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The Acceptable Sacrifice  by Larner 18 Review(s)
lotrgirl1415Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
OKAY STUPID QUESTION TIME! (And yes I know how hard they fought earlier to get him on the ship...)

Will you by any chance be changing the LOTR story of Frodo actually sailing away?(or is it a secret? can tell me I won't tell lol ;P)
I'd love to see how this particular story would evolve from the choice of NOT going...especially after the debate on "if Frodo can sail away or not"
Yet I have a feeling that if he stayed he's surely die...but a part of me always wanted Frodo to stay in Middle Earth...mainly because he's my fave character. :)

Sorry for asking but I'm tired/hyper (bad mix) Blame that question on that :)

love ya lots

Author Reply: No, I do stay true to canon in that Frodo sails away, and this stays true to the rest of the stories I've written as well.

I, too, suspect that had Frodo remained in Middle Earth he would have died, particularly my view of Frodo who carried longterm disabling conditions based on the experiences he'd endured, including congestive heart failure, myocardial infarctions, recurring problems with his digestive system, and so on.

It would indeed be interesting to see what Frodo might have come to had he remained in Middle Earth instead of sailing to Aman, particularly if he'd chosen to marry Narcissa Boffin after all. However, the first AU story I intend to write is intended to go quite a different direction completely.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
Some of the Hobbits must have found the wedding rather puzzling.Poor Frodo, to be denied a wife by the Ring and not even able to ance any longer.

Author Reply: I'm sure many of the Hobbits found the wedding confusing, but I think more found it fascinating.

And Frodo is now definitely beginning to suffer degeneration, which is distressing to everyone. But the loss of the ability to dance must trouble him deeply indeed.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
Ah, if Frodo realized just how much he was the focus of concerned attention, I am not sure if he would be gratified or upset or both. He sees the concern of the obvious people such as Saradoc and Paladin, but he's missing all the less obvious people, such as Narcissa and Mina and Lily, who are just as concerned.

It's so sad about Narcissa. I'm glad that I've read "The Ties of Family", so that I know she was, finally, able to know happiness.

I love the brief glimpses of what hobbits who were not "in the know" thought of the non-traditional elements of the wedding. But some of them will eventually learn the meaning of them.

Author Reply: I wrote a lovely long reply which the Dalmatian managed to wipe out by putting her paw on the keyboard and somehow losing all I'd written. Big dogs! Gaack!

There are going to be several who will approach Frodo about Narcissa, and I hope you appreciate how each does it. I find myself grieving for Narcissa as well, but knowing she finds a new love post-Frodo, I know she will come out of it all right in the end.

As for how those who haven't before been exposed to Dunedain traditions react to the wedding--glad you appreciated what you saw. And Narcissa has her first foreshadowing of her own wedding to come some years down the road. Glad you are glad you already know she makes out well.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
This was a deeper thing, a completion of sorts of the stirring he’d begun to know years ago when he’d finally gotten over his love for Pearl Took and had noticed the love in Narcissa’s eyes and had found himself responding to it

He loves her still, as she loves him. But again he feels guilty for the thoughts the Ring evoked in his mind so long ago. And he's afraid to speak to her, it seems. But why? The Ring has gone and it cannot "bend" his thoughts any longer for it's purposes. I'm fully aware that there won't be and can't be any marriage proposals, but a quiet talk between the two of them would have done both of them good. Look at Frodo when he sets off for his walking trip, he has a hard time to think of anything else but Narcissa.

Mina and Lily want only the best for Frodo of course, but I doubt that they will be able to change his mind. It's really a shame!

Author Reply: We're dealing with a stubborn Baggins here determined not to leave a lass bereft when he dies early as he believes he will. You're right--that quiet talk could indeed work miracles--but he's not likely to have it.

And I doubt Mina, Lily, or the several others with similar ideas will have that much impact on him, either. You're right--a shame indeed.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
Oh no! This little talk both good mistresses are planning doesn't bode well. It isn't wise, but I guess they can't know that, unless someone or something reveals the real reason before Frodo's return.

