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All Those Who Wander  by daw the minstrel 175 Review(s)
LiannaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/21/2005
Uh, oh.

Males of any culture are constitutionally incapable of keeping track of small children, IMHO. When my son was at the stage that Legolas is at now, his father lost him in a shopping mall for fifteen terrifying minutes. The presence of additional male family members would not have prevented this. And Mirkwood is no shopping mall!

"For a wistful moment, Thranduil considered trying to get Eilian to confide in him, but he knew the effort would be pointless. He and Eilian had never understood one another. They had always relied on Lorellin to help them grope their way toward truce, and now she was gone and they had lost their way."

So sad. ;) Eilian is still so young and so alone.

Author Reply: Holy cow. I would have had to damage my husband if he did that. It's true though that kids are slippery. They just don't think and they kind of dart away. And Thranduil is still learning what it means to be a single father.

I felt really sorry for Thranduil in that passage. He loves his son and wants to be close to him, but they just can't do it. And you're right that Eilian is still really young, only 70.

BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005
How nice to read from you again! Another story of young Legolas and Eilian, the trouble-maker! Very nice!

Author Reply: I'm pleased to be back. I thought this story would be mostly about Legolas, but Eilian is indeed making trouble!

amokehReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005
I really love the universe you've created with Legolas & his brothers, and was really glad to see something new. Looking forward to the rest of the story.... :D

Author Reply: I'm enjoying writing about these folks again. I miss them when I'm not.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005
I've missed reading your stories! I'm so glad this is out. I admit to checking at least once to see if I missed an update.
I don't think I ever mentioned it before, but I always, always, always loved the relationship between Eilian and Legolas, especially when Legolas was a youngling. More so than the relationship between Ithilden and Legolas, I have to admit.
Lovely chapter, as always. Keep 'em coming!

Author Reply: I've missed writing them too. And I have to admit my favorite part of this chapter was the interaction between Legolas and Eilian. They love one another uncritically, and I think they both need it.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005
Welcome back! I've really missed your wonderful stories. I'm so happy to see that this story is about a little elfling Legolas. He was so adorable at that time in his life.

I feel for Thranduil. I know it's really hard for him to run the kingdom and, at the same time, give Legolas the extra time he needs after his mother's death. And Legolas wandering around at night trying to make sure all those he loves are home safe is very poignant.

I think Eilian has given me a new way to express myself---Orc spit. :o)

Author Reply: I think Eilian has given me a new way to express myself---Orc spit. :o)

Legolas too! Ada will be sooo proud.

I like writing about kids, although it's tricky to do it without sentimentalizing them. I feel for him too. After all, from his point of view, his mother went on a short trip and never came back. How does he know Thranduil won't do the same thing?

ScarlettPendragonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005
Hi DAW!!

OMG!! Daw's back!! And with a Elfling!Toddler!Legolas story - you do know how to make me squee like a fangirl!! LOL!!

I love your Little!Legolas - he just breaks my heart!! When he won't go into Thranduil's arms, you can't tell he's just transfixed by terror at the thought of losing his Ada!!

Actually, just the normal everyday interactions of the Thranduilions at breakfast warm my heart the most - I loved your description of Legolas testing his porridge as though he were tasting wine!! And Eilian getting the stink-eye from Thranduil before being allowed to sit down - priceless!!

OMG - Eilian won't be able to go now for sure now that Legolas is tagging along, even if Ithilden were inclined to change his mind!! I'm afraid he'll be sooo peeved at being left home, until it occurs to him WHY he was left behind - as a guarantee that the line of Oropher won't die out - then he'll be frantic!! I hope he doesn't do anything crazy!! What am I saying? It's Eilian!! Of course he's going to do something crazy!! LOL!!

I really am glad that Thranduil is taking Legolas with him - I can't imagine it's been too long since they were afraid that Legolas would succumb to his grief over his Nana, so I don't know what shape he'd be in without his "daily dose of Ada"!!

Great first chapter!! I am so looking forward to the next!! And I'm delirious with glee that you're gifting us with another story!!


Author Reply: I'm very happy to be starting another story, Scarlett. And I promise: NO ONE DIES.

These characters are better than they were in "When Shadow Touches Home," but they're still healing and Legolas is particularly fragile. After all, he let Nana go on a trip and look what happened!

It's interesting to think about whether people in ME were concerned about whether ruling lines would die out. Oropher and Thranduil were both at Dagorlad, for instance. I'm not sure they thought about it in the same terms we might.

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005
Well, what have we here?! For some reason I thought it’d be a single-chapter story, so this is a nice surprise!

I still don’t have my home computer back from the clinic :-( so I haven’t re-read the stories around this time period and yet I find that I was immediately caught up in this and it felt so good to be back with this family again! I was particularly missing Ithilden and Thranduil so I’m thrilled to see them here and, of course, naked Eilian and little Legolas are always a good thing :-)

I love the opening. You always do such a great job in capturing a child’s voice. I’m still smiling at Legolas trying to decide if it’s morning and making a picture in his head of what it looks like outside. And Eilian has inadvertently taught baby brother a new phrase! I’d have a said a lot worse if I was woken up suddenly by freezing feet on my back… I was just thinking about Legolas’ dream. You know, in some ways it’s probably a good thing that Eilian isn’t around more because Legolas clearly adores him and if he’s substituting him for his mother, then it’s maybe better that he has his love and protection but is attached to rather than too dependant upon him. And Eilian does love him with that mixture of indulgence and protectiveness of a mother.

