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A New Life  by LOTRFaith 20 Review(s)
MarionReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2005
Would you please keep your sectarian beliefs OUT of fandom? I do not share them and frankly, if Tolkien (who was a staunch catholic) did not see fit to put religious dogma into his stories than it is clearly not your place to do so.
Besides that, if you would truly call yourself 'christian', it would be a good idea to actually READ that Bible of yours. For indeed, there is one passage in the Bible that deals specifically with the act of causing a woman to abort a pregnancy. And the penalty for causing the abortion is not what many would lead us to believe:

"And if men struggle and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."
Exodus 21:22-25

This is a very illuminating passage. In it we find a woman losing her child by being stuck by men who are fighting. Rather than it being a capital offense, however, it is relegated to a civil matter, with the father-to-be taking the participants to court for a settlement. But, as we read on, if the woman is killed, a "life for a life," then the men who killed her shall be killed.

What has been so clearly demonstrated by the passage in Exodus - the fact that God does not consider a fetus a human person - can also be seen in a variety of other Bible verses. In Leviticus 27:6 a monetary value was placed on children, but not until they reached one month old (any younger had no value). Likewise, in Numbers 3:15 a census was commanded, but the Jews were told only to count those one month old and above - anything less, particularly a fetus, was not counted as a human person. In Ezekiel 37:8-10 we watch as God re-animates dead bones into living soldiers, but the passage makes the interesting note that they were not alive as persons until their first breath. Likewise, in Genesis 2:7, Adam had a human form and a vibrant new body but he only becomes a fully-alive human person after God makes him breathe. And in the same book, in Genesis 38:24, we read about a pregnant woman condemned to death by burning. Though the leaders of Israel knew the woman was carrying a fetus, this was not taken into consideration. If indeed the Jews, and the God who instructed them, believed the fetus to be an equal human person to the mother, then why would they let the fetus die for the mother's crimes? The truth is simple. A fetus is not a human person, and its destruction is not a murder. Period.

Yeah, yeah, the Devil can quote scripture to suit it's own purpose. But if you call yourself a 'christian' it would do to read the Bible sometimes.

See what happens if you open a can of religious worms? That's why I don't write the story about Frodo landing in Valinor and finding out that Eru and the Valar were just a figment of Elvish imagination...

Author Reply: I think it is interesting how people can use the bible for their own beliefs in why they refuse to believe. I do not think you should have reviewed me and lashed out like this. Obviously you have some issues and since I happened to 'open this can of worms' you decided to lash out at me. So I will not defend myself against you because I know what I stand for and I don't need to defend it because it's already there.

Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2005
Thank you for writing a story that expresses the courage of your convictions.

This little vignette has much depth and some good ideas in addition to the given topic. I particularly like the idea of a "Foundlings House" within the Houses of Healing in Gondor. I'm especially touched that as Steward with so much else to consider, Denethor saw the need for funding such a service. This indicates that he wasn't always such a bad guy and that Faramir knows it and is continuing this compassionate part of his father's stewardship. (In our day the Foundlings House would be ceremoniously renamed the Denethor Memorial Foundlings House, but I see that Faramir simply continues the donations in his father's memory. Well done!)

Thank you again, LOTRFaith! Keep writing!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I was so afraid to post this, but I realize now that I was doing the right thing... Perhaps I have 'glossed it over' but it does make people think:-) Thanks so much!

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2005
I love it! When we moved a few months ago, there was a bumper sticker on the inside of my new bedroom door that said "I love babies: born and unborn." It was kind of funny because it is just like something I would have chosen myself!

Author Reply: Wow! That would be a very cool bumper sticker! And so very true too! Thanks so much!

Beethovens7thReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2005
I read your story and the reviews. I must say, i didn't feel beat over the head with the message of your story, nor did i feel like your message "got in the way". Correct me if i'm wrong, but your message was the point, and so, well, can't get in the way, cause it IS the way, or something like that. I only wish that every girl seeking abortion as an answer could have such a caring guide. There are so many people who cannot have their own children,(i was one of those for a time) that ever one of those aborted babies could have had loving homes. Lovely story, I truly hope it touches someone, encourages them to think twice.

