportive mother, and her thoughts and tenderness for her son are shown so beautifully.

I also love the encounter with Pippin.

That is one of the things I like the most about your stories, Anso, is all the love and heart they show. Even through sorrow and angst there is joy and comfort underneath, because all know they are loved and valued.

EstellaBReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/9/2006
This is really goo, so far :) Please continue

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/7/2006
Good old Pippin watching over his beloved Merry. I so love dream scenes! The desert and inner thoughts are limitless. Very good!


PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/30/2006
So many people are helping our Merry--how wonderful! I'd like to read more of his dream, I rather like them. I'm odd in that way.


PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/29/2006
Wow...poor Merry! Poor Esmeralda...! Merry's succumbing to the darkness is going to be interesting. I'm looking forward to more of that (I sound sadistic, don't I?).

Mmmm! Those Sun Buns sound delicious! :-)


PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/24/2006
Oh i do wish there will be more! i love your h/c--glad that Merry is back... :) I love Pippin's concern and Saradoc for being so strong for Pippin as well. I thought (in my little version of things...) there would be more angst before Merry is saved. :) But i liked this a lot too.
And also--will we hear from Frodo? Since Pippin did send out a letter to him about Esme's condition and such.
I hope there will be more. :)

Author Reply: This is not the end, by all means. And don't worry, there will be angst. Lots of it too if the muse cooperates. :D

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