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On Being the Youngest  by Bodkin 31 Review(s)
AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
"If we’re going to sneak, we need to be people who can get by without being noticed. You can’t not notice Glorfindel."
LOL! "Pippish" is great - and true!

Author Reply: Glorfindel is just not not noticeable! Pippish - but right. Thank you. I reckon Elrond ended up with the right guys for the job!

SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
I enjoyed this very much! Interaction between Legolas and Pippin is so rare, and this is a lovely moment of them starting to get to know one another better. I really did love the "I'm a Wood Elf" and "I'm a Took" exchange :)

Author Reply: Thank you - I think Legolas and Pippin will have got on quite well - they both have a twinkle in their eyes. Hobbits, too, seem to have something akin to elvishness in their ability to disappear at will. They're both a credit to the Fellowship - I'll bet Elrond ends up very glad he chose them!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
What a delightful tale, Bodkin. I love how you've portrayed Pippin as young and enthusiastic, but not a child. And he has the shrewdness of a confident youth.

Legolas is also well done. I like that he's not confident of being a good choice for the Fellowship and can commiserate with Pippin about being the youngest. He shares Pippin mischievous nature and seems to accept that being youngest has its drawbacks and indeed, its privileges. The conversation about Glorfindel and the sons of Elrond was also a great touch. That flowed perfectly into Pippin's reasoning about why he and Legolas were good choices. Low profile is better than flash. Gandalf would be enough to draw attention to them.

I got a kick out of Pippin figuring out that everyone was looking for him and Legolas was part of the search party.

I enjoyed this. As always, you've done a great job of cutting the heart of the matter in few words, but those words carry a terrific punch.


Author Reply: Hobbits might not reach their majority until 33 - but Pippin is 28. (It'd be a bit like the coming of age at 21 days - no-one thought 18 too young to fight on the front line.) He might take advantage of getting away with being a tween, but he is an intelligent hobbit trained to take up a leadership role - he's not as green as he's cabbage-looking!

I don't see Legolas as having done a lot of travel. He's certainly not popping backwards and forwards to Imladris regularly - he is mainly a young (for an elf) warrior in Mirkwood. (Song title - How you gonna keep them down on the farm, now that they've seen Paree!) He knows that: he's good at that - but he is young, he knows his experience is not extensive and he's not a big-head. But he can see that Pippin has a point - what Elrond needs is low-profile, skilled supportive companions. After all, he's already got Mithrandir - and Aragorn - for any fancy stuff.

Pippin knows Merry - and Merry wouldn't have him disappear over mealtimes without demanding a search party. Legolas is obliging enough to volunteer.

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it - it was a bit of an impulse write. But fun.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
I really enjoyed this Bodkin. I am the eldest of two and a girl so I got the opposite problems.

You can’t not notice Glorfindel.’ I had to grin at this!

And Pippin'sperception that Legolas hadn't simply found him by chance was a wonderful twist at the end!

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it. Pippin's logic is very Pip-like! And at least he doesn't stay the youngest indefinitely. I think Legolas will remain the youngest until he finally makes it to the Blessed Realm - when he will probably be completely bemused by the over-abundance of elflings!

Glorfindel does have a . . . presence. He would be very hard to overlook.

And Pip knows that Merry would never let him disappear for hours without sending out a search party.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2005
Very sweet !

Author Reply: Thank you.

pippinrocksReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2005
loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author Reply: Thank you. It was fun!

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2005
Rather a nice take on pre-fellowship Legolas and Pippin. So strange to see our favorite archer uncertain, and our equally fav hobbit so sure of himself. All the fellowship carried responsibilities to kin, I suppose; so the choice of who went just get more and more interesting, really. Poor old Elrond must have wanted to run screaming out of the door after them just after they left, and been second guessing himself right up to the moment the ring went into the fire.
Most enjoyable Bod, and I hope you will be pleased to know that the muses have poked me with hook-like talons and squeezed the first few lines of the conclusion of my rather large arc out of me. It is called Coda, and probably will not be up until early December as Theresa has a large writing project on.
Thanks for the continued encouragement and chocolate.

Author Reply: I don't really see the Legolas-hopping-backwards-and-forwards-to-Imladris scenario. Too much going on in Mirkwood. Too big an age gap for him and the twins to be friends (yet). Imladris would, I think, seem quite alien to him - and almost indecently safe and prosperous. And his elders aren't just 50 years older than him. Some of them pre-date the sun! And he will remain the youngest until he goes to the Blessed Realm. Pippin - has the confidence of youth. And the confidence of the protected, too.

I really, really wouldn't have wanted Elrond's job of choosing the best people to go. Or his task of dealing with the fall-out afterwards. (Can you imagine Thranduil's delight?)

I'm so glad that the muses are dancing on your feet! And December's not long now - good, it gives me something to look forward to. Have more chocolate - it's brain-food!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2005
Which, of course, they did. Lovely ideas here, Bodkin; and the fool of a Took is showing the wisdom for which he will be reknowned.

Author Reply: Pippin is very observant, I think. Not always sensible, perhaps, but he is very young - and I think he has a skewed way of looking at things that can be incredibly useful. Legolas is fated to remain one of the youngest elves until he gets to the Blessed Realm - when he will be surrounded by those who are not only younger but also completely inexperienced (to him) in the evils of the world. (I wonder if dealing with mortals made him feel more mature. Or whether the speed of their lives just made him feel younger.)

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2005
I really liked young but not fluffy-headed Pippin, taking a little down-time to get away from all the business that isn't about him. The fact that Legolas can find common ground with him so easily probably answers the question of why Elrond might choose him for the quest. I never thought of Legolas as being the youngest anything before, but he and Pip seem to have bonded quite well over it.

Author Reply: Pippin is a clever hobbit - and the sort of person who looks at things from an angle, I think. Which actually means he would probably be quite useful to have around. Legolas is young enough - and has spent most of that time in Mirkwood fighting the incursions of the shadow - that he is very open to new experience. What is more, apart from a prejudice against dwarves, he has no baggage when it comes to dealing with men and halflings, which makes him a good candidate for the quest.

And Glorfindel is just too noticeable for the quest - and too powerful. Between him and Gandalf, all the rest would be doing was walk. Not helpful as far as the King coming into his own.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2005
This is wonderful! I found this through a link that Dreamflower had posted to her LJ and I am very pleased that she did. This has so much in it that I love. The fact that the tree was reluctant to give away Pippin's hiding place and the fact that Legolas is considered young among his people and the fact that Pippin knows Merry is searching for him. I loved the way Pippin went from being convinced that he wouldn't be allowed to go on the quest to convincing Legolas that maybe they both had a chance. That was so like Pippin! Great story!

Author Reply: I read Dreamflower on the fanon of Pippin and tree-climbing . . . but I somehow picture hobbits as being a little elven in their association with nature. They are good at being quiet and going unnoticed - and that goes with a sort of empathy with the world around them. And then, trees bear a lot of edible fruit and nuts - that would itself tempt hobbits to climb!

Can you imagine being the youngest when the elders were around before the sun rose? They would never really believe you were old enough to think for yourself. But Legolas is open to new experiences - like Pippin - which makes the pair of them good candidates.

Merry's concern about Pip's whereabouts is a pretty good indication of why he should go, too. Very protective!

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I don't do many stories with hobbits - but this just came!

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