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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 79 Review(s)
Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/15/2008
I guess I do get a kick out of history books; just do not ask me to repeat what I read.
At long, long last Galadriel makes her appearance! You do so well in her head. I like the way she interacts with her husband – odd but fun.
Very emotional-laden moment with Hrassa. Galadriel is indeed formidable, with the visions, mind-talking, and the dress. Id she then the setter of the fashions of Elvendom? *g*
Oh dear, Elrovail does have a strange (meanish) sense of humor.

It just gets more and more embarrassing for Aurthon and Laerlinath over the cups.
Quite a good pair are Celeborn and Galadriel. I feel sorry for Galadriel’s dress.
Now what is this menace? And will Hrassa be able to save Celebrian? Or, in the ironic way of visions, will things turn out far from what any of them anticipates?
-Kitt : )

Author Reply: Promise - no pop quizzes.
Odd, you say? *g* I suppose so. But, remember they are both friends and lovers.
I am always supposing that Galadriel chooses to exercise all her powers, including social leadership. There is no doubt that she is aware her every example will be imitated. ;)
Elrovail is a dragon-lady, after all. Do not fault her for trying to enjoy it. ;D

If you ask me, I think C&G were remiss in storing them in the parlor. They should have child-proofed the cabinet.
They have their moments and their motivations. Oh, it'll be fine. Who's gonna notice... or speculate on how it got mussed-up.
Well, not that far from envisioned...

Thanks for reviewing. You are almost at the end!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/11/2008
Aha! this is how the Elves always appear so pristine. Now I wonder where Legolas has hidden his attendants through the films.
Elrovail baffles me yet. And boy, Hrassa is cheeky. I like how you describe the fabric – oh and the fashions! How quickly do they come and go amongst Elves? Every century or two?
If Celebrian continues with these shrieks, she will turn the whole household’s hair white.

Celeborn’s eruption at Hrassa was rather dramatic.
I liked the details of their drinking, from Laerlinath’s eyes – pitying Hrassa and worrying for her husband.
Of course Hrassa does not want to be cooped up for hours with cotton-brains.

You worked up the scene to be so… yes, scary. It was a great shock (or relief) that it was only Mirathel. Poor Laerlinath. I’m shaking myself. I do want to see Galadriel, and yet I rather dread it now. Mirathel’s reaction made me feel her surprise; it is sad, and why did Hrassa leave like that?
I don’t know… having Valar and Maiar running around sounds exciting to me… OK, but the Elves who come back from the dead, I agree, are a little strange.
More history! So many, uh, politics involved; so many tangled loyalties. But it made sense, even to me. : )

Author Reply: Reminds me of that old joke about shouting: "Make Up!" and getting pancaked.
Elrovail likes to baffle... Hrassa likes to joke around... They are both prone to laugh at people. But, Hrassa is more good-natured about it ;D Who knows how fashions change outside of court? But, inside I would think it depends on the how people want to impress.
lol. Every evil brings some good with it. Remember that.

It was building up, methinks. And he felt the need to stop a second incident.
I thought she was being rather sanctimonious myself. ;)
Although, if there were toy horses instead of dolls, maybe he could stand it for a little while. *g*

Ha! She will not fail expectations... at least,I hope so, anyway.
I would liken have Valar about like having the Greek gods traveling about your backyard. Much too dangerous for us plain folk. Me, I want to live in boring times!
Well, I am glad you get a kick out of the history lectures. I do but I am writing this story mostly for myself. So, most people find it too dry. They want angst and romance. *sigh*

Thanks for the review!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/8/2008
I like seeing more aspects of Celeborn: a lady’s protector, charmer, and diplomat.
The whole scene between them was fun.
Like Aurthon, I want to be more acquainted with Hrassa.

Celebrimbor’s missing of the Trees is a wonderful touch. True, the furniture would need last a while to be practical… I always wonder over that.
I am glad to see Celebrian again! (Impertinent imp). Her ideas had me laughing – to be Celebrimbor’s husband, inviting Hrassa to tea, and horsie, of course. It is too bad no other children are around, but then the adults’ lives would be duller.


