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The True Face of Courage  by FirstMate 13 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
It was pretty brave of Elladan and Legolas to confront the meeting of elves who were busy with the fate of Middle Earth - but at least Elrond is the kind of Adar who can tell the difference between bored elflings and worried ones.

But poor Elrohir! He's been stuck in that cave for almost a whole day - and he's hurt! I can see perfectly how he will confront his own cave/rat terrors for Elladan, though. (He would anyway, but there's a beautiful symmetry between the two tales!)

It must be awful to be the mother of one of those two obnoxious boys! Imagine dragging them to Elrond, knowing that they have harmed his sweet little elfling. At least Rat and Toad deserve to be scared and humiliated! Let's see - a career as sanitation elves seems to beckon. You don't need sensitivity to deal with that!

And Celebrian - getting to the point where she can't get through the tunnel must have been the worst moment of her life so far. Really, Legolas and Elladan are the only practical option - but who can send elflings their age into pitch darkness and who knows what? Just as well Elladan went - and he knows they can't fetch him back. Did Celebrian leave the torch down the tunnel? I hope so - the only way Elladan will find Elrohir in the pitch dark is to step on him, and that won't do him any good. (And she should go back with a supply of torches. They will help keep the rats away.)

You can't leave this too long! The poor elflings need rescue. Elrohir needs rescue - and counselling.

Estel? He still needs a boot. Introduce him to Belmandren and Johir. He can help them in their life work.

Author Reply: Not to discount the bravery of Elladan and Legolas, but I don't really think they knew what their parents were talking about. For all they knew, it was a discussion about the best way to harvest wheat! Still, for two little tykes to interrupt any grown-up meeting had to take courage and I like that they are willing to take risks when necessary. Speaks well of their characters.

And yes, I would definitely hate being the mother of one of the older boys and have to tell Elrond and Celebrian that my son was responsible for their little son missing. Ugh! I can imagine the discussions in those homes after Elrohir is found and all the excitement has died down. I wouldn't want to be either of those boys for a long time!

Yes, Celebrian did leave the torch, thankfully, because there is absolutely no light otherwise. Without it, Elladan would have a very hard time finding Elrohir. I have written that part of the chapter already, but the rest of it is not coming along very fast, I'm afraid. SO...I'm sorry but the next update is still probably a couple of weeks out. Just haven't had time in the evenings and I've been out of town every weekend for the past month and a half!

As for Estel, I agree that a boot would still be a good option. He's not done being immature just yet.

songspinnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/10/2005
Yikes. The suspense is certainly well done, here. The twins' mother understanding before Elrond is interesting...

This reminds me of the older kids at my school convincing the younger ones that on their overnight trip, the counselors would leave them in the woods at night without even a flashlight. It took several kids deciding they shouldn't go for me to realize what was going on and talking to the class. Sheesh.

Author Reply: Yes, "innocent fun" can sometimes take a nasty turn. I'm glad you found out about what the kids in school were saying before they ruined the trip for the younger ones. Poor little things! As for Elrond and Celebrian, well, I think that in this case she was able to be a bit more objective since she wasn't the one who was being disobeyed. I know if one of my kids was was flat-out ignoring what I told them, I'd be irritated too! I think Elrond and Celebrian make a good team, though, and I'm sure there are times when Elrond has to be the voice of reason with Celebrian if the twins are being especially rascally. (Is that a word? Hmmmm).

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/10/2005
I'm deeply grateful that someone is now going after Elrohir. I kept waiting for the two older boys to fess up once the search started but I suppose it was night and they didn't hear about it. How horrible for the parents to know Elrohir is there and not be able to reach him. I hope Elladan is okay.

Author Reply: I honestly can't imagine how terrible it would be to know your child was trapped and you couldn't get to them. It would be even worse for Celebrian, who probably felt that if she could get just a little further, she could find him. Poor thing...I'd be frantic, trying to get through.'s Elladan to the rescue! And you're right, Johir and Belmandren didn't hear about the search until early morning, which is when they finally fessed up. I bet telling their lord that they'd left his son in a cave is something they'll never forget!

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