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All Those Who Wander  by daw the minstrel 175 Review(s)
emjoReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/4/2005
Well I'm sad to see this story end but great job Daw. I know you'll be working on your original fic but please don't stay away to long, your stories are always a treat!

Author Reply: I really enjoyed writing this. Fanfic feels unpressured to me compared to original fic so I get absorbed in it and just rush fearlessly ahead. As a consequence, it's fun! Also, perhaps not unconnected, I think my fanfic stories are better written than my original fic. Too bad the Tolkien estate would object if I sent it to a publisher. :-)

RhiannonReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/4/2005
Oh, I love that Thranduil reached out to Eilian. They need to be gentler with each other. And how funny is little Legolas telling Maltanaur what to do. I agree with Maltanaur - I enjoy the house of Oropher too.

Author Reply: I like the way you put that -- they do need to be gentler, but they have such a hard time. They get their backs up and then they start spitting at one another.

I have to say I agree with Maltanaur too. :-)

ScarlettPendragonReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/4/2005
Hi Daw!!

Yaay!! What a wonderful end to an amazing story!!

I love Little!Legolas and his impeccable manners - “Thank you for having me. I had a lovely time.” - indeed!! Especially after critiquing Maltanaur on his protection abilities!! LOL!!

And Thranduil!! Go!Thranduil!! I loved how he came through for Eilian, just listening to his tale of what went wrong without chastising or correcting him!! I love it when Thranduil can be "Adar first, King second", and I'm sure he does too!!

I found it very realistic that Eilian was torturing himself over his mistakes, when Maltanaur didn't blame him at all - brooding over regrets and trying to be impossibly perfect seems to be a failing of the House of Oropher!!

And don't think I didn't notice that foreshadowing you snuck in - "The world was wide and cruel, and he was going to have to let those he loved wander in it without him on guard at their side. It could not be helped." Bad Daw!! I stuck my fingers in my ears and chanted "LALALALA I'm not listening." Well, I couldn't really stick my fingers over my eyes, or else how would I read?! **grin**

No, it really was a lighthearted, yet suspensful and action-packed tale, and I enjoyed it very much!! Thank you so much for writing it, and giving us another glance into the Woodland Realm!! Of course, any time you feel like taking us on another adventure, I will be extremely grateful and I look forward to more stories (hopefully!!)!!

Thank you again,

Author Reply: Legolas made me laugh. He lays down the law to Maltanaur and then announces what a nice time he had. I don't think he's quite got the social niceties down yet.

Thranduil did well in what was a difficult situation for him. Mostly, he held his tongue and let his concern show. And lo and behold, Eilian responded and vowed to be more careful. Now you'd think Thranduil would remember that! But no, old bad habits die hard.

I'm glad you enjoyed this. I had a wonderful time writing it. Thank you for having me. :-)

TigerLily713Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/4/2005
I am so glad you are writing again! I've missed my weekly fix! What a great new story in the wonderful saga that you have created around Legolas and his life. I eagerly await more!

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it, Lily. I'm going to go work on my original fic for a while, and it turns out I have to work too, but then I'll be back with some more fanfic. I really enjoyed writing this and miss these characters when I'm not working with them.

DJReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/4/2005
Thank you for this wonderful story. I have missed your stories and realized that I'd never told you how much I enjoyed them. When I came upon the first one, I had to go back and read all of them in sequence. And then of course I always watched for your new stories. I am glad you are back, and I wish you sucsess with the story you converted to a YA novel. Have you considered submitting the manuscript directly to publishers? Some do consider manuscripts received "over the transom." I worked for Highlights for Children for 12 years, and almost every issue carried at least one story by a new author. Their children's trade book divisions started after I left, so I'm not sure how they accept manuscripts.

Thranduil talking to Elian was wonderful; I think it was good for both of them. Perhaps Thranduil should listen more the the echos of his wife's voice. Eilian promising Maltanaur that he would be more careful--so this was the start of Eilian as the respected and (reasonably) cautious warrior seen in your stories set later in time.

I love little Legolas and his relationships to his family. Checking on them to make sure they're all right, sleeping with his father after he was lost, wanting Eilian to stay home. And then he goes to visit Maltanaur and tells him in no uncertian terms to take good care of Eilian.

