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The Acceptable Sacrifice  by Larner 16 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 38 on 11/28/2005
For Beregond to be appointed to serve Faramir was a wonderful stroke and a heartwarming scene. Once again Aragorn shows himself to be a wise and just king. ~TF

Author Reply: Beregond's tale is only expanded from what is in the book, of course; in the film he's quite forgotten. But, yes, Aragorn has shown his true mettle, and shows himself as one who judges both on the love expressed and the misdeeds, and will thus render true justice in the end. Am so glad Tolkien gave us the outline and I was able to flesh out some of the details here.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 38 on 11/28/2005
I loved the conversation between Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam. How Aragorn talked about his hope and treasure without ever naming Arwen - you did a wonderful job of writing that section. Here is my favorite part:

“Oh, a mighty hope indeed, and one which has proven terribly costly, so much so I have sacrificed most of my independence at the last. But once I can hold it as my own, it will be full worthy of that cost. I only hope that it doesn’t leave those who entrust it to me totally bereft. For I’m not the only one who has paid and will continue to pay for ages yet.”

It's so deeply moving and just shows his heart very, very well.

Author Reply: Aragorn isn't the type to count his chickens before they hatch, or in this case his brides before they come to be wed to him. He will confide some, but still is keeping his hope close to him, for only those to share who truly understand both the joy and grief that coming means.

Am so glad you find this moving. The love between Aragorn and Arwen is bittersweet, after all.

Reviewed Chapter: 38 on 11/28/2005
Glad to see that you held to the original author's vision of the place of
women in middle earth. That you depict Aragorn as viewing Arwen as a
treasure to be won or lost adds to the realism of the story. It also speaks
to his typical human frailty that the struggle for freedom is not in itself
a sufficient reward, but an additional prize is required to persevere.
We often ascribe the noblest of motives to our actions while scrutinizing
others with withering efficiency. This characterization of Aragorn displays
added dimension to one that is often displayed as flawless and totally altruistic. Sure it hurts the romantic fantasy somewhat but then it adds to the credibility
of the story.

Tedicus (Yes an actual male)

Author Reply: Have had a few reviews by actual males, and appreciate them when they come. Glad to see you reviewing!

Aragorn needed that carrot to see it all through; and in "Light on the Way" I characterized the situation as Aragorn felt the price of ruling two realms was worthwhile to hold her as his wife. I'm very glad you find this adds to the credibility of my version of events. It took the desire for one another for Luthien and Beren to cleave to one another and to fight Morgoth with all that was within them; why should Aragorn be spurred by altruism (and the desire to appease the King's Gift) alone?

Thanks so much for the review, and hope to hear more from you in the future.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 38 on 11/28/2005
The huge 'thud' you hear is the sound of me falling to the floor in a Fangurly swoon, overwhelmed by the parts of this chapter where Faramir gets Serious Respect, Appreciation, Cheering, a new silvery-white cloak, and a Moonstone Crown, blessed by Gandalf and carried by the Ringbearer. And oh yes, the Princedom of Ithilien. Sigh. Oh, for one week of great artistic talent so I could draw and paint that scene. Or just Aragorn and Faramir, those two Numenorean hunks. Great to see that Aragorn was happy to reward Faramir with that extra princedom - I'm sure that Eowyn appreciates the gesture as well.

The rest of the chapter was fine, too. Yes, I did read the rest of the chapter; though somewhat blinded by the light of a silver-white cloak and raven-haired moonstone-crowned Prince of Ithilien.

And of course, Beregond received justice. And a Captaincy of Faramir's own guard. Sad that he'll have to leave Minas Tirith forever, but a lesser King would have just executed or banished Beregond with no reward; and I don't see Beregond and his family complaining.

Author Reply: This is why we LOVE Aragorn so--because he tempered justice for misdeeds with justice for positive deeds as well. I, too, find myself wanting to do this picture. And if Frodo carried Aragorn's crown, certainly he ought to get to hand the moonstone circlet of Ithilien to Aragorn! It's only fair he ought to be part of this reward as much as the other.

Do make certain to ooze to the side when the vacuum is run, btw. Heh!

So glad you appreciate the fleshing out of this scene.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 38 on 11/28/2005
Gah, I got two phone calls while trying to leave a review for this exquisite chapter! But I'm back, with great praise. What a glorious scene.

"A lord it will need, one who knows and loves it and will seek to see it restored, both its wild places maintained and its gardens replanted and its fields once again ripening in the fullness of its bounty. I therefore name you Faramir, Prince of Ithilien.” So saying, he lifted the circlet he held, set with moonstones about its circumfrence and with a great one in its central boss, and gently placed it on Faramir’s brow.

*sigh* And this is very lovely imagery:

the honest clouds of weather after years of unnatural glooms and fumes.

Author Reply: We've been waiting to see that moment fleshed out, haven't we? I've wanted to see what Tolkien left out there for SO long! And I got the chance to do some of the filling in at last! So glad you appreciate it!

And also so glad you love that phrase! Thanks so much for the words of appreciation, for you know how much they keep us all writing.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 11/28/2005
*huge happy grin*

I love all the additions you make to what happened--the extra honors, showing the way that Faramir was honored, and Pippin and Merry, and then to show Beregond's recieving of both justice and favor at the same time--just the way JRRT did it, but with just those lovely extra details which make all of us love your gap-fillers so very much.

*grinning some more*

Author Reply: I am so glad this has left your day the brighter--I think we needed it after some of the last few chapters....

And you know how much your appreciation means to me! Thank you so very much.

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