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The Acceptable Sacrifice  by Larner 13 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 41 on 12/4/2005
Such a very sad chapter, as Aragorn truly begins to realize all that he will be losing, in only a few short years (really only a couple--he doesn't know *how* short). To know that Gandalf too, will be leaving...even though he knows that it is necessary for the immortals to leave, so that the Secondborn may finally attain their destiny, it must be very hard to lose them all--his foster father, his mentor, his future wife's grandmother, and now as he begins to understand, his best friend, the one who is as a brother to him.

I do like some of the details that are so symbolic: Pippin's approval of Frodo's haircut, as it makes him look once more like a hobbit, the details and care with which Sam *gave* the haircut, all the little bits of information as to how everyone will be keeping themselves busy during the following day--showing that they have made themselves a part of Aragorn's rule, and are not just visitors waiting to go home--and also the part showing how all three of the other hobbits have grown used to needing a weapon nearby when they sleep.

A very insightful chapter, and full of food for thought...

Author Reply: Yes to all your observations, and particularly to the grief that all have known such fear three of them now must arm themselves. Too much they've seen of war and enemies; too much loss and threat.

They are now each a part of the realm, and looking forward to what will come next, looking forward to going home in the end; but for Aragorn--always for him it is watching others go ahead and keeping himself in patience until it is his turn at the last to follow. And there is the quiet reacceptance of the role of visiting hobbit being accepted once more....

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 41 on 12/4/2005
Ok, now I'm all caught up for the moment. Of course, my favorites parts were Sam comforting his dear one - more, more! :) I forgot to mention that it was nice to see Frodo noticing a beautiful lass earlier, I hope he continues to heal there.
I'll also take this time to express my gladness about Beregond's 'punishment' - very fitting for both him and the captain-lord he loves.

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Yes, Frodo, for the first time in years, is seeing feminine beauty as beauty, and isn't completely certain how he ought to respond to it, I suspect.

And Beregond's "punishment" is, of course, straight from the book--I only wished to expand on it somewhat that all of us might feel a bit more as if we had been there. I have always loved Beregond, myself.

As for Frodo and Sam being together, I think that goes without saying, really.

So glad you appreciate it all. As for just catching up--don't worry about that--have some of that to do myself in a few stories. Want to finish with this one so I can do a few of them justice.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 41 on 12/4/2005
“Samwise Gamgee? I sincerely doubt he sees himself as the equivalent of a prince among the Dúnedain.”

“Of course not, Gandalf. But his awareness is so great. Certainly he doesn’t appreciate just how intelligent he is, thinking as he does that Frodo is the wisest of all Hobbits, with the possible exception of Bilbo. Yet Frodo depends heavily on his intelligence and observations, not to speak of his faithfulness and common sense. And lately I’ve also come to do the same

How painful for Aragorn to envision what's ahead for Frodo, and yet he's finally been able to connect with his "imaginary" brothers after so many years. They've all lost so much, but also gained more than they imagined.

Author Reply: Yes, the relationships are being made plain; and they are beginning to realize that they are indeed more than they were before they left the Shire; and Aragorn has come to develop a feeling of brotherhood he'd perhaps not thought to find with others outside his own kind and the sons of Elrond.

Love can cost a good deal at times.

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