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Time's Turnings  by daw the minstrel 23 Review(s)
BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/13/2005
This update was so quick! I am truly happy.
Well... Eilian was jealous because of the action. He never changes, does he? And flirting with the queen? Well, we all know he would. He did well with the king and his ire. The interaction between Eilian and Legolas was very funny. But I like that conversation between Maltanaur and Beliond in the end. Insects on the bed! That made me laugh!!! I wonder what will happen when Thranduil hears the result of this mission.

Author Reply: It's been a rainy weekend and I've spent it writing, so this update was quick. Also as I get toward the end of a story, it's much more obvious to me what has to be done, so it goes faster.

Things have worked out pretty well in Dale, so Thranduil should mostly be pleased. I wouldn't tell him about baby boy and the hooker, though, if I were Eilian. And maybe not about breaking into the shop either.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/13/2005
And I honestly thought the scene in the inn would be the best one. Wrong. Daw, this was absolutely hilarious. It is impossible for me to say which part I liked best:

At least Eilian had had plenty of experience in facing a king in full fury.

Eilian’s jaw dropped, and he glanced quickly at Legolas, whose face had gone scarlet. Not possible, Eilian told himself firmly despite Legolas’s guilty look.


Eilian grinned. “I am surprised you would recognize a prostitute, little brother. What have you been doing while I have not been around to keep an eye on you?”

Legolas drew himself up in an obvious effort at dignity. “Of course I recognize one. What kind of naïve child do you take me for?”

Eilian laughed. “Tell me about her,” he teased. “Is she pretty?”

Legolas opened his mouth, closed it, and then cautiously asked, “Are you my captain now or my brother?”

The answer to that one was easy. “Brother,” Eilian declared.

“Then shut up.” He dropped into a chair and started to remove his shoes.

Eilian laughed hard enough that Legolas threw a shoe and hit him in the head.

were, in my mind the funniest parts. I am laughing my head off just copy/pasting them in here.

But the whole thing was so clever. Twisting Eilian's flirting into the whole thing and Beliond's suggestion to Bram that he send guards to find the letters and compare them to the books...just great. And Eilian's overall reaction was just perfect. This was a great chapter. Sorry to be short but I'm going to quit reviewing and just go back and read it again.

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Elliska! I was a little worried that just passing the news on to Bram would be boring, so I tried to think about what would be interesting to the reader here and it turned out to be Eilian's reaction to it all. I suspect that Legolas has not heard the last of the teasing about the streetwalker, although Eilian might want to keep that piece of information from Ada.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/13/2005
What struck me the most about this chapter is the differing levels of experience displayed by the Eilian, Legolas, Maltanaur and Beliond. By the way they react to the same situation, it is obviously that Eilian and Legolas have a way to go yet before they can be a match to their watchers.

Eilian forever the flirt, Maltanaur admonishing him for it and Legolas watching it all with wide-eyed realization - what a hoot! Something tells me that his image of big brother Eilian will need some redefining after this mission.

I like the play on the "brother/captain" difference. Big brother is much easier to rebuke than the captain, as Legolas finds out quickly enough, but whether it's brother or captain, Eilian will forever be protective of Legolas - very sweet!

Author Reply: Manderly, you know just what to say. I was just thinking how much I enjoy pinning down the year of a story and then trying to sort out where everyone is. Eilian and Legolas are good, well-trained warriors, but they have a lot to learn from the experience of the bodyguards.

I wonder if Legolas will ever completely get over his uncritical admiration of Eilian. I think it's deep rooted. On the other hand, he's also seeing a few flaws that he wouldn't have been exposed to as an elfling!

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