And Maltanaur plots how to use Legolas' love for Eilian to "encourage" Eilian to cooperate with Maltanaur's efforts to keep him safe.

I liked the little glimpses we got of the past, such as how Eilian was assigned South so soon after he became a warrior. However I found the transitions a little awkward, not as smooth as the rest of your writing. I can't say exactly what would make them better--the only thing that comes to mind is what I've seen elsewhere. That generally starts with something like "Ithilden thought back twenty years:" and then start a new paragraph with the flashbacks in italics, and maybe indented from the rest of the text. I don't know if Chicago sets out style rules for flashbacks or not, so I don't know if the italics thing conforms to the style manual.

This was another wonderful story overall.


Author Reply: Thank you so much for your kind words, and also for that bit about submitting to publishers directly. I've been holding off doing that until I query agents, planning on going to the publishers next. I figure if an agent rejects me and a publisher accepts, I can always go back to the agent. But if a publisher rejects me and I then get an agent, the agent can't go to that publisher.

I also thought that the transitions into the flashbacks were not just awkward but not always clear, particularly since I had Eilian in two different time frames behaving somewhat similarly. That made it harder for readers to tell the timeframes apart, I think.

I've really missed writing about Little Legolas. I love trying to get into his head and see what he thinks makes sense. He certainly knows who he's going to blame if things go wrong!

You've made me feel better about the original fic. I'm struggling a little.

NoorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/4/2005
Lovely ending explains why Eilian went south early and why he became just a bit more sensible.

So when do you start the next one??

Thanks again


Author Reply: Thank you, Noor. Those are exactly the threads I was trying to weave into my story arc. I enjoyed writing this story. Doing it reminded me of how much fun fanfic is. I'm working on revising a piece of original fic right now, but I'll eventually do another story. I can't seem to stay away.

SocketReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/3/2005
OMG, that last image of bossy little Legolas interrogating Maltanaur was just too funny! What a wonderful way to leave this story. And I loved the scene between Thranduil and Eilian -- looks like they've found a way to communicate with each other without Lorellin's presence. Thranduil did a gret job of changing his entire manner to suit his middle child. I'll bet Ithilden rarely, if ever, sees that side of their adar.

Daw, your OCs are just fantastic -- every single one of them is unique and interesting. You've populated Middle-Earth in such an enjoyable manner. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us -- I can't wait for the next one.

Author Reply: I amused myself sending Legolas to set Maltanaur straight on what was expected of Eilian's guard. He's been brooding on the fact that Eilian will leave again when Maltanaur is well, and he just wants to make sure the guard is aware of how angry he'll be if Maltanaur screws up again!

Thranduil made a real effort with Eilian. He planned it out ahead of time and thought about what Lorellin would have done. And he was rewarded by having his son tell him what was troubling him.

Thank you so much for your kind words about my OCs. I admit to being shamelessly fond of them. I miss them when I'm not writing about them.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/3/2005
What a nice gapfiller daw!
I've particularly enjoyed Maltanaur's starring in this chapter. HE understands Eilian better than his own father and it was so sweet of him to go talk with Ithilden about Eilian's potential. elian truly owes much of what he has become to this kind and caring elf.

Legolas' visit to MAltanaur's house was so fun, the bossy little elfling! It took him some years to learn to appreciate Maltanaur :-)

Thranduil and Eilian's strained relationship is so sad,I ringed when Elian sudenly thought that his Adar wanted him to keep his distance rom Legolas poor one, he's so unsure of his own worth in front of his Adar's eyes!

And of course, I liked Ithilden's silent fight. Why can they not all stay where I can keep an eye on them? The weight of command and responsibility is terrible!
Good story daw, thanks for being back

Author Reply: Thank you, Perelleth.

I was surprised when I got to this chapter and Maltanaur was in just about every scene. That told me how central he was to Eilian's maturation. Legolas doesn't quite appreciate that yet, I'd say! LOL. He was annoyed that the silly guard let himself get hurt so he couldn't take good care of Legolas's brother.

Ithilden was learning to let go here a little. That's hard for him, I think. He likes to be in control.

I've had a great time writing this. Thank you for reading it.

