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All Those Who Wander  by daw the minstrel 25 Review(s)
The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/22/2005
What a good chapter, your dawnificient. The tension was thick as homemade bread and would have sliced easier. I'll get to that in a minute.

Poor long-suffering Maltanaur. He's taken a beating keeping up with Eilian, but my sense of him tells me that he likes the challenge--my inordinately finely tuned sense and the fact that Maltanaur told Thranduil that. Eilian is concerned about his guard and it sounds like with good reason. Maltanaur must have taken quite a shot. I was a little worried about where his wife was. Silly thing really, but I was glad to see her show up and be so kind to Eilian.

Now, the male...spitting contest. Howard Cosellion has agreed to call this one:

Here we are, folks. The game is just beginning. This should prove to be one exciting match. The players are practiced and the stakes high.

"...Besides, this is my decision to make. I do not need your permission.” There it is, folks. The first real shot. The king quickly takes control. This Elf is no newcomer to the game. He's played with some of the best since the First Age. His command of the game is to be admired, emulated even. The standards of competition begin with this Elf, and with his experience, often ends with him.

Ithilden was the one who had told Legolas that Thranduil should get him a pony. Thranduil thought Legolas might be a bit too young yet, and Ithilden was obviously enjoying the situation. Ithilden picked up his wine and smiled innocently at him. Ah, it's obvious that this player has learned from the master. His skill has truly increased over the years he's been on the circuit. This Elf has a good chance of moving into the lead, taking control and beating back the king. He's a king-in-training and no one can dispute what a competitor he is. We'll keep our eye on him.

Wait! A new player has just entered the game. “Perhaps Nimloth will agree to look after me, so I can go too.” The ball is back in play. This newcomer is well known and has played before in this court. He's young, but he shows the potential to hone a skill worth watching. An emotional player, he has still to learn some of the finer strokes of control, but I look for good things from Eilian Thranduilion.

“You would have to talk to Adar and Nimloth,” Ithilden said in a carefully neutral tone. “They worked the arrangements out between them.” He fires the ball back at the master! Ithilden Thranduilion's a cool one. He is not going to back off now that he's got the king cornered. A diversion. I've seen this maneuver before and it's one that unsettles opponents, but it has to be delivered in just the right tone or it can completely miss its mark. I'd call this a masterful stroke.

“Sit down, Eilian,” he said sharply. The king fires back. What a strategy! He ignores the real competition to engage the newcomer. He's trying to throw Ithilden Thranduilion off balance. This Elf isn't the king of this game for no reason. Take out the weakest opponent first and while the real competitor is letting his guard down thinking the game has shifted, the master moves closer to his goal of scoring the winning point. Thranduil Oropherion is a joy to behold!

“I will be going out tonight, Adar.” His tone made the words sound like a challenge. A backhand shot by Eilian Thranduilion! A truly unexpected move. This Elf is making an impressive showing. He's moving quickly into a plum position. If he can throw the king off his game, then he has a chance at taking home the gold. I've never seen anything like it!

“You should stay home with me,” he declared. Foul! A foul has been called. Interference! I tell you, the worst thing that can happen to a player is to have something like this happen. It interrupts the flow of his game and unless the player can regain his footing, it can spell disaster. Even the masters of this game have fallen from this kind of upset.

“We will come back,” he said mildly, “so you should talk fast.” Another strong volley! Eilian Thranduilion stays in the game! He's sidelined for a moment, but he's left a lasting impression. Yes, folks, this is a newcomer to watch. He's got the poise! He's got the skill! I expect great things from him in the future. The game has never been more exciting!

“Why do you not just take the management of the whole thing out of my hands?” A direct strike! Ithilden Thrandiul is still in this game! He's moving in now for the win. He's got everything on the line. Nothing can stop him now. Wow! I've never seen so much wagered. I tell you, he must feel confident that he's got his opponent where he wants him. This is the game of the Age, the one people will talk about and compare all other games to. I tell you, this is something! Something! A hard fought bout if I've ever seen one.

