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A Fire Long Kindled by Nilmandra | 24 Review(s) |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2005 |
I love Glorfindel and Celebrian's relationship. They're like the best kind of brother and sister - and they conspire against Elrond in a most delightful way. Love the romantic, rose-scented set-up - and the fact that Elrond was sufficiently clued-up on her machinations to be .... prepared under his Lord of Imladris robes. Absolutely gorgeous. And I'm so glad to see that the gilt hasn't worn off the gingerbread - they can still drive each other to a frenzy with a touch .... and, of course, to so much more than a frenzy with a little more. It's just perfect that it's Gil-galad's begetting day. It makes a wonderful link between the generations. Although the complication of 3/32nds-worth of Man, combined with the complication of being twins makes it unlikely that the pregnancy will last a full year. The instant knowledge of conception is so elf-like - and I'm fascinated by the confusion they feel as the - is it a zygote at the moment? - implants and splits. It would be bewildering - not really there and not ready to make contact. Totally disconcerting for both of them. I love even Elrond and Celebrian being subject to the traumas and insecurities of first time parents. It's also great that Galadriel and Celeborn can come in and set their minds at rest so easily. The family references and recollections are lovely. What a time of joy. Author Reply: I like the idea that Elrond has this group of people who loved him this much. To be that powerful and good, and to have had all those losses .. well, clearly something had to outweight that stuff. The zygote implants at day 3-5 and the 'twinning' happens at 4-12 days, and I admit I got a bit hung up about when the fea would be identifiable and what it would be like when the cells divided to become twins. Did the fea split? Were there two fea the whole time? It was interesting to think about and could become a whole chapter in itself! | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2005 |
How fascinating to think about how brand-new twin spirits would cause such confusion in everyone... and how half-human twins might not be born at the same time as fully elven twins! Wonderful concepts in a wonderful story. Author Reply: I got rather tied up in trying to reconcile elven control of conception over what we know about human conception, since obviously humans and elves could procreate together. And it allowed for a bit of angst... and Elrond and angst/sorrow seem to go hand in hand :/ | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2005 |
Very nice ending. You always think of such interesting questions, like this one about the fea of an identical twin. I advise the parents to be to get as much sleep as they can now. Author Reply: Poor Celebrian is either going to be falling asleep or hungry for the next year, I think. This was fun. | |
Levade | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2005 |
There is nothing like a tale that makes you smile and feel good, and this is one of those. I want to go back and review each chapter but I did want to say thank you for writing such a "leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy" (and jealous of Celebrian!) story. Your Imladris feels like a very real place and who wouldn't want to be there? :D Thanks for sharing their love story. Author Reply: Warm and fuzzy is good... I admit I was more than that trying to write it, since I readily admit that being Celebrian would fit in well with my fantasy! Glad you liked it. ;) | |