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A Woodland Prince  by Bodkin 18 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
Holy Cow, Bodkin! This is absolutely incredible! All the different views of Legolas is really a great way to capture who he was. And I think you really did that here.

I love the way you framed this with Laerwen's thoughts and in particular he had become great – and he had no idea of it. That was a really cool device. And I like how they progressed through his life.

But most of all I loved the aspects of Legolas that you caught with these. It's hard to say which on I like the best--I like Galion's view of lost little Legolas and the elleth's view of him. I thought including the orc's view of him was a really clever idea. But I really loved the one you did for Elrond. I'm amazed at how much of Elrond's decision you packed into 100 words. Amongst the Fellowship, it was Pippin's view that struck me most. I so see Legolas in the Fellowship as Pippin did there. And I loved Frodo's view--it brought tears to my eyes. So did: This quest would tear that from him – and he would accept it as the price he must pay for the greening of the forest. But I think I loved Eldarion's the most--he seems to look on Legolas very much the same way I do.

And I liked what some of these showed not only about Legolas but about the POV characters as well. Like: Elrond’s son had begrudged him his place in the party that left Imladris, but had to concede – his adar had been right to send him. I thought that was cool. And: A wise man – not that he would claim the name – took care not to interfere with the workings of fate.

I just loved these, Bodkin--I'm amazed at how complete a picture you've created through these drabbles.

Author Reply: Thank you, elliska - I did enjoy writing them, although at one point I didn't think it would ever end as more and more people kept coming out the woodwork and insisting they wanted their 100 words!

Laerwen was there for his earliest years and then missed the next thousand or so before they met again in the west - so she framed the other perceptions of him. They were written very much out of order - Elrond's was one of the earliest, whereas Eldarion's was only followed by the twins and Laerwen's second one. Some of them changed a good bit, too - but Elrond's remained almost word for word the same all the way through.

You're right - the thoughts reflected the personality of those thinking them, too. Frodo's responsibility was very different from Pippin's recognition of a like spirit - Gandalf and Elrond felt guilty, Galadriel regretful. Elladan - now he was at the battle front - could acknowledge Legolas's place. To Eldarion he was a constant in his life - one to whom he was a surrogate son.

I'm pleased you think these make a good set. I'm tempted to go and write some more!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
Oh wow, Bodkin. This was great. I loved these views of Legolas, showing change over time and the feelings he evoked in different people. And the nice framing of the first and last ones worked well. Did you like writing in this form? How did it feel?

Author Reply: Thank you, daw! I don't know that I could have coped with writing a single drabble. 27 of them, on the other hand - gave enough potential for developing a story too. Legolas's naneth made a good character for framing the set - there for the beginning and again in the Blessed Realm, but missing all the action along the way. It was fun - drabbles are like poems, in a way. They have the potential for over-indulging in imagery, which I try to control on the whole. And it wasn't as confining as I thought it might be!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
That was a lot of fun to read. Especially all at once, where one can really get a sense of all the changing perspectives and all the lives that one person can touch.

Author Reply: Thank you FP. I rather enjoyed the confinement of 100 words - but only when set in a series where I could have as many people as I liked! And changing the perspective and trying to imagine how each of them might have seen Legolas made for a very interesting time.

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
Oh, wow! These are fantastic. As I read I kept thinking, oh this is my favourite one. Then I’d read the next one and think, no wait – this is! I love the way you’ve written them so that we can follow the story of his life, even if it is through the eyes of others. I feel kind of sorry for the elleth who fancies him :-) It’s fascinating to see the different viewpoints and I really like at so many of the speakers discover new depths to Legolas. I think the ones that stood out for me are Elrond, Sam, Éowyn. Oh, and both of Gimli’s. I also love that you started and finished with Laerwen – and for all she feels she never had the chance to know him, she can still see him most clearly. I am very glad you decided to give drabbles a go because these are amazing – and once again I’m left astonished at your talent.

Author Reply: Thank you, Dot. They were great fun to do. And it was very satisfying to pop back and put another one in as someone else occurred to me! Eowyn, for example, came quite late on, whereas the Elrond one was about third or fourth to be written. I enjoyed the change in Gimli's attitude, too - and his protectiveness at the end. Laerwen made a good frame for it - there at the beginning of his life and meeting him again once he had settled in the west, yet missing all that came in between.

The elleth who fancied him - she moved on to fancy somebody else and discover the difference between attraction and love. And she was really, really happy. The orc, on the other hand, fell foul of one of those arrows and never did get a chance to revenge himself on Legolas.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
You have outdone yourself here! Every single one is like poetry, beautiful and descriptive. I'm impressed. Really. I'm not the biggest drabble fan around, but I have to say, these were wonderful. In fact, I think I'll read them again.

Thanks, Bodkin. I enjoyed reading. I've always known what a good writer you are, but I'm blown away by how much richness you got out of a hundred words. Okay, I'll stop gushing. Next thing you know I'll be sending flowers and candy to bribe you for more.


Author Reply: I don't read drabbles all that much - while individually very beautiful at times, it's hard to get much of a story into them. However, if you write 27 on the same topic ...

Thank you Karen - I am delighted you enjoyed them. It was an excellent excuse to indulge in that overly rich, double-chocolate-chip imagery I try to keep under control!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
These are magnificent. There's no way to pick a favorite, or even highlight the best passages, because I'd be copying the whole thing. Well done.

Author Reply: Thank you, I'm glad you liked them. I have to admit I kept changing my mind about which one I liked best!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
These are wonderful, Bodkin. I love them all, but I think my favourites are Gimli's first musing (great list of epithets!) and Galion's. I really like his observation of the bond between father and son that quite clearly saved them both from despair.

I liked the way you started and ended with Laerwen's view - it was a good way to wrap up the series.

As I said before - welcome to the wonderful world of drabbling! I declare you an official member.

Author Reply: Thank you, Jay. I think Gimli must have spent a lot of his time on the march coming up with rhythmic and rude things to call Legolas! And I love the change in his attitude towards Legolas. He became such a defender of his elf. And Galion was interesting - an outside/insider's view. And, considering why some elves faded and some didn't, I reckon it must be down to the needs of the living. Laerwen framed the set nicely. I thought about not naming her - but it seemed pointless not to just for the sake of only using canon names!

I still think I can only drabble in quantity, though!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/5/2006
All lovely but I enjoyed Arwen the most for some reason. I admire drabbles very much as I can never manage to do them. This was lovely:

(Only he remained unchanged: a rock in the river rushing past him, holding still against the wearing of the water. He eased her heart – he, at least, would remain.)


Author Reply: Thank you! Note that I couldn't do a drabble - but had to make it 27 of them!

I'm glad you like the Arwen one - I confess that I like the river image too. It seemed to catch what I feel about the wearing on Legolas of his time spent among men.

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