“You know I rely on you and respect your judgment,” Thranduil said in annoyance. “But I am not happy about leaving Eilian here on his own. I have no idea what is bothering him, but something is and until he works it out, I want him where I can keep an eye on him.” Brilliant! A brilliant play! The king is going for the sympathy move. I can't say it enough: Just brilliant! Ithilden Thranduilion is lucky to still be sitting in the chair and not on his way to the dressing room for the healers to patch him up. And extremely lucky he's still in command. Good restraint shown by the king. Most players would have finished the bout with a final and decisive blow. But not this master! The king is still the king! He's fought well and in the end, brought his remaining opponent over to his side! Absolutely brilliant! I tell you, folks, this had been one exciting match. I'm exhausted and all I've had to do is watch. This is what it's all about. This is the game the big boys play. But we've seen a respectable and encouraging showing from Eilian Thranduilion. It's exciting to watch a newcomer hold his own in the midst of two such seasoned players. The future of this game holds a bright promise; these are players to watch. Whew! That was some game. Now, let's go to a word from our sponsors.

Wait! Just when I thought the game was over, a new shot has been fired. “Did you wait up for me?” Eilian sounded annoyed. “You did not have to do that, but as it happens, I have something to tell you. I am so late because a wild boar attacked an elf who was night hunting. People were calling for help to make sure it had left the area around the cottages, and I joined in the chase. But what you need to know, Adar, is that the elf who was hurt is Nimloth’s husband. She said to tell you that she is very sorry, but she does not see how she can go with you on this trip. Her husband will be all right, but he is going to need care for a while. She will not even be able to come here tomorrow.” A monkey wrench has been thrown into a game that looked to be settled. There is no winner here, folks. The newcomer is back in the game! He's reminded his primary opponent that he's brave, reckless even, and not afraid to take on even the king! Chasing wild boar! The babysitter's husband injured! She's out! She been taken down without a single word! What sort of tricks will this kid pull out of his bag next? He's definitely thrown the king off his game. If the king falters here, the game could be over for certain. Just when I thought my heart couldn't take anymore....

“We can manage,” he vowed. The king is wavering! This could be it, folks! This could be the decisive blow! Who would have thought it? Who would have ever imagined this kid, this newcomer to the game could make such a showing and come back to challenge the king? I'm telling you, we won't leave the air until the final blow is delivered, until there's a clear winner. Stay tuned, folks, this is the game to see. The one to set the standard. Don't go anyway, we'll be right back.

Whew! I'm exhausted.


Author Reply: Oh my goodness. I am so deeply flattered to get a Karenator review. You are so hilarious, Karen! I particularly laughed at the idea that Legolas was engaged in interference. He was playing his own game, I think. But you live in a house full of males. Surely this kind of thing is not unknown to you. :-)

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/22/2005
It's so good to have another of your stories to read! I had no problem following the different flashbacks - I know you were concerned about that. I'm looking forward to having all of them traveling together, it should be an interesting experience, especially now that Nimloth is not able to go with them. Elian might regret his desire to go along with them. :) I'm very curious, of course, about what happened in the south to cause Maltanaur to be so hurt that he is still unconscious. Especially as no other wounds are mentioned, though just because you didn't describe them, doesn't mean they aren't there! :)

I always love it when Thranduil takes charge of something and Ithilden gets upset with him for taking over. Ithilden is right, but I still like it when Thranduil gets like that - so concerned about his younger children that he is willing to step on even his oldest, more responsible son's toes.

Nicely done start to the story (both chapters, though I did not get a chance to review the first one!) and I look forward to seeing where this one is going.

Author Reply: I'm happy to be writing again. And I'm glad you could sort out the flashbacks, because I was worried about that.

The relationship of Thranduil and Ithilden is interesting to me. They seem to be able to treat one another like adults and colleagues most of the time. I suppose Ithilden has had years to prove himself and his mother was around for centuries, which must have shaped both him and his father. But now he can say things that Eilian would never be allowed to say, for instance. And even then he and Thranduil snipe at one another, they let their annoyance go pretty quickly.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/22/2005
Thank goodness for Maltanaur, who can look on Eilian as an interesting challenge. He takes up so much of the slack - helping his charge grow up and easing him towards maturity with humour. I think without him Eilian might really have gone of the rails and stormed off into the unknown at irretrievable odds with his father. He makes such an understanding and tolerant substitute parent and friend - no nonsense, but good points seen and praised.

Because Eilian is Thranduil's blind spot. (Maybe the Lorellin-alike recklessness.) He just can't bring himself to acknowledge the majority of the time when Eilian is being skilled and sensible and kind and understanding - and just leaps two-footed on every error. It's the prime parenting mistake of offering attention to bad behaviour and failing to reward good.

The bit about Ithilden not being used to being on the receiving end of Thranduil's sharp tongue had me thinking - he should take some lessons from Eilian, who is rarely on anything else.

Good for Legolas. Love the pony picture. Good - if unintended - parent management skills. Eilian could take lessons. And the whole reading thing - excellent brother management. Thranduil could take lessons.