Author Reply: Let's face it, as a female, Galadriel lasted where others were felled. She had to have had better support, if not an outright advantage, from her choice of mate. The Professor did not dispose of Celeborn, as he did of other spouses either. Once he saw the Two Trees archetype in two of them, he increased Celeborn's role. I tend to see Aurthon and Hrassa as more alike than dissimilar.

Everyone gets nostalgic about something they use to have that made them feel wonderful. Celebrimbor, though, has turned inward to find another source of fulfilling grace. He has turned to the Flame Eternal, the stuff from which the world was made. The energy source of creation that Sauron seeks to use.
Preservation is an Elven ability and goal. Thus, the Elessar and the three Elven rings.

lol! "husband"? I know you meant him to be her husband. Well, she will be out of the picture for a while after this. There are children around, but not living in the palace per se or free to play with her. Her parents would prefer she have proper company to associate with and not keep the scullery girls and busy pages from doing their jobs. (Aurthon and Laerlinath will soon help out with this problem, me thinks.) Yes, I agree with you there, the adults' lives would be a bit more sedate!

Thank you for this review, too!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 13 on 5/7/2008
Elrovail and Celebrimbor are quite a pair.
Celebrimbor's past, of course, is rather dramatic - having to turn his back on his nearest kin. Elrovail's predator nature is scary, but witty. What her real background is would be interesting to know.
Hmm, I guess Elrovail has a slight non-penchant for the little princess? :)


Author Reply: Rather adversarial, yes. But, Elrovail really does not dislike him anymore than she does Aurthon.
Celebrimbor split with his family was not happy, but it seems he became happier afterwards. Well, a lady has to have a hobby. There is indeed more to her then has been revealed. And actually, like most everyone else, she is simply not happy with the way Celebrian has been acting up and getting away with it. She is fond of the child...for her own reasons.

Thank you for the reveiw!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 12 on 5/5/2008
Aurthon and his lady are still delightful. To Celeborn and Hrassa's discourse - No, I do not feel as though I was hit over the head, *grins* more as though I ate a lot of cheesecake. I'm happily satisfied.
I like the moment they all see each other.
"Tall fellow standing next to Galadriel"; oddly enough I only just read the joke of that today. Oh, but it is sadly true...
Galadriel's hmm, forebodings for Celebrian gives at least a peak into her character: the fretful mother. But will we be seeing the Lady soon? *squirms* Such anticipation!

Author Reply: LOL! Good! One thing great about reading is that, sans snacks, it is non-caloric.
But, watch out for those cups!
The pity is for years, readers have missed clues about many characters that would have given them a better experience of the story. Things have changed only somewhat. The movies did not help Denethor either...
The Lady will show up, but it will take a few more chapters. *sorry!*

Thank you for letting me know you find this an enjoyable story! :D

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/3/2008
Oh, so many close escapes, between Elrovail and Khror (those scenes I loved, by the way). What a rough life these Elves at court have.
Aurthon is a very devoted husband. Poor Laerlinath - a lady-in-waiting to Galadriel. I do not know if that is good or bad myself.

-Kitt :)

Author Reply: Heh! Look out it will get rougher. Someone might break a nail... ;)
I like Aurthon. He has an honesty that is lost, it seems, when youth is lost. Laerlinath, on the other hand, had just gained some.

I am glad you found some humour in Celebrimbor's trials!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/1/2008
I had to read this in hits-and-runs all day, and happily I made notes.
Yay, more history! Hrassa has gotten more than his share of it... very fascinating to be in his head, to see a Green-elf feel for the way events played out; and his loyalty to Celeborn’s house is splendid.
Ah, you unravel the Amdir, Amroth, Malgalad mess. Celeborn becomes a more dynamic character; honestly, I would never guess that from his performance in the movie. *laughs and coughs*
Looking forward to my next read!

-Kitt :)

Author Reply: As long as you do not think I am pounding you over the head with that history, I am pleased. ;) It sometimes seems respect can be earned, but loyalty like love is much more mysterious. Mysterious in all meaning of the word.
*g* One of my goals is to try and get divergent accounts of things to connect together in some way. Oh please! He is not Mr. Cellophane! At all!

