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All Shall Love Me and Despair  by Space Weavil 19 Review(s)
ElentariReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/10/2006
Look who's here, indeedy.

This is one of my favorite pieces of yours, along with Alliance and Bodysnatcher (I was kind of surprised to see you didnt like the last one as much as the others...) The What-If is very well depicted, and I enjoyed seeing the 'little people's view on this. Now Frodo and Sam are back to being simple hobbits, though they have had a great honor (that few will be appreciative of I suppose), and the members of the Fellowship will scatter. Or not. Am looking forward to seeing the next chapters, whenever your uni and original projects allow you to.

Author Reply: Bodysnatcher fights me tooth and claw for every chapter. My muses are just extremely bad tempered on that one, lol.

Thank you so much for your support though - especially with the Hobbity parts in this I was kind of nervous, since I've never tackled any Hobbits before really. Funny how with uni though, the more study I have, the more inclined I am to write fanfic...

Hope your course is going well

BMReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/13/2005
You have really captured my interest with this story! It is well written and I'm moving to the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next, especially since you already have Faramir involved ;)! And I can't wait to see what happens in Rohan! Will Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir go to Edoras? Will Gandalf meet up with them in Lothlorien? Will they all still be victorious at Helm's Deep? And will Minis Tirith manage to survive? Looking forward very much to more! Please update soon!

PS--I absolutely adored your "Fell Beast" stories, too. They were a hoot! You've got a great bit of talent going here, and thanks for sharing!

CarnenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2005
*is speechless again* Wow! What a chapter! I loved it, especially 'cause it focuses on the Hurin clan. You had me tense the whole time, almost shivering in expectation of the horrors sure to come. I can only hope that you'll have some mercy towards Gondor, at least towards Boromir, Faramir and Denethor if nobody else.
The first part was brilliant wonderfully showcasing the hopelessness of the situation. The calm acceptance of Celeborn was highly chilling and Boromir's insistence to help his people no matter what was touching. I just hope he won't be sent into his death, an even more hopeless death than before. I loved the comparison Boromir made; a small touch yet all the more poignant.
Poor Faramir. I dearly hope he won't loose the leg. You had me all a quiver wondering what will happen to him and whether he would make it back to Minas Tirith. Glad he did, if only to look at it one more time and be with his father.
The scene with Denethor in the Houses of Healing was simply heartbraking. It showed that he wasn't a brute as so many people think, merely overburdened with running the country, having little or no time to spend with his sons. It shows that he did love Faramir, even if he couldn't show it sometimes.
The Palantir scene was so chilling, I could almost hear Sauron's voice, leeching hope and giving spark to despair. I was glad to see that Denethor had sense in him yet in not believing the images. I really hope that the 'Boromir's body on display' thing won't happen. Really.
Now the only thing which has me wondering is what's happening with the others. Keep up the excellent work.
*is amazed still*,

CarnenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/11/2005
...*is speechless*... I don't believe this has been done before. Do continue it, it looks like it will be mighty interesting. Sent shivers up me spine, it did. I can't wait to see what will happen.
Poor Celeborn. Always second best. Let's hope Galadriel doesn't get so twisted by the Ring that she'll forget about him. Will Boromir die? I hope not, as there is now no point in his death. Loved the little scene between him and Aragorn. Prophetic dreams? I just hope the two of them will stop posturing.
Dear Sam, always getting to the heart of the problem. I think this'll be just the beginning of his worries, if they don't go to the Shire that is. Methinks that they will have a part to play yet, though.
The only thing that was missing was a glimpse of Gimli and Legolas. It wasn't that neccesary though, as the mood was perfecct without them., yes that's the word.
Hoping to see more soon,

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/10/2005
What a great (and scary) AU premise. I love all the foreboding and creepiness. I can't wait to see where this goes.

LevadeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/10/2005
This looks really intriguing. Galadriel and Celeborn are a team, and one would hope they would stay that way but with the Ring... I look forward to seeing where you take this story!

Nienor NinielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/10/2005
Very interesting set-up. I'm looking forward to seeing it develop.

AfterEverReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/10/2005
AUs have been on my mind lately, so I couldn't resist checking this one out. Interesting start! This will continue soon, I hope.

BejaiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/10/2005
Oh, now this looks interesting!

I've read some "Galadriel takes the ring" stories before, many of which forget Celeborn entirely, and in which she is instantly corrupted and evil. Something terrible has happened, I think, but it hasn't entirely overcome her. Yet? Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.

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