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The Acceptable Sacrifice  by Larner 16 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 88 on 2/23/2006
Ooh, Frodo is fading fast. It looks like he's set himself one last goal to achieve -- to see Sam and Rosie's firstborn -- and then he'll be ready to sail. It looks like he's already made his decision about life. With the gentle prodding of Elladan, of course.

Author Reply: Frodo has set a goal to see Elanor born, but still isn't certain beyond that. He still is reluctant to give up his identity as a Hobbit of the Shire, but is also relucatant to remain to allow Sam to find him dead. In the end I think that will be one of the points that will help him decide.

And that Elladan would choose to come to Frodo to be by his side at the moment of current decision took me by surprise as it wrote itself into the story. (It's often a surprise when suth things happen, I find.)

utfrog98Reviewed Chapter: 88 on 2/23/2006
I just loved this chapter - all of it - the actions of Frodo, Sam, Elrond, Elladan, Arwen and Aragorn are so true to character and so beautifully expressed. Thank you.

Author Reply: Oh, it's nice to hear from you again, Utfrog98. And am so glad you feel all are true to character. I try, but find from time to time someone starts to slip out of it when I start writing, and it may take several rewrites before they come back to true again.

EndaewenReviewed Chapter: 88 on 2/23/2006
That was beautiful.

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so very glad you think so, Endaewen.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 88 on 2/23/2006
Oh, sheesh! My fingers are as dead as my brain now! I meant "hiding" not "hidning." I really should proofread all the time.

Yes, I know it's hard, and I've felt the urge myself to hide such things, and I know it's not easy.

Author Reply: Tony did a couple times. It seems funny now; and as you can see another real-life experience found its way into this story.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 88 on 2/23/2006
What? It's come to *hidning* food now?! Oh! *sigh* I suppose I ought not to be surprised, having been nearly at that point a couple of times myself when I was younger (or I might have considered doing that, if anyone had tried to force it upon me then), but it does surprise me. And it's so sad that he should do that! And not wise either. He should have known Sam would discover it soon.

On a lighter note, I love the little scene on the hilltop--so peaceful and poignant. I guess I didn't realise, though, how much Frodo was really fighting just to live--it's heartbreaking. And to put the little note from Bilbo in at the end was absolutely perfect and just what was needed. :)
God bless,

Author Reply: One gets tired of being nagged, poked, and prodded to do the best thing for ourselves, particularly when we realize but are unaware we just can't physically accept or accomplish the desired goal for the moment. Sometimes it seems easier to pretend to play along and try to get rid of the evidence.

And I do think that that night as it plays out in my version of Frodo's fight for recovery was one on which he was truly uncertain if he'd make it, when he was really facing the possibility he might not live through another turning of the world.

And the note from Bilbo would be something he would so appreciate, knowing his beloved guardian and friend does love him no matter what he decides. It would help strengthen him to keep hold of life while he can.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 88 on 2/23/2006
This chapter is such a soothing balm among such heartache.

Sam has done his best to surround you with protection, with the intent of healing and strengthening, with the delight of beauty.

Frodo carefully focused his own thoughts: And with love.

What a gentle, peaceful scene.

Author Reply: Thank you, Shirebound. Yes, the moment when strength is accepted and he does his best to accept the gift of life more fully. And it was pleasant for me to find that Elladan insisted to me as much as to his father for the right to make that ride.

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