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Confusion  by Jay of Lasgalen 32 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/9/2005
I am glad the twins made up with each other. It was nice how Elrohir helped his brother in the end with his task.

But the end ... on first sight a quite bad cliffhanger. But I can't imagine someone creep into Imladris and in the Last Homely House without being noticed, and I doubt someone in the household would murder or even hurt the twins. So I suppose one of the girls is about to resolve the problem of looking alike with a haircut ...? I wonder who is the intruder, and more important, the victim?

Author Reply: Yes, the twins made up. I think they may have had frequent arguments, but always knew they would 'be there' for each other when necessary.

You make a good point about the intruder - she can't be a stranger, so who is she? And what is she going to do? And who to? (I sound like an owl ...)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/9/2005
Poor Elrohir! Shouldn't Sweeney Todd here be targeting the other twin? He's been the one causing the trouble! Still, Elrohir is probably less likely to murder the perpetrator. Probably.

I'm glad he made it up with Elladan, though. And this - I wish that people would look at us when they speak to us, and see the differences, not the similarities - really made me feel sorry for the Brothers Beautiful.

Although long experience, both as a child and a mother, leads me to be aware that running through the names of everyone in the household before coming up with the right one doesn't mean you aren't perfectly well aware of who's who. It's just a mouth thing. The twins should just be thankful Celebrian hasn't called either of them Arwen yet.

Author Reply: Sweeney Todd? LOL! Well guessed. But who is the target - and who is the demon barber?

While I think that the twins are alike in many ways, there are also clear differences in their likes and dislikes, and in their individual skills and strengths. Most people don't see further than skin deep, though.

And the name thing - what makes you so sure they haven't been called Arwen? I was called by my brother's name on occasion when we were children!

elizaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/9/2005
Aaahhhhh!!! You cannot possible be so cruel as to leave me with this cliff hanger. I really like this story (as well as all your others). I like how you have written the twins, Elrohirs pain and confusion comes thru and makes one empathise with him. Now who's getting stabbed and who's doing the stabbing?

Unitl next time,


Author Reply: Who indeed? Neither assailant nor victim are named.

You should know me by now - I like cliff hangers, I like the twins, and I won't do lasting damage to either of them here.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
I may be totally misinterpreting the tone of this story, and perhaps something truly dreadful is about to happen, but somehow I think that the most likely outcome of this cliffhanger is that someone is about to undergo a haircut.

I will be suitably embarrassed if I am proven wrong.

Please update soon.

Author Reply: As I've aimed more for humour than angst in the story, you could be right. Someone is going to be embarrassed, though!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
Shades of Mrs. Brewster, there's an unstable elleth running around Imladris! For some reason, I have a sneaking suspicion that it's Arwen, though, come to play a prank on her brothers.

But Lindella does not seem to be a happy camper, either. Love makes people do weird things, I guess. I'm glad that I don't love.

And I'm glad that the twins have kissed and made up. I'm sure it really bugs them when they have a fight, more than when they're angry with other people. And I can well imagine that each of them has flirted with the idea of not wanting to be a twin. so it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Author Reply: Mrs Brewster? Who's she?

You're right, Lindella isn't happy with Elrohir. At the moment he doesn't realise that the reason she's upset is because she cares about him. But what is happening now?

I think that although the twins would have frequently been fed up with always being 'ElladanandElrohir' and would have had several arguments and fallings-out, they wouldn't be happy until they made up again.

GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
This story is very amusing, I'm really enjoying it, but what's with the girl and the knife? Did Elrohir make Lindella *that* mad? Oh well, you'll just have to update soon so I can find out!

Author Reply: Well, Lindella is furious, but as you say it's supposed to be an amusing tale. Wait and see!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/6/2005
That was not very nice of Elladan. I can understand so well Elrohir is angry at him! To have an identical twin can be a lot of fun with all the pranks which are possible against all people who aren't able to tell them apart. But sometimes it is quite the opposite. It is a shame Glorfindel didn't see Elladan had tricked him!

Author Reply: Elrohir gets frustrated that people can't see that beneath the surface they're different. They just see the identical appearance. It must be worse when it's people (like Glorfindel) who should be able to tell the difference.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/6/2005
'How could his life possibly get any worse?

If ever there was a remark more likely to presage his life getting a good deal worse, I can't imagine what it might be!

Poor Elrohir.

Author Reply: You think that line was a giveaway?? You could be right ;)

Poor Elrohir is due for an unpleasant shock soon.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/5/2005
Ah, this is a nice one... Poor Elrohir I feel sorry for him. His brother is not on his good side and I don't blame him, people never knowing who is who and he really liked that girl...
Love to hear more, please continue

Author Reply: It must be annoying to be constantly mistaken for someone else. Poor Elrohir - and Elladan - hate it!

mysticheeroReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/5/2005
Heh heh, the problems of having a walking, talking mirror image is a pain in the arse. I am looking forward to reading the next chapter, so please post it soon. I can simpathise with Elrohir - though I don't have a twin I do have a sister who looked just like me up until she cut her hair and I dyed mine! It was really annoying when I would get scoulded by teachers and other members of family (excluding parents and other siblings) for something she did. Poor El, I want to see some revenge for this! I trust Elrohir will be getting it. Keep on typing the honey. Toodles and ta me darlin'.

Author Reply: Most of this isn't really Elladan's fault - he's just as annoyed to be constantly mistaken for his brother as Elrohir is. They love one another, but sometimes wish they didn't look quite so alike!

There is a solution, but the twins won't like it.

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