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History Lessons: The Third Age  by Nilmandra 32 Review(s)
EllieReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
This was wonderful. So very emotional. It really brought out how brittle these former leaders of Middle-earth are and also how well respected and loved they are. I was so glad to see the healing beginning to take place. I loved the description of the strength of Celeborn.

Excellent, excellent story!

Author Reply: Thanks, Ellie. I was thinking of what 'weary' must feel like to an elf who is so long lived, and brittle is what came to mind. Glad you liked it. I am very glad that Elrond is in Celebrian's arms again, and the healing of his deep hurts can take place.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
Elrond is still trying to care for everyone - even when he is barely keeping to his feet. Thank goodness for Celebrian, I say. Once he was delivered into her tender care, he could let go and count on her joyous spirit to bolster him.

His sight of his father was a real indication that he was no longer left to endure on his own, and that there is more to family than simply your children. I loved that - and the progress of the ship through the barriers and enchantments that keep the unwelcome away from the Blessed Realm. Gorgeous description and a lovely scene to imagine.

I love Galadriel's vulnerability, too - and Cirdan's warmth.

The two symbols of the ending of the relationship between elves and men, the Palantir of Elostirion and Barahir's ring ... I can see that their presence would be bitter-sweet. Arwen has truly been left behind to another life.

Love Bilbo, by the way - such a gallant hobbit.

Poor Elrond - having dreaded this moment of revelation ... I wonder if Celebrian's omniscience was that much of a relief or whether it made him feel redundant. I suspect he was too bemused by her presence to care.

Gil-galad was a surprise, but I was delighted to see him. Elrond needs the presence of those he loves and G-g was a very important part of his life. (Although what all these people are going to do in the BR is something that exercises my mind!) Loved the arrival of the Valar to welcome Olorin - and Melian looking at her grandson's grandson.

A gentle ending - reunion and the ease of pain. I look forward to seeing Elrond build a new life in the peace of the Blessed Realm.

Author Reply: I think most of us need to be needed - it is something that anchors us in our world, perhaps. Makes us feel useful.

I have thought a lot about what Celebrian might know. I have created an entire story in my mind of her healing, and what she might have known was happening in Middle-earth. Manwe did keep track, after all. :>) Would he tell her? Perhaps, if he saw need. I think the Valar were compassionate. They loved the Eldar.

I went back and forth with having Cirdan sail. I think canon wise, one could read that either way. I wanted Gil-galad released primarily for him, since Cirdan raised him and was with him when he died too.

It seemed only fitting that Olorin would return to a heroes welcome. Well done indeed.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
We should send you on holiday more often! Wonderful chapter. Of all the manners of starting this chapter that I could think of, you chose the best to keep with what, to me, is the greatest strength of this tale, the "backstage" approach! I cheered out loud when I realized that the "camera" was following the travellers into the ship. We are so used to see the ships sail away! ( or watching them arrive...) I really loved those conversatons while on "the road". A wonderful touch.

Earendil's guest appearance was appropriately eerie. Perfectly done, the distance, both physical and in time, between father and son was bridged without words. That part really impressed me.

The arrival, with Frodo's dream made true, was very moving. It is good to see Elrond finally at peace, and feeling that peace taking seat deeply within him. Yet I really loved that Manwë and Varda went there to greet Olorin. He truly deserved it. And I bet Círdan too was more than surprised. It was so kind of you to bribe Mandos into releasing Ereinion for the Shipwright's arrival! That's what I like most of fanfiction, that we can get to see those gaps properly filled in!. Wonderful Nilmandra, and not over yet! I'm loving this!

Author Reply: That whole story was seen through Elrond's eyes or told to him by someone who witnessed the event. That was an interesting way to write for me, as I tend to head jump to tell the story. Following Elrond all the way to Celebrian's arms was very cool for me as a writer, but I felt like it really did need to end there when I looked it over this morning. Not my intent at all - I have three more chapters! - but there is always another story. :D

It was so kind of you to bribe Mandos into releasing Ereinion for the Shipwright's arrival!

Glad you approve of that bribe! He was easy going about it, LOL.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
Absolutely lovely - Elrond's brief glimpse of his father, the meetings with Gil-galad and Celebrian - Frodo's recognition of his dream. Made me sniffle.

Author Reply: I am glad it is over, I admit. The tone was melancholy, but I think that was appropriate. The next story will be of transition.. of final endings but of new beginnings too.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
It's so good to see Elrond starting to focus on the beginnings of his new way of life rather than the endings of the old one. I hope, though, that he will at least get to renew his relationship with his wife for a while and maybe play tourist a bit before becoming hopelessly embedded in the politics of Valinor.

Author Reply: LOL, I am not sure how I see the politics of Valinor quite yet. The Eldar seem pretty harmonious about most things.. when they 'fall' they do it rather spectacularly (ie the kinslaying). But it is a new start, too, and I am glad for Elrond to be reunited with Celebrian and safe in her arms.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
That was so wonderful I cant describe it!! and (sob) so very emotional, my only complaint is I cant go there!!

Author Reply: LOL, I might like to visit, but I don't think I'd want to stay. Like Frodo, I'd like to go for a time but I'll be more than happy to pass beyond the circles of the world when my time comes. :D

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
I know you've been working up to this chapter for a long time, and you did a beautiful job. That moment between Elrond and his father was very touching and awe-inspiring, as were all of the emotions and reunions at Tol Eressea. You really gave us the feeling of a 'journey' -- towards hope, renewal, and healing.

Author Reply: I am glad you liked the ending. This story was long in the writing and I'm glad Elrond is finally home. And there are always more stories. :>)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/25/2006
This was a very moving chapter. Everyone on that ship is leaving one life and going toward another. They're uncertain of the journey and of what they will find at the end, and they're already worn down from long years of struggle. So the movement to hope and joy is wonderful to see.

As always, I like the way you pick up and use bits of canon, like Frodo's dream in the Barrowdowns.

Author Reply: I was thinking of how far the pendulum has swung, from low points of weariness and despair to highs of hope and joy. It must be very tiring, and they will be glad for a good long rest. Good thing others are there who are glad for a challenge, like acclimating new arrivals and making them feel at home.

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/24/2006
Wow. Yet again, an amazing few chapters. Elrond's pain and suffering are perfectly captures, especially when contrasted to his joy at seeing Celebrian again. I hope this isn't the end, it feels like we still have a few things to cover!

Author Reply: I have more chapters written, but today when I reread this, I thought it felt too much like an end - a very good place to stop. So I changed the story to complete, and will work that which remains into its own story. :D

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/24/2006
I think this chapter broke the record for the number of times you had me bawling. The whole entire ship passage, for starters. There's something about the idea of moving between worlds that's so mystical and magical and spiritual. The imagery and symbolism of the straight way was so powerful. And the departure from ME meant so many different things to different characters, yet you addressed it all beautifully. Frodo and Bilbo, leaving the only home they had ever known; Elrond, being reunited with his father and *Kleenex* Celebrian and *two Kleenexes, because it was so unexpected* Gil-galad; Galadriel, with her trepidation, and finally, Gandalf, transfigured at last into his true self. What a beautiful, inspiring, and uplifting chapter.

Author Reply: I am glad you thought it worked - I had one of those 'this is the most boring uninspiring things I have written' moments yesterday. Such a trip had to be bewildering.. I'd be glad for someone like Celebrian waiting there to take charge and find me a place for a good long rest.

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