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A Spring of Joy  by daw the minstrel 24 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/14/2005
Wow, what a great chapter. I like the way it starts, the way it moves, and the way it ends. Seeing Eilian splitting wood like any other settlement Elf is quite a change from the flirtatious, reckless warrior that you wrote about several hundred years ago. I grinned when I read this sentence:

Messengers from the palace almost always brought something for Loriel – an embroidered shift, a package of candied fruit, and on one memorable occasion, a toy Mûmakil from the market in Dale.

I thought about the gifts and wondered if the shift was from Alfirin, the candy from Thranduil, and the Mumakil from Legolas.

I think that Sinnarn is really becoming his own man. I think that the key thing that makes him seem different from his uncles is, as you say, the cynicism that he shares with Thranduil about the presence of evil. Because he grew up with it, he seems to accept its presence in a way that his brothers do not. This is a great insight.

I like seeing Ithilden's special powers glint out into the open once in a while. Hmm, he can open and close the stronghold doors . . . and sometimes shows a spooky prescience about other people's thoughts . . . very much his father's son, and obviously the heir. I enjoy those preternatuaral moments.

And it would have been wonderful for Ithilden to go dancing by himself! I don't think we've ever seen him do something like that. Walking along the river with Alfirin and clumsily setting her on fire doesn't count as a moment of joy.

The scene of Legolas and Eilian dancing together in the glade was wonderful. And although it's sad, it feels right that Legolas's bond with Tuilinn is very much alive. It seems necessary now, for his mindset about the Quest. But I have to say, I just didn't think that the scouting party would leave without him. Who's going to protect Loriel from Gollum? And when will Legolas run into a Nazgul? Doggone it, how long will I have to wait to find out??? ;-) Whatever you said, it's too long. Please update soon, and happy typing.

Author Reply: I hadn't though about who would have picked out which presents! I think Alfirin would certainly be the one who embroidered the shift, but Grandfather and Uncle Legolas might have to compete in sending candy and toys. I was pleased when I remembered that Dale was famous for its toys. Bilbo gives them away at the Long Awaited Party, but I couldn't find any details about them so I had to make up the Mumakil. Eilian enjoyed playing with it. :-)

Sinnarn is a lot like his grandfather, with a less domineering personality, I think. He doesn't want to be in charge the way Ithilden or Thranudil does.

Walking along the river with Alfirin and clumsily setting her on fire -- this made me laugh. I'm not sure Ithilden is a dancing-in-the-Glade kind of guy.

Legolas has things to do closer to home so I couldn't send him to Dol Guldur. I don't know when he'll run into a Nazgul. Sometime in the next 60 years, I guess.

DotReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/14/2005
I’m so happy with the speed with which you’re updating this! Hurrah for summer vacation!!

It still took me a minute at the start of the chapter to adjust to Eilian living in the settlement. Oh well, it looks like I won’t actually have to get used to it. I can just see Eilian being completely intrigued by this mysterious summons from the king. I like the way he immediately knows that it’s something important and possibly dangerous because of how much information Thranduil left out. It’s actually probably a good thing that Celuwen is experienced in dealing with Thranduil and knows how things are run because she recognises immediately, as Eilian does, that he has no choice but to go and so she won’t protest in the way others might. Of course, she’s clever too and I imagine only ten years into a time of peace, a lot of people are aware on some level that it could end.

Poor Loriel seems very upset that her beloved ada is going away. Six weeks is a long time for such a young child. I presume they don’t have gift shops in Dol Guldur. Speaking of which, I just love the thought of the pressies that come for her!! She’s even more spoiled than if she lived in the palace ;-) And a wind-up Mûmakil??! Eilian sounds like a very indulgent father but I wonder if Flower-Face or Ada got more fun out of that particular toy…?!

That was brave of Eilian to go and speak to Sólith and Isiwen, but it was absolutely the right thing to do. I just knew Sólith would react like that, seeing it as an excuse for Eilian to go off gallivanting. It was a bit unfair of him to say that Eilian isn’t always obedient to the king. He may not always have been the most compliant son, and he sulked every time he was transferred out of the south, but the way I see it, he’s always done his duty. Sólith always seems to be itching for a fight with him. Yay for Isiwen telling him to shut up. I’m feeling a bit nervous about Celuwen and Loriel being on their own, though… At least Loriel has moved into her parents’ bed.

