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The Gift by Dot | 17 Review(s) |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2005 |
Oh I loved this! When I first read LotR, someone I know that really loved the books and I were talking about it and one of the comments he made was that he didn't understand why everyone who had just seen the movies thought Legolas was so interesting since he thought Legolas had played hardly any role in the books. That comment really struck me because my initial thought of Legolas when I read the books was that he played the same role that all the Fellowship minus Frodo did. Frodo ended an Age by destroying the Ring but everyone else in the Fellowship began the new Age by helping to build it and Legolas's role in that task was healing the land he had seen during the Quest. So...I really loved seeing that in this story and I especially loved seeing Thranduil take part in it. I loved the image of Thranduil and Legolas taking in the beauty of dawn together in a tree. That is wonderful. But even better was the image of Legolas and Thranduil healing the grief of the trees and the world around them. I have always loved the idea of the Woodelves connection to the forest and you did a great job showing that here. “Lord Elrond once told me that you were as great a healer as he in your own way. I never understood that until now,” he said to Thranduil, who after a surprised moment grinned and pulled his son close to him. “Lord Elrond always possessed great wisdom,” he said dryly. *Snort* That was a great set of lines. :-) And I really liked the memories of Thranduil's reaction to hearing that Legolas wanted to leave Eryn Lasgalen to go to Ithilien. I cannot imagine he agreed to that easily and I liked the way you portrayed it here. I think it is very realistic really--he says his immediate reaction and then reins it in. Poor Thranduil--that must have been hard, really. Great story, Dot! Author Reply: Crikey, elliska, you've made my day with this review! Thank you so much. That's a really interesting comment about the healing of the land being Legolas' part in building a new Age. It gives real meaning to the idea of an elf taking a group with him and setting about trying to nurture the trees and heal a place that had been touched by evil. It also shows that his role in helping M-e didn't end when the Ring was destroyed. I'm really glad you liked Legolas and Thranduil healing the trees together. It's hard to try to convey something and still keep it a little mysterious! I couldn't resist the Elrond lines. I was supposed to be trying to show that what Thranduil can do is in some ways as important as Elrond's skill but then Thranduil's startled face appeared in front of me!! I'm just thrilled that you thought the memory was 'realistic'. It's hard to know but I imagine that it can't have been easy for him. I like to think that he did give his blessing and even played his part. Thank you so very much for such a great review. I hope you're learning something on that training course as well as reading fanfiction ;-) | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2005 |
Ithilien needs the song of the elves to heal it, Adar. It needs people to live there again.” He gazed at his silent father, waiting, until Thranduil met his eyes. “It will give me purpose too, Adar,” he added softly. What a beautiful story, Dot. Author Reply: Thank you so much, shirebound! I'm delighted that you enjoyed it and I really appreciate you picking out a line you like. You've put a very happy smile on my face :-) | |
Legolass | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2005 |
The other story of yours that I read a couple of yours ago that I truly loved was "Till We Meet Again". "The GIft" is also wonderful. I portray Thranduil as a good father in my own stories. GLad to see him as one in yours as well. :-) Author Reply: Thank you, Legolass! I'm glad you like the portrayal of Thranduil. I couldn't see him as anything but a good father and I enjoy exploring the relationship between him and his son. Thanks for the review :-) | |
French Pony | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2005 |
Very nice. You can see just how much Thranduil loves Legolas, not only to let him go away to Ithilien, but then to go visit him and help him do the job he aimed to do there. He loves Legolas enough to let him decide his own path in life and provide what assistance he can. And I love the image of the two of them hugging a tree and singing to it, greening the land again and letting it know that there are Elves there, so everything's going to be better now. Thranduil does indeed have a talent for healing trauma. And I think that the land was not the only one to benefit from that talent. I think that his healing power probably extends to his war-traumatized son as well, as he helps make a new, lovely place where Legolas can live and do what he must do before departing. Author Reply: This is such a great review, FP. I heaved a big sigh of relief when you said "He loves Legolas enough to let him decide his own path in life and provide what assistance he can." I was really hoping that came across. I'm very glad you liked the image of the two of them singing to the tree, and your thought about how Thranduil is providing some healing for his son too is a lovely one. Thank you so much for the review :-) | |
eliza | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2005 |
What a great story Dot. Thank you for your gift. I always felt that in order for Legolas to be so special, he must have gotten his qualities from some one. Your portrayal of Thranduil is terrific. I imagine it must be difficult for any Dad to watch his grown son go off on a different path but you manage to capture the love and respect of these two brilliantly. Looking forward to your next story. E Author Reply: Hi there! Thank you so much for your review. Your portrayal of Thranduil is terrific. That means the world to me. I always feel a bit wary of writing him because other people do it so well that he's a bit untouchable to me. So the fact that you liked his portrayal and enjoyed the relationship between him and his son makes me very happy! Thank you for such generous words :-) | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2005 |
Oh my goodness! Thank you, Dot. It's just after 6am here, and I'm sitting at my computer smiling like an idiot. I think I must share Thranduil's love of the dawn, at least when they're accompanied by surprises like this one. I don't think it ever occurred to me that Legolas's motive for going to Ithilien was to heal the land. That's a very elfy premise. You did a wonderful job conveying how the land had been harmed by the evil done there. It felt like it was more than just trees destroyed, although that was part of the evil certainly. And Thranduil's concern for his son, living so close to this, was touching. The flashback to Thranduil healing Lasgalen sent a little thrill through me. It was magic indeed. Your Thranduil is a good father and an awe inspiring figure too. It is my gift to you. This gift is wonderful, Dot. Thank you. Author Reply: I'm so relieved you like it! Mmm, yeah I've heard the dawn is a nice time of day, although I've never seen it myself... ;-) I thought this might be the first step before elves really travelled and settled there, and even though it became deserted land to men, the elves might be able to feel more of the memory of fear and horror. I'm really glad you felt the effect of evil on the land came across. Your Thranduil is a good father and an awe inspiring figure too. Wow, thanks daw. Enjoy your day! :-) | |
Jay of Lasgalen | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2005 |
Dot, that's lovely. I love the image of Thranduil as a healer of the land. I like to see glimpses of wood-elf magic, especially from the elvenking! The relationship and bond between Thranduil and Legolas is great - I like their closeness. I can understand Thranduil's initial reluctance for his son to leave again, but so glad he gave him his blessing. What a lovely present for Daw - I'm glad we can all share it! Jay Author Reply: Hi Jay! Thank you so much for the review. I thought this might be a rather wood-elfy talent for Thranduil to have and I like the idea of him not only using it to heal his own home but to help his son too. I'm thrilled that you liked the relationship between them! I figured this was something special for them to share. Thanks for your kind words :-) | |