I'm sure I've missed loads. There's always so much I want to add just after I've pressed post. But they're all off together on a family outing. And they're all feeling flaky one way or another. Boy, does this have potential for being one of those family trips that goes down in legend!

Author Reply: Your observations about Maltanaur are so right on! That's exactly how I see him. He sets limits that even Eilian knows are reasonable and then makes his affection for Eilian clear. He and Thranduil (and Beliond) have been friends a long time, and I think Maltanaur saved his friend's son for him. Because your assessment of Thranduil is right too. Once in a while, Thranduil can dig himself clear of all the bad habits and see Eilian's strengths and tell him, but not nearly as often as Eilian needs. I think Eilian is a needy kid and his mother satisfied those needs and his father can't.

Legolas knows just what buttons to push to get his way with his Eilian. Sly little thing!

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/22/2005
Trouble always seems to attract trouble, aye? Nobody seems very happy or at ease yet, battling with grief, orcs, adolescence and small child blues. Sigh.
Hope the trip works out as a bonding exercise.
Beautiful, flowing prose, daw - you really do not need descriptors at all, you know. I am green at your skill.

Author Reply: Trouble does attract trouble! That's right. When people are unhappy or stressed, they tend to act unwisely, I think.

Beautiful, flowing prose, daw

I can't tell you how much I value this! I'm starting to feel like my sentences all clunk.

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/21/2005
Hmm... I find that I am in the same mood as Thranduil :-) I would love to slap Eilian across the head and tell him to grow up!! lol.. Thankfully you have already writen a mature Eilian so I know I can hope :-)

I love the connection between Legolas and Eilian. I think personally of course, that there is something in Legolas that Eilian responds to. Something that Lorellin passed on in spirit. But anyway.. Enough of the deep thoughts :-)

Have too many of them as I am writing my own little story !! :-)

Author Reply: LOL. Eilian is going through a bad patch right now, but he'll settle down and Thranduil more or less knows it. But he's still hoping Maltanaur recovers enough to keep an eye on Eilian again!

Eilian and Legolas do love one another uncritically and that's important for both of them, I think.

Is your story posted? Did I miss that? Or is this one you're just working on?

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/21/2005
So nice to see another chapter! And it was an Eilian chapter too! Yay!

I suppose eventually we will find out how Maltanaur was injured, but it seems like Eilian is feeling a lot of guilt over it. Maltanaur knows his charge inside out which is a good thing for Thranduil, but probably not so good as far as Eilian is concerned. The recklessness is preempted before Eilian can get started on it.

I like this flashing back and forth with Eilian. It seems like Eilian hasn't changed much in the 20 years, only now he doesn't have Lorellin smoothing out the ups and downs with Thranduil.

Thranduil is not having much luck with all three of his sons right now, it seems. I laughed at his urge to slap his older sons as I can well sympathesize with that urge.

Nimloth is not going? Now I am really looking forward to this journey! Both Thranduil and Ithilden should get great opportunities to feed their ulcers!

Author Reply: This did turn out to be an Eilian chapter, which was not what I anticipated when I first thought of this story. But it's an interesting period in their lives and I decided there were things I wanted to write about.

Maltanaur keeps a good close eye on his charge. In the stories set later, Eilian accepts Maltanaur's guidance pretty easily, but I think he must have had to learn to do that, and this is one of the places where he got an important lesson.

In the 20 years since Eilian came of age and became a warrior, he has matured some but is still young. He's gotten some experience as a warrior and some confidence in his skills. He's done well away from home. But the death of his mother set him back, and then when he was recovering, Maltanaur was hurt and that didn't help, so he's reeling a little.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/21/2005
So here's more Adrenalin Junkie Eilian. But, at least in the early section, he's at least giving the old college try at settling down and acting in a disciplined manner. He obeys the limits Maltanaur sets on him and does his best to be careful and not give Maltanaur the slip. I thought Maltanaur's line “Wonderful idea.  You are so good at waiting patiently. You go back and get the patrol, and I will stay here and keep watch.” was rather harsh, under the circumstances. Everyone's so quick to jump down Eilian's throat when he does wrong, but they ignore him when he does right. Probably a reaction to learning how different he is from Ithilden, but no wonder he acts out. I think he won't be the only one feeling guilty when Maltanaur wakes up.

But what did they find in the woods that has five toes, smokes meat, is neither Woodman nor Orc, and led to Maltanaur getting so badly hurt? Tune in tomorrow. .. same Elf-time, same Elf-channel.

