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Battle of the Golden Wood  by Marnie 84 Review(s)
svadilfariReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/1/2005
Ok, I will give a full review of the whole story because I could not stop at one chapter! Had to finish it all, and looks like it needs a second read for certain ideas needs rumination. Yes, I'm afraid Imay write again when I realise discussion is needed ;-p

But, first! Calandil! How COULD you! First horse-flesh to be eaten in your PotC and now Calandil dead! I care not one whit that it was a noble brave death nor that he has the Halls of bloody Mandos waiting for him, HOW could you? With all that pretty hair?!

About Thrainduil's wife. Your translation or required for the plot? I always thought more like death. To have married HIM would require the stubborness of Celeborn and so may have participated in risky adventures which held a possibilty of death along with it. The Wood Elves, after all were known to be fey. Coming to that, I believe, (in my small little mind) that the inherent dislike of both Galadriel and Thrainduil stems from them truly being more alike than they will ever care to admit, aloud or not. And for anyone to say that aloud would allow for a one way passage to Mandos ;-)

But, wow! Never thought of the falling of Dol Guldor by a song!
And I really love how nature responds to the Elves! How the trees used for the evil machinism of Sauron still obey Celeborn. Or barring that any poem that comes to mind! Hah, love your subtle sense of humour, though it swiftly fell when Calandil did...

But seriously, does the Tolkien Estate know you are writing this? You should be published and paid for this! His muse had MOST evidently and obviously visited you, though you now adorn your talent in the PotC site. *sniff*

Oh, and what is pignut?

Author Reply: LOL! More evil authorial laughter :) You're going to hate me when I say that I wrote Calandil extra nice entirely so that everyone would be upset when he was killed. It was a way of making the point that war is a bad thing, and that fighting against evil is not without cost. My evil plan backfired a bit though, because *I* got so fond of him that I then had to go and write 'Seeds of Old Trees' partly so that I could show he was alive and well again.

Thranduil's wife's sea longing was my invention. I've always felt that Thranduil got short shrift in fandom, when he seemed to me like a merry and competant monarch, and the only elf king who made it into the 4th Age unscathed. Also there is a bit of a tendancy to look down on the woodelves as ignorant rustics, so I wanted to have a scene where Thranduil comforts and advises Celeborn, just to make the point that Thranduil has his own wisdom, and Celeborn values it.

The idea for Galadriel's song came from Finrod's song-battle with Gorthaur in the Silm, so I can't claim any credit for that. And thankfully the Estate don't know about this, as I can't imagine they'd be pleased, but thank you so much, as that's the best compliment you could possibly give me. I am utterly delighted that you like it so much.

(And pignuts are a kind of wild plant that grows in temperate woods with leafy tops and a small round root a bit like a radish. The root is edible, though I've never tried it myself ;) )

Thanks again!

Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/22/2004
< Even beneath the oppression of the circling wraith, Calandil laughed at the thought, and wheeled away. >
< There, on his right, speeding towards the safety of the Golden Wood was the gleam and glimmer of Calandil's force, a brightness about it. Like spring after winter, or the dawn after a night of grief seemed Calandil as he cleft his way through the foe. A glad lord, alight with gold. >

The last glimpse of the gaily laughing warrior, cut down by an undead wraith the next moment; his passing to the Halls of Mandos a deep unhealing wound to the noble lord he loved and served his long joyful life.

Though I read of him only briefly, he holds a special place in my heart. Thank you.

Author Reply: I just couldn't leave him there either ;) It was partly Calandil's death which inspired me to write 'Seeds'. It seemed so unfair to do that to him, so I had to get him into the 'happy ending' story afterwards. At least we know that things turn out well for him in the end :)

Thanks for the review!

Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/22/2004
< Celeborn forced a laugh, inspired by Calandil's resilience of mood. "Truly are you named, bright friend," he said in jest, "But if you would say 'I told you so' to Galadriel in her present mood, then you are a braver man than I."

"Nay, do you but smile at her and she will melt to a puddle of bliss at your feet."

