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Good Enough  by The Karenator 15 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/2/2005
I am at work being a bad girl and reading this because I could not resist the email notice when I saw it. I'll write a real review when I get home but for now I just wanted to say I read it and loved it.

Author Reply: Thanks, Elliska. I've had you on my mind. I'm trying to get in touch with the guy I know about the dress to find out what he knows about it, but I've not been able to track him down. Just wanted to let you know that I've not forgotten about you. And thanks for being a brave girl and reading at work. I'll see you at your other review!


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/2/2005
What a heart-warming ending to a wonderful story! Thranduil is no less than wonderful and his sons are so fortunate to have him watching over them, regardless of their age and maturity. Can we clone him?

I have really, really enjoyed this story and am so sad to see it coming to an end. I sincerely hope that you will be gifting us with another wonderful story soon.

Again, thank you so much for the many enjoyable hours of reading (and giggling)!

Author Reply: Thank you, Manderly. I'd like to clone Thranduil too. He's a good ada. Being king and doing a good job in all the other roles he has must be tough. Sending his sons off into battle must be the hardest job he has. I would think that a father who is as capable a warrior as he is, must really go nuts staying at home while his sons are in harm's way.

I very pleased that you've enjoyed the story. I'm thinking about what I'll do next. I've not decided yet, but there will something more to come.

You reviews have been wonderful and I've enjoyed them every much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to read and review. Thank you!


perellethReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/2/2005
ow! I've been quite fortunate, the alert arrived just as I was checking the mail, so it seems that today i'm going to be reviewing in time! Pity it is the last chapter!

Seriously Karen, this has been a nice discovery to me, and I've enjoyed not only every chapter but the inter chapters time, so intriguing was the story that I remember pondering about Aldamir and elenna's situation on a boring plane trip. I've just looked it up, and it's been only two months since you post the first chapter! It's a shame we're coming to an end, but on the other hand, you must be proud of this story and very happy to see it complete, and rest informed that you're held to your promise to keep writing...

And now, to the chapter! great idea to have Thranduil doing the closing up. And Thranduil with a sword! Wow, double points for that! I liked it very much, his musings and his understanding of all sides about the spider's issue, and his proud review of his family and his realm. He has reasons to be proud indeed!. I loved the glimpses of his trouble courting Lalaith, that was much fun to read!

Just looking forward for more of Daeron and Legolas's adventures. The shifting pov was a success, only I just missed Daeron's inimitable approach. I was looking forward to seeing both Aldamir and Seregon sparring in the games, too, but missing Seregon for the king wasn't that bad at all! ;-)

Very well done, and now, go and start plotting and outlining for more, you girl! time flies!

thank you, Karen! :-)


Author Reply: Gosh, I'm glad you got the notice too! Your reviews have been an absolute delight. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the time you've taken to read and to review. Two months? I didn't realize that much time had passed. You really have been a kind trooper to stay with me for that long! Thanks!

Since the king is the final word in the realm, I thought he'd make a nice final word for this story. He was involved in everything that went on, but his participation was such that he had a different overview than anyone else. He was a nice summary reporter.

Ya know, as I got toward the end of this story, I was starting to miss Daeron and Legolas myself. Their roles dropped off as I tied up the thread with Aldamir and Elenna. I'm sure Daeron has more to say. I'm not sure what I'll write next. At the moment, I can't settle on which outline I've already got done. I might even go in an entirely different direction. Flight of ideas.

I had a hard time deciding who would win the bout between Thranduil and Aldamir, but I think it would have been even harder to decide who would win between Aldamir and Seregon. They both wanted to win. Aldamir could graciously concede defeat to his father. I took the easy way out. :>)

Thank again, Perelleth. Your reviews have meant a lot to me.


LeawardReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/2/2005
I love Thranduil's ruminations about his sons and watching them grow up and having to let them. Always tough for a parent to do (says she whose sons now tower over her, even the 14 year old).

And the match at the end, what a wonderful idea! It was nice to see the two play off each other.

“You would have me best my king?” he asked.

“No, I would have you bested by your adar,” I said,

I love that, such a hard line to draw between father and King. It would have been interesting to see Aldamir beat Thranduil, LOL. But that's for another story probably. (If it could EVER happen with Thranduil!)

A wonderful end to the story in having Thranduil sum everything up. Excellent again, Karen. Inspiring as always.

*sighs happily*

Author Reply: When the day comes that you suddenly realize that you have to look up to scold your 'little ones', it's quite a shocker, isn't it? I can hardly believe how quickly they've grown up. I sympathize with the king.

I'm glad you liked the sword bout. I like Thranduil all...warrior-y. I had a hard time deciding who would win this bout, but Thranduil reminded me that no matter how good his son was with his weapons, he was better. I just bowed and said, "Yes, my lord." And Aldamir didn't mind losing to his adar. Now if it had been Seregon.... :>)

Thank you so much for all your support and kind reviews. I've truly enjoyed discussing writing, plots and all my boo-boos with you. I look forward to more chats in the future.

Thanks again, Leaward.


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/2/2005
I loved seeing Thranduil's perspective on this! He's the Wood-elf king after all, so his thoughts on the spiders were particularly on point. And he's a loving father. I thought it was typical for Legolas to flinch at the idea of sitting with his father rather than his friends, and his claim that he would never leave is touching. But I really loved warrior!Thranduil. We get to see that much too seldom!

Great story, Karen.

Author Reply: Thanks, Daw. I thought the king should get the last word. We've been in almost everyone else's head, so I was interested in what Thranduil's perspective was. He was appalled that the villagers would do such a thing. And...he mentioned something about your involvement...something about your influence on the villagers. I assured him that such talk was only rumor.

Thranduil is a good dad. In this case, he was also a relieved dad. Everyone was safe and things were looking up for Aldamir. Time to go claim that kiss from the queen.

Thank you so much for your support. You're not just a good comma mechanic, you're a good friend. Thanks again.


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