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/3/2005
Well I am sorry but I have to start with a complaint.
It was too short!!!! I so did not want it to end.
I have enjoyed this little look into the lives of the family Thranduil, as ever so many riches and treats I feel as if someone has offered me apples and honey.
I loved how Thranduil got his hard headed second son to talk to him and how he was able to offer him support
Maltanaur is an elf and a half how fortunate that he likes being with Eilian and handles him so well.
I would like to have seen him hauling Eilian off by the scruff of his neck but then that would have spoiled the story
Thranduil is such a kind Adar allowing Legolas to spend the night with the warriors, it had nothing to do with his disturbed night of course
As for his comments on his friend well of course it can only be Beliond
But best of all was Legolas bearding Maltanaur in his den and laying down the law over care and keeping of elder brothers that really made me smile
Look forward to more as soon as you are able to return to this lovely corner of Middle Earth
thank you

Author Reply: It did turn out to be short, but it's longer than I thought it would be! At first, I thought this would be just a one chapter deal with the lost elfling, but then I decided it was a good chance to tell some of this other stuff too.

I was surprised when I got to this chapter and Maltanaur was in every scene. He plays an important part in Eilian's life, I think, and thus an important part in the life of the rest of the family too. Without him, Eilian might indeed have been ruined. Not to mention dead.

So Legolas knows who to talk to about taking care of Eilian, and he just wants to be sure Maltanaur understands that he'll be very angry if Maltanaur screws up again!

Thanks for your kind words, Judy.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/3/2005
“When I was your age, I had a friend whose language would set fire to the forest. He is one of the most valiant warriors I know, and I treasure his friendship, but I am not sure I would want him spending time with Legolas.”

LOL! This is one of my favorite lines. Oh, Beliond will get his chance to 'improve' Legolas's vocabulary. Thranduil is talking about Beliond, isn't he? If he's not, don't tell me. Let me just be awed by this wonderful bit of foreshadowing. :>)

The children playing was a sweet note. Poor Legolas isn't quite ready to let Eilian out of his sight though...even for a few seconds to fetch some feathers. Too bad that feeling is gone completely by the time Legolas is a little older and perfects the art of slipping out of the palace. Ah, the little ones grow up so soon. One day they crave your company and the next, they can't wait to dump you.

Thranduil reined his anger in and did a fine job of trying to connect to Eilian. The most interesting part, I thought, was that he opened up and tried to reassure Eilian, and Eilian tried to respond in kind, but both of them still kept a small distance between them. They went as far as they could without completely resolving their issues. The issues remain, but they've both taken a step toward understanding. Cautious, but truthful. I liked that. Of course, there's a price to pay. Eilian gets the little munchkin for a bed fellow that night. LOL! And Thranduil gets his cot to himself.

I loved Legolas's visit to Maltanaur. He was a riot in his mini-Thranduil role. The bossy little elfling. And shrewd Maltanaur saw a useful tool in Legolas to use with Eilian. Eilian would do anything for Legolas and Maltanaur saw an opportunity. Good for him. “Thank you for having me. I had a lovely time.” Legolas's manners were impeccable and quite amusing. Here he had shown up to lay down the elfling's law, but wrapped his visit up with a nice 'Thank you. I had a lovely time telling you to pay better attention to your job.' Too funny. The little guy's heart was in the right place. I think. Maltanaur was amused anyway. Maltanaur is an excellent 'handler' of all the House of Oropher.

Wonderful story, Daw. I enjoyed it immensely. It was so good to be back in your Mirkwood. I'll look forward to another visit when time permits.


Author Reply: Yeah, it's Beliond. I hesitated, because it was kind of an insider joke, but I couldn't resist.

Ah, the little ones grow up so soon. One day they crave your company and the next, they can't wait to dump you.

Oh man, ain't it the truth. One day my son talked non-stop to me and the next I couldn't pry a word out of him.

It's tricky to write about Thranduil and Eilian. Thranduil loves his son and genuinely wants to help him. And Eilian would value Thranduil's approval and needs his reassurance. But you can't fix a difficult emotional situation in a single talk. At least, that's been my experience. So they kind of hold back a little too.

I hope Maltanaur told Eilian about Legolas's visit when he finally showed up. Eilian would be both amused and touched. Legolas knows who to blame when things go wrong, and it's not Eilian!

Thank you for your kind words, Karen. Thank you for having me. I had a lovely time. :-)

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