What a treat to see Sinnarn and Emmelin together! She sounds rather independent too. At least Alfirin had enough experience dealing with Celuwen trying to settle in to know not to push her into making any sweeping changes to her lifestyle! I bet it’s a struggle not to hover around her new daughter-in-law, though.

“He did not seem angry, which was the other possibility, of course.” For some reason, that struck me as hilarious. It seems to be just widely accepted that Eilian frequently annoys his father.

I knew the second I read about Tiondir and Belaral that they were so not going on this mission. New OCs involved in such a central role? Hmm. Only if you wanted to kill them… Sinnarn really has grown up. I feel sorry for him in a way because he is so certain that peace won’t last and as a result is reluctant to start a family, but I also really admire him for his devotion to both family and duty. He doesn’t have the highs and lows of the rest of his family in striving to protect the realm, seeing peace come and hoping that it will last and about to see evil return again. I wouldn’t necessarily call him cynical, but he seems to have an acceptance that there is evil in the world that may threaten those he loves and a desire to protect his family and those who cannot protect themselves that shows a lot of wisdom. I can’t see him taking off on a quest to Mordor in order to save Middle-earth, but Legolas would and even Eilian might if he had the chance. I don’t think Thranduil would do it very easily either. I imagine he would be able to see the bigger picture but he and his grandson put their home first, while Legolas had the belief that trying to destroy the ring would ultimately do what fighting from Mirkwood would never achieve. Neither way of thinking is better than the other, but it’s interesting to see the differences.

“Warriors are a bigger bunch of gossips than any sewing circle of young wives.” What a great line!!

“I am the king’s grandson, his oldest son’s heir. How can this not be my worry?” Bravo, Sinnarn! That is such a difference from resenting the responsibility of being Ithilden’s son. Even though the last thing I want is for Sinnarn to be in danger, I’m glad Ithilden listened to him and accepted what he was saying. I wouldn’t like to be the one to tell Alfirin, though. Or Thranduil.

“Legolas looked at her and Ithilden, sitting next to one another on the other side of the fire, and for a wild moment, he considered inviting his oldest brother to come out with him and Eilian.” *g* Loved that moment! Especially Ithilden’s reaction. Legolas should just invite Thranduil while he’s at it.

I was glad for the opportunity to see Legolas and Eilian together. Eilian still seems to have to educate baby brother about maidens. I was glad he let Legolas know that it’s o.k. to dance with others. He needs to be able to enjoy himself like that. It must be odd, though, that most people wouldn’t know about Legolas and Tuilinn.

Lovely ending. Pity you’re probably going to ruin their happiness ;-) *sigh* They might as well take any chances for joy that might present themselves. So Eilian, Maltanaur, Sinnarn and Tynd are heading off? Ominous, but very exciting! And I suspect the rest of them won’t exactly be sitting around bored while they’re gone…

This looks like it might be a long one. Will it?? Please say yes! I’m really enjoying myself so far :-)

Author Reply: Celuwen is a really good match for Eilian in experience as well as in temperament. She does know how things are done in the palace, and she accepts that Eilian has a duty as the king's son. That doesn't mean she has to like it, but she understands it. Now Loriel doesn't understand a thing. She's too little. And Eilian swallowed his dislike of his father-in-law to make sure that Celuwen would get the help she needed. I see extended families as very important in this kind of living.

I'm still excited by the idea that Annael is related to the king through his daughter now. I love Annael, and this just seems right! You so have Sinnarn pegged! He's going to stay home and take care of his family and people, just like Thranduil.

You made me laugh at the idea of inviting Thranduil dancing. Wouldn't that create a stir in the Glade! LOLOL

I figured the stuff with Legolas and Tuilinn happened far away. I suppose people might know about it if they thought, but he's not going to make a big deal of it.

