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Life in the Angle  by Leaward 175 Review(s)
Beethovens7thReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/19/2005
Well, It took me a while but i finally got here. Wonderful chapter dear, truly fantastic. I'm a hack writer compared to you. It was just the right amount of discriptive on the marriage night. And The attention to detail throughout was perfect. This may sound sick, but i'm glad you put stuff in about his back. Not doing so would have been unrealistic, but OW. poor tarkil! Maybe with poppi to "help" with the ointment and such (wink). . . I adored the bits where T and H spoke in elvish. I dunno why, it was just cool. You are truly making me fall in love with the Dunadain! Oh, and the part where T felt like "lamb being led to its slaughter" What a hoot, and how perfect. He's a ranger who spends much of his time alone! This type gathering would be the Last place he would want to go! Can't wait to read more.

Author Reply: Actually some of the stuff I put in about his back came from a previous comment by you and another reader. That's why these reviews are so great to get -- they are always inspiring! And yes, the ointment ... hmmm ... that reminds me ...

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2005
Well, Granny is setting these two straight, isn't she? They have a lot of adjusting to do, and Tarkil does need to realize that he's mostly asking Poppi to do it.

Author Reply: Yup, they both have a lot of adjusting to do! But you know it's not so different from when I got married. But it wasn't until AFTER I wrote the next few chapters and looked back at them that I realized it. I left my job, my apartment, my town, my name, my family to move to his city, his apartment, he kept his same job, his friends. Nothing changed for him except he got free maid service ... Hmmm... maybe that's why this story will end up with some angst! ;)

Rohirric WarriorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2005
This came in at the right time. Had a real bummer of a day, got home, checked my e-mail and... more Tarkil! :)

Just as I thought, everything is starting on the path of disarray. Poor Tarkil and Poppi. They need to sit down for a while and learn more about each other.

Hehe, I like Aniriel. Boy, is that woman forward! And that question she asked Poppi at the end.... Oh, poor Tarkil. Soon they'll be talking and giggling at him and he won't have a single clue why...

Author Reply: LOL, (spoiler alert!) You always seem to be able to call the start of the next chapter! I guess I'm predictable. Hmmm, that question Aniriel asked Poppi ... wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in THAT kitchen?

Sorry to hear about the bad day. Glad to know I could 'cheer you up.' And I know you'll like the next chapter ... it brings up a discussion you've talked about often. But you'll have to wait a while longer ;)

RhapsodyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2005
Yes I like Tarkil's grandmother. And that salve, there will be one day that she completely forgets about it... washing it off I mean ;c)

In your chapter I could feel the change of area. I know it sounds strange, but at least that is how it felt to me. Maybe as a reader I felt pushed through the bushes myself and a new area was revealed to me.

Now on to my favourite parts (there is so much I love, so I select a few):
“Can we stop soon?” Poppi finally broke the silence.

“It is a little early for lunch, my love.” Tarkil chuckled, thinking of Merry’s and Pippin’s frequent requests to stop for meals during their trip back from Gondor and the exasperated comments Gandalf occasionally made in response.

I somehow could imagine how Gandalf would respond :)

“Your wife? Why was I not invited to the wedding, Tarkil Belegion? I should have been told that you were planning to wed. What happened? Did you get her pregnant so her father had to hold a knife to your back unless you did right by her?”

At this very moment I wondered if I would ever like this grandmother, but the more I read on, the more I sensed her charm and humor. I wonder what tips she gave Poppi..

“Kettle’s boiling, you two,” Aniriel called up the stairs.

Gosh, this reminds me of something... mother in laws...

I can go on and on. But I will stop. I am amazed by how you put down a new character like Aniriel and put down her character very strongly and convincing.

Ahh the wait for the next chapter ;) No rush, no hurry. Really.

Author Reply: *snicker* about the salve -- Hmm, plot bunnies keep getting thrown at me!

I'm glad the idea of entering a different world came through as they went through the bushes.