So Eilian is still taking refuge in wine, huh? Great scene between him and Nimloth! She clearly has no sympathy for him experiencing the wrath of grapes. Then again, she knows him, and knows how much Legolas looks up to him. I couldn’t help laughing when she slams the door shut!

I will not think about it, he told himself determinedly. I will not think about what happened Hmm. What have you done to Maltanaur, daw? It sounds serious. More importantly, what role did Eilian play?

“Never tell me that my fearsome big brother had a ‘special blanket’” LOL! I seem to remember you telling me that you still have your son’s blanket. I wonder what happened to Ithilden’s? Did it go to Legolas or Sinnarn or is it still in the chest? I particularly love the image of Lorellin teasing Ithilden.

I must try putting honey and cream in porridge. Sounds tasty. Oh, and I wanted to say too how much I enjoy the little details you add. They’re sprinkled throughout this story and it seems to be something you’ve been working on in your later stories. Or else, I’m only noticing it now.

The silent exchanges between Eilian and Thranduil were hilarious. I’m rolling my eyes at the two of them.

It would seem Ithilden isn’t too pleased with the idea of letting Ada out of his sight for long. I get the feeling that this family have just about reached some sense of normality again and anything out of the ordinary is likely to unsettle or upset them more than it should. And boy was Legolas upset. Ouch. I actually felt bad for all them, not just Legolas, because it must be very hard to see him so distressed. Nimloth is very good with Legolas. We don’t see enough of her.

I would be happy to take care of the little one here, of course, but if you like, I am willing to go with you.” Cool, road-trip!! That’s an excellent idea. I’d love to see the gang on the move. Is Ithilden going to stop Eilian going, then? I hate to see the two of them arguing. It’s bad enough when it’s Eilian and Thranduil but the brothers should be able to just be brothers too, and Legolas is too young to be much of a companion. It’s a pity that Ithilden finds it so difficult to explain things to Eilian, and it’s a pity that Eilian takes Ithilden’s decisions so personally. But there you go. Eilian might as well get used to people telling him to grow up. His father will still be doing it when he finally brings Celuwen home.

The little glimpse of Eilian and Ithilden twenty years ago shocked me a little. It was obviously a struggle for Eilian to find his place as a warrior, and for the two of them to learn to deal with each other as commander and warrior. I had to laugh at Eilian amending “I am bored, Ithilden” to “I am bored, my lord.” Yeah, that’s better! I’m really intrigued at the thought of seeing more of that time, although a little part of me is cringing as well ;-)

Great start, daw. It’s wonderful to have you back.

Author Reply: I thought about a single-chapter story and then sub-plots sprouted and here we are. I don't think this will be very long thought. Maybe 6 chapters or something like that.

I liked the idea of elves being enough in tune with Arda that they would be able to feel whether it was day or night outside the cavern. I thought Legolas would take his ability to do that for granted. Capturing a kid's voice turns out to be relatively easy. For one thing, the language research shows that they have trouble using complex sentences as opposed to compound ones, so I try to remember that. The hard part is not sentimentalizing kids.

One of the things I've suggested in later stories is that Eilian has decided he won't put Maltanaur in danger. It's one of the the things that makes him more cautious. This story is partly about the origin of that,

I can't imagine that Ithilden's blanket survived enough to go anywhere other than his mother's hoard of treasures. They get really ragged after a while. I don't know if I'm using more details now. I think my little excursion into original fic has affected me somewhat, although I still think my fanfic is better written. I do more showing and less telling with these characters, probably because I'm so comfortable with them.

Until I wrote that scene about Ithilden and Eilian 20 years ago, I hadn't thought about the fact that they must have had to learn to separate their roles the way they do. I have a whole bunch of notes about what happened 20 years ago (the reasons Eilian got to go south early), but not I'm not sure I'll be able to fit them in. :-(

perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005

I was half expecting Eilian to show up to breakfast table with sunglasses, and the newspaper and a baguette under his arm! until I realized I was having a flashback to my wild younger years! :-)

Good to have them all back, daw, I'm amazed at how you manage to jump back and forth in time, and be able to catch up with their different characters in these different times of their lives.

I'm, looking forward to it all!

Author Reply: I'm looking forward to it too. :-)

Eilian is very young here and has yet to do some settling down. Having some responsibility on patrol will help him and eventually Celuwen will take him in hand quite nicely. But for the time being, he's driving Thranduil and Ithilden crazy.

I love jumping around in time. If I get tired of one thing, I can do something completely different.

NelsoniaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/20/2005
Hi Daw!!
You made my day with this story! Even if I knew you werent likely to post I still checked the SOA site several times a week during the summer! I wish you all the best in getting published! I loved having little Legolas back and Eilian (mmmmm Eilian... that is enough said...) and I look forward to find out what happens in the sotry and what happened to Maltanaur... :/
Welcome back!!

Author Reply: I'm enjoying this chance to write about little Legolas and Eilian again. And the fact that Eilian sleeps naked made no difference to me at all, nosiree! I'm glad to be back.

Author Reply: PS I forgot to ask. Are you Dr. Nelsonia now?

emjoReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/19/2005
Oh Daw you have no idea how excited I am to see a story from you! I love this story already. Daddy Thranduil is my favorite no matter how old his sons are. Thank you for posting!

Author Reply: I'm excited about it too! I missed these characters while I was off writing original fic. I think Thranduil was a good father, the primary evidence being the son we see in the Fellowship. All the bad Ada Thranduil stories drive me crazy.

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