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The Acceptable Sacrifice  by Larner 18 Review(s)
harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/20/2005
Ooh, words fail me! So I will use yours

“Thank you, my friend.”

Please pass me Gandalf's towel because I, too, need to wash my face again before I go to work. It could be a mite difficult explaining the tear-filled eyes otherwise. I can't quote my favourite bit as it would be the whole lot!
But I am glad that Smeagol got a mention. Frodo's envy took me by surprise but it was so true as my own twinge was mirroring his. Aragorn as a nervous bride-groom was sweetly hilarious as was the threat of dumping him in the fountain if he fainted.

The part that moved me most was Mithrandir's summing up of Frodo's present reality and the part that lembas had to play. Worthy of the Prof himself Larner. (and the rest of it too.)

BTW Thank you for half of my Christmas present - it was perfect. I did try waiting up for Santa but you hadn't posted by the time I had to wake up enough to fall into bed last night! And I am glad/honoured that sometimes my reviews return you the giggle favour!

Now, it seems rather mean of me to be nit-picking such wonderful writing and it didn't spoil the enjoyment but....

“Sam swears it is at least a foot taller. I think it’s grown [more?] than that, myself.” Is this missing a word? And....

He stepped to the Man’s side, reached up to take his friend’s side. Wouldn't 'hand' or 'arm' be better than side a second time?

Anyway, this story is going from strength to strength as is going to stand as a wonderful pre-cursor for your other tales, (so far,) when you have finished posting it. Thanks for sharing it and giving us so much joy!

Author Reply: Was getting ready to go Christmas shopping, so this morning had time only to correct the errors. Man, my editing is getting ragged as Christmas approaches. Only one more chapter before Christmas, I fear, as otherwise I won't get what needs doing here done before the big day.

I found I needed Gandalf's towel, too, believe it or not. This chapter wrote itself, by and large, and as I was reading it aloud looking for errors (and I STILL missed those two!) I found myself crying, too. Frodo was so compromised by what he underwent, he cannot remain in Middle Earth long, which will, of course, cause all great grief.

And in spite of his dislike for Gollum's company considering the injuries he underwent capturing the poor thing and getting him to Mirkwood, still Aragorn must have recognized his role in the destruction of the Ring, and I think he'd have forgiven him in the end.

And thank you so much for your words of appreciation, for I so appreciate them--AND the corrections. Man, hate it when I do that!

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/20/2005
Oh, so very well done in every part. I liked that Aragorn and Arwen snuck off and got a few minutes alone in the middle of the night... at least until Frodo showed up! And the help Aragorn had getting dressed and how nervous he was - and the comment to Faramir about introducing him to the embroider later, who I assume is Arwen. All very, very nicely done.

The joining was beautiful and it must have been so hard for Elrond to do it... I can't imagine having to do that part of it.

I wish I could have been there! :)

Author Reply: It must have driven the two of them crazy to have no time to themselves and each other that day; but I don't think either would have been too disturbed by Frodo joining them. After all, he WAS getting ready to discretly withdraw to allow them a bit more privacy.

And, yes, Arwen is the embroiderer--if you'll remember, one of the twins brought a few outfits Arwen had prepared in his saddlebags for use in the coronation. And Faramir will, I think, be amused and humbled.

This must have been one of the most joyful and most grievous days in Elrond's life, but I think he did rather well with it.

And I, too, wish I could have been there.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/20/2005
Here comes the bride. . .

Hooray! Mazel tov! Now is the time for Elladan and Elrohir to make outrageous toasts, and then we must have the Chair Dance!

I loved Aragorn as the nervous groom. Brides have so many attendants that they are well cared for, but grooms only have their buddies to laugh at them. And extremely inconvenient flashes of precognition as well.

Author Reply: Well, in this case Aragorn and Arwen both had seven attendants, so they were equally matched. But most guys I've known don't seem to handle the tension of weddings as well as the ladies.

And forget the Chair Dance--I want the Bottle Dance! Heh! Did they have klezmer bands in Middle Earth, do you think?

And the precognition must have been terribly painful, particularly in light of the rest of the day.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/19/2005
What, no bachelor party for Aragorn? I was so looking forward to seeing a Gondorian stripper jump out of a cake, and sweetly drunken Legolas and Gimli dancing about with lampshades on their heads or whatever....NOT!

I liked the bit about Aragorn's sudden shakiness when the bridegroom's wreath is put on his head, realizing that he's finally going to have Arwen as his wife.

Author Reply: A Gondorian stripper? You have me giggling, you know. And the idea of Legolas and Gimli with lampshades on their heads has me absolutely guffawing, particularly as we now know the tips of fingers tingle to indicate intoxication with Elves (unless they smoke pipeweed, when they go rather mad and say outrageous things to Elrond!), while the eyes of Dwarves cross and they fall straight back off their benches. Right? Heh!