I don't know how long this story will be. I never know. I always think the stories will be short and then they kind of grow. This one has a couple of threads but they're not very complicated. We'll see. :-)

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/14/2005
How very enjoyable to click on SoA and find a new chapter of your story. I think that is one of your best tales so far. Your word picture of the daily life of a peaceable Eilian chopping wood and Celuwen peeling asparagus makes things seem so natural and homey. Loriel talking to her dolls and wondering if the messenger brought her a package shows that she is well loved by her Adar's family as well as Celuwen's parents. It's too bad that Eilian must leave the females of his heart and go away for so long. Though Celuwen has her parents there to support her, I almost wish that she had said spit on the garden and left with Eilian to visit Thranduil. Let's hope that any surprises have left the area or they go visit Solith instead! Bad tempered in-law!

Sinnarn also going south! That was a surprise though it makes sense that he feels that he should be involved in this mission. He has grown up a lot and has shown his worth as a warrior who is devoted in protecting his home and family. As it was, I had to laugh when he almost repeated Beliond's "word" as he was talking to his Adar. Sounds like it would be something you would hear in the barracks and not in the palace. Though he is Ithilden's son, Sinnarn seems to be more like Thranduil in his actions and beliefs. He has a more than healthy cynicism regarding the quiet times that the realm has been enjoying. If Thranduil were not king, I think he would be leading this expedition.

Eilian's and Legolas' final evening in the glade dancing the night away is so very WoodsElfie and such a lovely memory. The interchange with the two brothers is funny and evokes a lot of other nights spent in the glade together. It was nice that Eilian prodded Legolas into enjoying the dancing even though he is pledged to Tuilinn. It shows that he can still have fun and be true to his beloved. Your Legolas here is so near the one that goes on the quest. Mature, a leader, a excellent warrior, discreet (though Sinnarn is not impressed by this), and one who will take chances and look for new adventures. I think I will reread this chapter and then go back and read your story "A Question of Duty" again. Do update soon.


Author Reply: I thought it would be very hard for Celuwen to leave the settlement and go to the palace. That garden, for instance, isn't just a hobby for her. She's growing part of what they'll eat for the rest of the year, fresh in the summer and probably canned in the winter. But I also think that she and Eilian both like living here. It must have seemed an intrusion even when the messenger addressed Eilian as "my lord." Of course, Loriel doesn't seem to mind the intrusion of presents from the palace!

I also thought it was time to let Sinnarn grow up. His wife wants elflings of her own, so he needs to get stop being a child himself. And trouble is coming to the Woodland Realm. Someone needs to be ready to defend the stronghold when the Orcs attack during the Ring War.

I thank you mightily for saying that Legolas of the Fellowship is in sight! I'm not quite sure how he'll compare to the Legolas I wrote in "Question of Duty." I wrote that story a long time ago it seems like.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/14/2005
Go Sinnarn!
Of course it is my worry! I am the king’s grandson, his oldest son’s heir. How can this not be my worry?” Ithilden must be proud of him! I really like how you've come to flesh him out, from the unruly elfling to this serious and responsible warrior. I only hope that you have overcome your tendency to get significant OCs killed.. have you? (blinks peadingly)

The opening scene was superbly visual. I may have seen that kind of scene thousands of times in the movies, but writing that down in such visual way must be truly difficult, in spite of its aparent lightness... And it is good to see Eilian so happily settled in spite of his father-in-law.

I believe that staying home is going to be a maddening exercise in patience for them all...with so much at stake, both for the family and the realm.. I wonder what Alfirin had to say to Ithilden when she knew how easily he gave in to Sinnarn.. not that he had much chance, though, but I suppose she must have made Eilian's reasoning too. Sigh.

Abroad and without Internet access for another week...too bad for me. Do not kill any of them before I'm back! please!:-)

Author Reply: It seemed to me that being wounded at the Battle of Five Armies and being loved by Emmelin would have settled Sinnarn down nicely. It's time for him to grow up. And I'll bet his parents are proud of him, even though they might want to hover over him a little.

Poor Eilian. He's happy in his life in the settlement, but he still owes his service to his father's realm. Even when I wrote about the messenger addressing him as "my lord," it sounded odd in the settlement.

I think I can find things to keep those at home busy. :-)

Being abroad might be fun. Being without internet access would not be.

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