Poor Frodo-I wish he could have wed Narcissa. I know I've said all this before, but he would have been such a wonderful father and husband, and it's such a shame he can't see that. I guess he couldn't marry now anyway, simply because of his physical condition-it wouldn't be fair to Narcissa if he knows he hasn't long left. Still...

I hope he manages to take this trip without mishap.
God bless,

Author Reply: Goading someone intent on doing what he sees as the the right thing doesn't tend to work, although you'll see in the next few chapters that Mina and Lily aren't the only ones intent on seeing Frodo know some happiness.

I also wish Frodo had been able to know a happy marriage to anyone. There are many fics where he does so, either to a hobbitess who inexplicably is also admitted to the Undying Lands, to a selky-type being from the sea who meets him during his voyage from the Grey Havens, to a veritable stable of maidens made available to Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam on Tol Eressea, to marriages or assignations within the Shire in which the lover sometimes accompanies Frodo across the sea, and so on. I stick to canon in leaving him unmarried, but I do have him considering the situation, held back by the realization he won't remain in Middle Earth long enough to remain with any bride for long. As to whether or not he needed to remain celibate--that's another thing completely.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
Oh, I wish he had danced! You better write a sequel to this and have him dancing in the West! :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Antane, the dancing in the west is written into "The Ties of Family," where at the end many come to Minas Anor to attend the tenth anniversary of the end of Sauron's reign and dance the Husbandman's dance before the monument done by Ruvemir son of Mardil in "The King's Commission" while on Tol Eressea Frodo and the children of the island perform a special dance under the White Tree that is ancestor of the White Tree of Gondor. Don't need a sequel! (I grin with enjoyment.)

Author Reply: Oh, and in "Lesser Ring" Frodo is invited to a party thrown by Elves from Lothlorien and joins in their dancing as well. Frodo fulfilled in the Undying Lands is one who is able to resume dancing again as well in my version of Middle Earth.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
P.s. Just found your response to my last review! You would be dreadfully disappointed in this house! The presbytery is basically a concrete and brick box stuck onto a equally drab Church. Surrounded by busy roads and NO green in sight. The nearest trees are in the cemetery across the road. Send Legolas or Sam pleeeese! I stay over when both the priests are absent to answer the phone and give the key to those using the hall next door. It can be quite creepy here on your own. At least Aragorn has lots of white stone and plenty of guards. Actually, don't tell my parents but the main reason I go visiting so frequently is that they live in Shire Country, (near Stratford upon Avon) so I get castles and countryside every time I go home!

Jet is recovered and is being a teenager with a big bark! Mum is also recovered and waiting for her care plan in order to come home! It is taking ages to sort it out though!

Author Reply: Oh, I love the Midlands, as John and Jeannette lived outside Banbury and we got very acquainted with the region when we had the antique store. I really love Warwick, myself; and every time I get to Brackley I see friends and visit the Old Hall bookstore.

The rectory does sound a bit dreary--quite unlike John and Jeannette's new place in King's Lynn or the lovely place friends lived in outside Manchester.

I'll get there yet, though.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 82 on 2/16/2006
Oh poor Narcissa! Interestingly I spent a good portion of this morning, (while I was supposed to be working,) re-reading part of your Ties of Family. I wanted to find the section about the journal. I came across her wedding. I had forgotten how moving that was too!

This chapter is heart-wrenching yet again and for so many people. Well-observed Mina and Lily but I am not sure that speaking to Frodo about it, if either gets the chance, is going to do much good. Nor will it be welcome in his current state of mind. And I am not sure that Narcissa will welcome their, well-meaning match-making either.

Author Reply: As I write I often have to go back and forth between my previous works to make certain of continuity or just to remind myself of how certain passages were done to better one I'm working on. I, too, reread the wedding of Narcissa and Brendilac in preparation for writing this one, wanting to remember just which Shire elements I'd used so I could construct a proper Shire wedding around them, and then add in the Gondorian elements necessitated by the inclusion of the marriage cord. And in the closing chapters the journal will be featured.

Frodo will be hit from several sides about accepting a possible marriage to Narcissa.

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