Aniriel -- yes, I quite like her especially as opposed to ... Oops! almost had to give a spoiler alert! I'll save that for next week! Tune in next week -- Same bat channel, same bat time!

eokatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/11/2005
I like where you are going with this. I don't often enjoy things that are not Rohirric, but this is different and I am looking forward to seeing how Poppi will take to life in place that must be so different to what she is used to.

Author Reply: Thanks, Eokat! It's nice that I can entertain someone who usually prefers to read something other than Dunedain. I enjoyed your Campden and Lufien and used it a bit as a guide when I was writing chapter 2. Poor Poppi, she has no idea what she's in for!

Thanks for reading and reviewing! Always nice to have feedback!

SulrielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/9/2005
A journey indeed. It's about time!! I know you were nervous about this chapter, but you know how much I love it. Tender, loving, near-erotica is a difficult balance and you've managed it perfectly. *Love* the 'stallion' comment (of course) *snicker* and on a totally different note: I love seeing Haldon schmoozing the moms, and playing with little Calder.

...and {hugs} to Henry for finally coming around, and giving Poppi a good send-off when she starts to realize, (*maybe!*) how different her life is going to be.

Author Reply: ... near-erotica ... that is so strange seeing that on one of my reviews! The Stallion comment *snickering too* That had me in stitches that whole night I was writing that! And I think I owe someone a monitor. Or two. Yes, I like seeing Haldon schmoozing and being a nice guy to kids too. And it must have been hard for Henry to say good-bye to his daughter, not knowing when he'd see her again or even where she was going to be living.

Rohirric WarriorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2005
Very nice, Leaward. Just the right touch of everything to make this a great chapter. But it seems all heck is about to break lose. Tarkil refuses to admit he doesn't know Poppi all that well, and Poppi realizes the same about Tarkil. Well, too late to back out now! So we readers will sit back and see what happens. :)

Author Reply: Phew! I'd worried I'd gone too 'Harlequin' for you, RW! And you're right, it's too late but I do not think Tarkil wants to back out. I don't think he realizes what Haldon does yet.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2005
Well that was fun! It's interesting to watch them discover what they don't know about each other. I suppose it's understandable that her family is worried about her going off to someplace that's more or less secret.

Author Reply: Oh, I mean to thank you Daw for checking it out and making sure I did not cross any SoA boundaries! It was very much appreciated. And they will have quite a bit to discover about each other and each other's peoples.

RhapsodyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2005
Well Tarkil had to wait 2 stories... and there it is. Well done Leaward, it seems like Poppi has been waiting for it as well. I read your SSP and it made me laugh, no worries about Tolkien turning in his grave, maybe you should read Aldarion and Erendis (unfinished tales) where Tolkien was quite explicit about it.

Yet again: you did a great job. I was thrilled to see it was a big chapter. But I think Tarkil and Poppi really need to learn how to talk to each other. Haldon was right: how much know those two of each other? I am very curious how this will work out and if Tarkil's back really heals.. it doesn't sound so good.

Author Reply: Thanks, it was very strange to write -- my youngest son actually had to come check on me to see if I was all right because I was laughing so hard at some of the phrases! 'I thought you'd be different from the stallions' is the one that springs to mind. *Snork*

And yes, they do not know much about each other ... he's spent 10 months in Gondor thinking about her but not getting to know her and vice versa. Hint: It is not going to be all roses and sunshine for them.

RhapsodyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/7/2005
This is what we were fighting for – so this tiny, innocent babe would not have to grow up under the shadow of Sauron. All that death and destruction and despair – it was all for this beautiful child and all the children yet to come.

Yes Tarkil you did. And yet he gets into his old routine, jumping to quick conclusions, but in such a way... he is such a honourable man! And marries her the same day he proposes. Well he even beat Faramir! I love Pearl Rushlight, Henry indeed had no say about it. I am glad that Tarkil stood his ground and not sway for what the family wanted. What mattered was what he and Poppi wanted.. so I cant wait until the next chapter.. Don't let us wait too long!

Excellent job again, another story that makes me want to read more and what happenes next.

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