I strongly suspect that Thranduil is more pleased by the idea of all three kids coming with him than he'll ever let on to any of them. Legolas will love it, of course, and I think Eilian will be happy to be going out, getting both a change of scenery and the brat at the same time. And Ithilden will be surprised at how much he probably enjoys having everyone together, even though it'll take him a long time to admit it to himself.

But poor Mr. Nimloth. At least he has someone to take care of him who's very good at the job. And maybe she'll let him eat lots of salted meat anyway, on account of him being on the DL and all.

Author Reply: Eilian does his best. He's just quick to act and slow to think sometimes. One time I had him say that he learned slowly but he did learn, and I still think that's accurate. And I don't think Eilian minds so much when Maltanaur says things like that. His relationship with Maltanaur is much easier than the one he has with his father. The emotional entanglement is simpler.

But what did they find in the woods that has five toes, smokes meat, is neither Woodman nor Orc, and led to Maltanaur getting so badly hurt?

A bear has five toes! They found bear tracks. At least that's what my tracking web site said. And the orcs are smoking the meat for the winter. Surely they had to do something to preserve their food for winter. They must be smart enough to do that.

I've been thinking about the trip and how they would all react. It's hard to say, really, but I do have some ideas. :-)

ScarlettPendragonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/21/2005
Hi Daw!!

Holy cr@p!! You are certainly not one to let a chapter go by without stirring the plot pot!! Nimloth's husband?! I'm glad that he wasn't fatally hurt (Thank you! LOL), but this certainly puts a crimp in Thranduil's plans!! Heh Heh, it looks like Eilian may be getting some Elflingsitting duties!! And I can't help but notice that the boar wasn't caught - hmmmm!!

The memories of Lorellin always bring a lump to my throat - Thranduil's sense of loss is so obvious it's almost physical, and his worry over connecting with Eilian without Lorellin's calming influence strikes me as being very "true-to-life"!! I'm worried that Eilian's behaviour is a combo of strife in his love life and guilt over Maltanaur's injury - I can't wait to hear the details of how exactly Maltanaur was hurt!!

The scene with Thranduil and Legolas and his pony picture was perfect - I have been gifted with "abstract art" pieces from my nieces and nephews over the years and had to try and guess my way through the subject matter on many occasions - LOL!! And I love the way Legolas gets Eilian to stay and read with him, Go Legolas!!

As always, a fabulous chapter, and I can't wait until the actual trip starts - Legloas riding with his Ada is one of my favorite things!!


Author Reply: No deaths. No, no, no. I learned my lesson on that one!

Eilian is going, but he's a guard, and I suspect Ithilden is going to want him doing what guard do. But someone is going to have to keep an eye on Legolas. None of them has done this with Lorellin before so they may not realize what a challenge a kid can be in a situation like this.

Lorellin's death was a tragedy for them all. I think Eilian might have had a much easier time over the next few centuries if he'd had her around long enough for him to settle into an adult relationship with Thranduil the way Ithilden has done. As it is, he had to wait for Celuwen to agree to bond with him before he was really able to deal with Thranduil better.

I got some of that abstract art too - people who looked like spiders, big round head and legs. And Legolas knew how to manipulate Eilian into doing what he wanted. Clever child.

BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/21/2005
I love this chapter.
I am curious to know what happened to Maltanaur. When Eilian sat beside his keeper and took his hand and spoke... it was so sweet of him. On the other hand I believe that some kind of remorse must be going on there...
Oh my, Thranduil will certainly have a problem. Mischevious elfing among the woods with brother Eilian??? Wow, I wonder what will the adults do. Ahhahah!
It was so sad to read that line of Thranduil: is he losing his hope to understand his son? Poor one.
But the way, I love the glimpses you give us about the queen. It is nice to know more about her and to see how beloved Thranduil acted with a female (his female!) around.

Author Reply: Eilian has a lot on his mind right now, and it's upset his equilibrium, which is on the fragile side because of his mother's recent death. Poor guy. At least you know that Maltanaur survives to be in later stories!

Thranduil is not used to being a single parent and he may be underestimating the challenge. :-)

I feel kind of sorry for Thranduil. He wants to do better with Eilian but it's like with his wife gone he doesn't know how.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/21/2005
Oh, yes - I nearly forgot. What's the significance of this sentence: 'Unless you counted the outrageous behavior with the webbing, of course,'? It sounds very, very ominous.

Author Reply: Coming right up!

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