Thanks for continued interest!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/30/2008
"Beings" yes! Oh, bother, that is embarrassing. *laughs*
Celebrian and her uncle's relationship is so beautiful. The spinning scene was fun.
“To receive a punishment for my escapade.” - That is very Celebrian.
Aurthon and his wife add another dimension and intrigue. What will come of the interview with Galadriel I cannot wait to see.

-Kitt :)

Author Reply:
Ah yes, baby juggling! One of my worst foibles... ;) I liked it too much as a child, perhaps.
The little princess can put on a brave show when it come to do'in the time for her crimes. That is maybe admirable, but certainly not her recitative behaviour.
Glad you are still intrigued!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 22 on 4/30/2008

Thre are many itnersting details in the world that you have constructed around the Lord and the Lady, and the fact that they were childless for so long because Galadriel would miscarry struck me as very fitting. And I was reminded of this painful situation in this chapter, seeing Celeborn being so fatherly with the poor squire. That must be a very endearing moment for the lady, I suppose, seeing the good father that her lord is.

The whole vignette was delightful:from your delicious description of the page ( it made me think of my eldest nephew, who is eleven now...and I fear to think how tall he may have grown when I see him this summer) to their mind argument and pondering ofall optinos, to Celeborn´s professorial attitude...and his meticulous keeping of all fomralities. It is true that Galadriel holds true power and deep in her status, I so agree with you, and I also like how well matched they are, and how they play the game as a well cooridinated team. YOu are showing here a marriage that is also, a shared enterprise, and I love this more and more the more i reflect about that. THey may disagree in certain points but it seems that they are sure of each other and their ultimate goals, and that is hat makes them storng.

A delightful chapter, but also a very deep one. I was reflecting the other day how you have managed all hrough this tale to highlight the intricacies of power and politics, and the subtleties of personal relationships and job ones in a very engaging tale, without a bad guy, without catstrophic events, without cliffs... I would love to se how Hrassa receives this test...and to know whether he identifies him as one or not.

Author Reply: And happy that is so!

Well, Galadriel does know what kind of father he was with Nimloth and Malgalad and is with Celebrian, and she probably likes this aspect of him very much. Although, also probably never tell him that. :) In my mind, Galadriel was not that involved with child-rearing until she thought to have a family of her own. Then, she found being surround by her friends and their babes, without having one of her own, very saddening. So much so, she somewhat distanced herself from children. And then, Celeborn brings poor baby Malgalad home to be like their own... *sigh* another story that's waiting to be told...

I am glad you found this scene entertaining and reminiscent. Yes, they are a partnership! And respectful, I think, of their different, and sometimes difficult, responsibilities in making things work for their own and everyone else's benefit.

"Without a bad guy, without catastrophic events, without cliffs..." Gosh, those things are all there. Just off-stage or referenced. *sheesh* I guess this is nothing more than a lively discussion. But the, besides introducing Hrassa, expounding my take on Lindarin history was one of my goals. I do intend for Rhiss to catch up to Hrassa and deliver Galadriel's invitation. But, how long it takes the bowman to realize the page harbors an erroneous idea about him remains to be seen. ;)

Thank you very much for the review. They are always anticipated and appreciated!

Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/28/2008
I love this more and more! I am so glad you put translations at the end - I always have trouble beyond Ada and Nana. Every little detail - arms swinging, gravel cracking under foot has delightful reality. Celeborn and Celebrimbor have become living things to me.
Hrassa and Celeborn's discussion had me enraptured, with so much tangy history. I once tried to write a story of Elmo's descendents and your version here has me excited.
I will look at your other stories. (I suppose I will be spending some time here. *grin*).


Author Reply: Thank you, I am glad you are enjoying the story. :D I do try to get the gist across when using elvish words, so there is the least interuption in the story. But, one learns as one goes along how well that actually works. *g* I like a sense of reality to my fantasy. Call me silly... Heh! "things"? Oh surely, you mean 'beings'! ;)

The Professor's work is an alternate history, at all. But, I am tickled you find the ideas here exciting. Glad there is more to entertain you! I appreciate your comments!

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