Beethoven's 7th - - Now proud mommy of 2 beautiful children.

P.S. Just a small typo thing, Did you mean to spell Eowyn,Ewoyn?

Author Reply: Thank you soo much! I think that people took my message the wrong way.. They think I am pointing a finger at them when I only want to wrap my arms around them... It makes me sad... But thank you so much for the support!

JoyceReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2005
Very confused at the end when Eyown apparently tells Faramir his papa was home. His DEAD father Denethor was home?!

I like your story but I also thik you let your "message" get in the way.

Author Reply: Oh! No... She was talking to her son... I'll try and fix that :-) I'm sorry you think that... Which is why I took it out...

LaughingBrookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2005
This is a good story, and I agree with the message. God loves the unborn. He also loves the mothers of the unborn who are scared because of the situation they are in. He wants them to turn to Him for strength and help in these sorts of situations, just as it is the job of we who know Him to reach out to the hurting and the scared.

Author Reply: Very true! Thank you so much! And very good words of wisdom:-)

Elf messengerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2005
Good story. I am against abortion also. It is really murder with a different name. If you want to know I am a Christian to. Keep up the good work!
Elf messenger

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I totally agree with you. Thanks for the support:-)

non-christianReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2005
your story is lovely, but not all endings are as happy as you seem to portray... You wrote… I feel very strongly about abortion and being pro-life. I am very proud to be pro-life, something that my mom instilled within me at a young age. My sister Jewel was nearly aborted and it still gives me chills that people can actually do that... Do they even know what they are doing? What they are getting 'rid' of? A child. A baby. A miracle God just created torn to bits. Literally... It breaks my heart...


It also breaks my heart that society forces women who do not desire a child to bear it, among the scorn of religious self-righteousness and cultural prejudices. No, it is not God’s will a child should be aborted… but neither is it god’s will for an unwanted child to be born, and tossed aside, be it a garbage can or an adoption agency, to grow up knowing in their soul, they were not wanted, for I know that pain well. Nor do I think a child raised by an unwilling teenage mother who hates and abuses it has much of a chance for success in the world, to say nothing of happiness. No, rather it be aborted, recommitted into god’s hands to be granted in his grace to a woman who in the maturity and desire for a child raise it well and loved. I am pro abortion, and I do not believe adoption is as successful as some would have you believe. The term ‘right to life’ must be re-considered, for what an unwanted child faces is not life.

Author Reply: I have to say I disagree with you. Do you know the medical procedure for Abortion? If a someone did that to a grown adult and it was found, do you know how horrified people would be? Yet it happens hundreds of times a day and no one says anything about it. A child is brutally murdered within her mother's stomach and you think that is better than letting it be born? Do you know how many millions of woman who cannot concieve? Yet there are millons of babies being killed. There are so many mental issues and physical problems that that mother will face after an abortion.

And if you don't think adoption is as successful as some people think get this. My parents adopted 7 children, three from on the other side of the world and four from the states. Four of them were adopted when in their teens and three were adopted when babies. I was one of those. I cannot begin to tell you how privilaged I am that I was chosen to be adopted. I have a loving family, a good work place, and I have a very close and personal relationship with God. There are some bad adoption stories out there. But there are also so many good ones!

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 NIV

God created you. BUT. What if your mother had aborted you? You would never have been able to be standing here today on this earth and tell me your opinion. Think about that.

ElioraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2005
Great story! It was so sweet and I enjoyed it,

I am pro-life too and feel the same way you do about abortion. Are you a Christian?

Author Reply: Thanks! Yes I am a Christian. Thanks for the support!

Chibi-kazReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2005
Lovely story, except for that beating over the head I got at the end.

Author Reply: Sorry you feel that way.

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