So glad you appreciated Aragorn's mixture of feelings that day. Yes, quite the overwhelmed bridegroom after almost seventy years of longing.

Thanks for the words of appreciation.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/19/2005
I...I...I...*Wow*!! I mean...*Wow*!! So beautiful, but bittersweet as well for the sacrfice Arwen's cleaving to Aragorn means for their family. Loved the description of the look Galadriel gave Aragorn as Arwen approached. "You had *better* take care of her or else!!". Considering this is the Lady of the Golden Wood, I don't think Aragorn would take that look at face value either. :oD

Oh and...

“If you faint, Lord Cousin,” Hardorn admonished him, “I swear I shall pick you up and dump your form in the Fountain of the Tree.”

LOL!!! Now that I would have liked to have seen. It would have finished Galador off, but still would have made quite the sight. :oD

Of all the times for Aragorn to have a vision of Frodo marrying Sam and Rosie and seeing he was fading...My heart went out to him right there and then. Thank Goodness Gandalf was there to help him cope w/what he had seen.

A lovely chapter and a beautiful wedding. Now bring on that feast!!

Author Reply: The nerves of such an event can come out is absolutely silly banter, or such I heard of with my husband when we got married. The reports of the conversations on the way to the church where we were married were hilarious, particularly when they got lost and had to hire a taxi to lead them to the church.

And I do think Galadriel would let Aragorn know that he'd best do right by her granddaughter, considering what she's giving up to become his bride.

Now Aragorn can see the contrast between his own happy future and what Frodo faces, and it would be most sobering and saddening, I think. But he's been around long enough to know that life isn't particularly fair and to accept the pain as part of the price of living. And I think that Gandalf might have been purposely sent there just to help with that realization. This will assist Arwen to initiate the plea for Frodo to go West in her place, I think.

And am so glad you loved the wedding. Thanks for your sweet words.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/19/2005
Oh! *beams through tears* What a perfectly beautiful wedding! And this whole chapter was just so wonderful! I love how you show the brotherhood of Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam, and I can't help being rather gratified by the inclusion of poor Smeagol and the little exchange between Aragorn and Arwen. These are things I've tried to explore, so I was glad to see them here. The joy in this marriage was conveyed so beautifully that it could be felt, as was Aragorn's grief at the vision he had. And oh, to see the great king Elessar so nervous that he was on the verge of fainting! *giggles* I can't wait for the next one! How far is this story going to go? God bless,

Author Reply: I am so glad you are pleased, my Lady. Yes, I think even Aragorn would find pre-wedding jitters. I know I broke out into a most unbecoming fit of giggles before mine--one of the ways my body deals with nerves, I've learned over the years.

And Gollum's part in the whole thing needs to be recognized, even by Aragorn, whose previous thoughts of the poor thing were anything but charitable.

That this moved you so deeply is gratifying.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/19/2005
“It is almost more than I can believe, that the day has indeed come at last. I have waited almost seventy years since the day when my heart first understood what it desired, and forty since she told me first she would bind herself to me.”

Amazing, isn't it? Such patience and strength of will.

I take you as my husband, the keeper of my heart, the teacher of my spirit from this day forward, the father of the children I will bear of my body for the memory of that which leaves Middle Earth and the hope for the future of what remains.

Beautiful. You've crafted them a perfectly wonderful wedding, in anticipation of a joyous life together. And Gandalf's words to Aragorn about Frodo were very soothing (as much as they could be) to Aragorn's spirit.

Author Reply: And your review and few, well-chosen words are as well crafted. Thank you so very much in return.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/19/2005
Oh. My. Word.

What a beautiful wedding! I could just see it--see each of the ones you mentioned, watching in pride and joy and a little bit of sorrow, at this final joining of Men and Elves! My dear, you outdid yourself!

And, oh, it was so sad that Aragorn had to see for himself what a short time Frodo has before him. *sigh*

Author Reply: Thank you, Dreamflower. I read each chapter out loud before I copy it to the desktop for publication, looking for errors, misspellings, and repeated phrases within a sentence. (You'd be shocked how often I do these! I'm constantly having to edit extras out, and at least once I had "at the last" in there THREE times in a single sentence!)

Anyway, as I was reading this I was constantly having to wipe my own eyes. The wedding is one of those that predominantly wrote itself, I found.

As for Frodo--he's looking at what he will do within the Shire in a few months' time, though he doesn't know it as yet. But Aragorn is realizing that this is likely to be the last he will see his spiritual brother, and it would be heartbreaking.

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