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Sent Unto Men  by Alassiel 17 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/20/2004
A lovely Christmas tale, I must say. Thank you for this gift.

Author Reply: You are most welcome, Larner. Since I have only today discovered how to post replies, this is a very late response, but no less heart felt. Blessings for 2008, Alassiel

NerdanelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/19/2004
This is absolutely lovely, Alassiel. It is concise and not over-done at all, but very succinctly and beautifully put. I love your reference to "the son of Finarfin" and the ideas that Finrod had about the One and the End from Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth. That is one of my favourite parts of all of Tolkien's work. You do a wonderful job of portraying Manwë and Varda, and at first I was confused what they meant by the others of their kind, that they have not seen for sometime, but now I understand that it meant the angels that came to the shepherds, right? This is absolutely lovely, and wonderful. I love it! Thank you so much for sharing it with us here!

My favourite line is: "Always He surprises us," said the King, "revealing new avenues to the fulfillment of the Design."


Author Reply: You're welcome, my friend. This is very late, but I only just discovered how to post replies, so I hope you will read these sometime. As for Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth, you know that it is my favorite Tolkien work, especially what I call the "estel quotation". Blessings, Alassiel

Daughter_of_the_seaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/19/2004
Thanks a lot!

For me it connected the two worlds perfectly.
It's a wonderful twist to a old and much read story.

Author Reply: You're most welcome. In one of his letters, Tolkien points out that Arda is not an alien world, but our world in a mythical past. I hope he would not have been displeased with this tale. Blessings, Alassiel

Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2004
Alassiel, what a lovely tale of the third theme of the Music begun by Eru so long ago. That the Valar themselves were amazed and rejoiced at the arrival of this pivotal occurance in the History of Earth brings into sharp focus the fact that they were at once divine and yet not gods. The furnishers, but not the finishers of Arda, protectors yet not creators.

The half-elven Eärendil once again hearalds the 'salvation' of Arda from the Dark. Thank you for sharing the beauty of this special moment.

Author Reply: Yes, the Star of Hope gets to shine forth for both Elves and Men--the Children of Ilúvatar. I was very grateful to have been inspired with this tale. Blessings, Alassiel

LOTR loverReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2004
Ah, lovely--and so right for the season. I love the details, especially the globe in Manwe's hand, that the Valar didn't know this was coming either, and their joy that friends they hadn't seen for a while were coming to visit.

So Earendil gets to be the Star, eh? How apt.

Author Reply: Greetings at Last, It wasn't until today that I figured out how to respond to reviews, so I am glad to reply. Yes, the Mariner of Arda gets to be the Star, the Star of Hope indeed. I hope you will consider reading Fiondil's sequel to this tale. He is right, it wasn't finished, but that is all that came to me. Blessings, Alassiel

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2004
I love this, Alassiel. How perfect for the season, and you are right - many do not know him, but those who do are priviledged indeed. And I love that Earendil was the Star that was the sign! Thanks for sharing it here!

Author Reply: Greetings Nilmandra, As you can see, I have finally figured out how to reply to reviews. Took me long enough, didn't it? As we are approaching Epiphany once again, I am glad to respond to your review at last. Well, after all, the mariner of this tale was called Gil Estel, wasn't he, and what greater hope is there than the birth of Christ? Blessings and Happy 2008, Alassiel

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/18/2004
Well, what a lovely and intriguing beginning!

I loved the little details, such as Manwë creating a globe in his hand, and the awe shared by both the Valar and Eärendil.

I've never read the Notion Club Papers, so I can only speculate that you're referring to Finrod, but I don't know what he saw. I suspect that this story will have something to do with current holiday season, but I can't wait to see where you go with this!

- Barbara

Author Reply: I have just discovered how to post replies, so this is a very late response. As you can see from the story details, it is complete, but my friend Fiondil has written a wonderful sequel, which I hope you will enjoy as well. The reference to Finrod is to Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth in _Morgoth's Ring_, one of, if not my favorite, Tolkien work. Thank you for the review. Blessings, Alassiel

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