This time the laughter had no element of defiance in it, but was genuine and heartfelt. Turning towards the city, he released the reins of Calandil's horse into his friend's hand, shaking his head, "Would that I lived in whatever happy world you inhabit, Calandil. Though it bears little resemblance to reality, it pleases me well." >

Caladil, the bright, merry elf, optimistic, brave, steadfast friend, serving his Lord with zeal and love. A true example of elven joy, much needed during the long years of growing darkness.

Perhaps you will share more of him sometime. A tale of laughter through the long ages of Arda.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Eruanneth! I was rather fond of Calandil too, and I felt very mean killing him off. I don't know whether he'll appear in anything else, though you might like to check out Bejai's 'Deific Flame' for some of his history in the Second Age. Celeborn is definatly lucky to have a friend like that, and maybe, one day, I'll write a short story about their first meeting :)

FyreReviewed Chapter: 24 on 10/2/2004
The more I read your fanfiction, the more intrigued I am coming by Celeborn. While I can readily admit I am not the best at following the lines of the Eldar from the other books, I admite the different representation you use for the Sindar and Noldor, in spite of times that have past and unions that have taken place.

The interaction with the Rohir, especially on Celeborn's part, is so beautifully managed and I especially like the family relationships you have throughout the story, be they human or Elven.

I wish I could rovide a more coherent review, but I am simply no good at trying to express how impressed I was by this story and the detail and imagery provided. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Author Reply: "The more I read your fanfiction, the more intrigued I am coming by Celeborn."

Hurray! My evil and nefarious plan is working then! I started writing in the fandom because he seemed an intreguing character who was largely overlooked - that's rather changed now that Bodkin and Sphinx and Bejai and Nilmandra have written such wonderful stories with him in; but at the beginning I thought I was the only one who liked him.

This story was much like everything else - I wished Tolkien had told the story of what happened in Lorien during the ring war, but he hadn't, so eventually I gave in and did it myself! I'm very glad you liked it! Thanks very much for the reviews :)

Marnie :-)

FyreReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/2/2004
I had intended to hold off reviewing until I reached the final chapter of the story, mainly because I have been so enthralled that I didn't want to take a stop, but I have to just send a side note and say drat it! You almost made me cry with Haldir's reaction to Orophin being found. And your Orophin is so absolutely adorable and so very young!

But now, back to where I was reading.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/2/2004
I just read this (last chapter) on HASA - it is just soooooooo beautiful, that I have tears in my eyes. They are so important to each other - but she cannot stay and he cannot go. They must have been reunited in their own time - they love each other too much.

I might have to go back and reread the whole thing. In a minute.

BettyReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 5/17/2004
Hi. I don't often write reviews. I'm one of those silent readers every author knows about but wishes would speak. Tonight I am speaking, and though I haven't gotten far into this story, I want to thank you for writing it. In the book, the other battles across middle earth are almost a footnote, but I'd like to know more about them all.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 24 on 2/27/2004
All I can say is "wow." This was a painfully truthful portrayal of married people. They love and hate and want one another and feel smothered by one another. Their bodies and their spirits take part. And no one can hurt them like they hurt one another. This was just wonderful, Marnie.

SphinxReviewed Chapter: 24 on 2/27/2004
Do I have praise left? :)


You know, throughout the duration of this story, I have wondered just exactly *why* I seem to like your Celeborn so much. Certainly because he's hunky. Certainly because he's articulate. Certainly because he doesnt allow himself to be tied to a local mallorn by the Queen Bee and is made to entertain the local maidens. Yup, all those things. :) But it could also be because he's just so bloody human. Sure he's an elf. But he's an elf that doesnt forget to have a heart.

And that's the main thing I love about this story. Not Galadriel, not Calandil (*sob*), not Oswy.

There have been beautiful images throughout here, and I need not point each and every one out here, because then we'll be at the keyboard all night, preciousss.

I'm so glad you continued with it. And I'd just like to say a heart felt 'Thank you' for all the help and plot bunnies and writing that you've given me.

*prods you to head towards another incomplete epic*

Lovely, Marnie. And you know it.

SulrielReviewed Chapter: 24 on 2/27/2004

Beautiful and Bittersweet.

I'm sorry to see it end.

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