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The Hunt  by Manderly 55 Review(s)
FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/16/2004
Ooops, sorry Manderly, I forgot to sign my review in my enthusiasm to get it done. I believe the one right before this one is mine. If not, I'm the one ranting about all the lovely angst I can smell coming up! LOL ;)

Author Reply: Thanks!

Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/16/2004
Ah, here we have Aldeon, saving the day for Leggy yet again. Be still my beating heart! LOL ;) And joy! Aldeon and Leggy go off alone! Oh the possibilities for some emotion filled moments, the owies they can get, the overprotectiveness Aldeon can show, the hurt/comfort that can happen, the angst, the brotherly love, the affection, I'd better stop while I'm ahead, no? ;) Yeah, I'll stop with that line of thought...for now! Heh, heh! At least outwardly. ;) Can't promise what I'll be thinking! LOL

Anyway, ahem, on to the rest of the review. Wow, I'm surprised the mountainside didn't give way simply because Leggy was on it. That Elfling and trouble! Two peas in a pod...just the way I like it! Hmmmm, I can't say if I'm happy or not that the mountainside didn't give way. Go figure.

I can certainly see Leggy not wanting to kill that beautiful creature. He's such a kindhearted soul and is so close to nature it's hard to imagine him actually killing one though I'm sure he does and has. I'm glad he let it go for I have to agree with him. It was certainly magnificant!

I also have to say I'm glad Aldeon talked some sense into Leggy about Feren. True, all his brothers love him and would die before they let any harm come to Leggy. *Gasp* Did I just say that????? I certainly hope that DOES NOT give you any ideas! I'd really have to sick my pet balrog on you if that thought ever crosses your mind! *hits author's hand* Don't even think it! Banish the thought! Pretend I never said that, k? ;)

Well, great chappy, as usual. :) I can feel a bit of a buildup here, something is coming. Something not good but so wonderfully angsty I can almost smell it! LOL I can't wait. Hurry please! *sigh*

Author Reply: Well you have given me all sorts of ideas and believe it or not, most of it was what I had been planning anyway, so you should be well-satisfied with the upcoming chapters.

It's funny how everybody is expecting something bad to happen. But I suppose things have been too quiet - really can't have that now. Got to get some action in there to get the adrenaline going. Hopefully I won't disappoint. The next chapter should be up shortly.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/15/2004
There seems to be something deeply symbolic in Legolas not choosing to follow the easy path. Also in his refusal to sacrifice the buck. The qualities that made him the right elf for the quest are all there in this youngling struggling to be seen as grown up.

If the quest had left from Mirkwood rather than Rivendell, though, he would never have got away. Not without three older brothers creeping after them (Walkers 10-12) to check that he is all right.

Author Reply: You are right, somehow I just don't think Legolas is the type to back away from challenges or else he certainly would not have gone on the quest. The picture that you have brought to my mind about the Walkers 10-12 made me laugh. I can just see his brothers bouncing from tree to tree, trying to keep out of sight and trying to keep their brother in sight. Thanks for reviewing!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2004

It's me again. Ever so often I turn over a new leaf and promise myself that I'll be better at reviewing, but then, I fall into my own trap of 'read and run'. Sorry reader, I know.

I just caught up on all three chapters of your new story, and I have to say, it's delightful. I love the banter between the brothers. The older brothers are so 'older' sibling. Think they know everything! But then, it's easy to understand their reluctance in letting Legolas go when there is so much danger to be had in Mirkwood.

Again, I'm struck by what a good job you've done with giving each brother a unique personality. And I understand Legolas's frustration with having three nursemaids! :>) You've done such a good job of presenting each character's POV that I'm on everyone's side. They all sound so reasonable.

Now, what or who in all of Arda is watching them? After I read that last line in Chapter One, I rushed over to Two and Three, looking behind every bush and in every thicket. Maybe Feren would like to engage my services as a scout? Great hook! You've got your readers where you want them. I can't wait to find out what sort of trouble is lurking for the right time to spring its trap.

*Turning over yet another leaf.* I'll try to do better with letting you know that I'm faithfully here and enjoying your tale. Really good, Manderly.

Author Reply: I must admit that I am more of a 'read and run" than a "read and review" type of reader as well so I know exactly what you mean.

Thank you so much for your very kind words. I am glad the brothers with their differing personalities are showing through. It hasn't been easy trying to make them each a distinctive individual rather than just another name filling up a page with words. It's encouraging to hear that you find them reasonable. I was afraid that the brothers might end up coming across as some overstuffed smothering blankets.

Yes, I am setting the story up for some action and (I hope) excitement. Things are just going too smoothly here and really can't have that.

Again, thank you for the very encouraging review.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/13/2004
I can understand Legolas's reaction. The deer is part of the natural world that he loves and is in tune with. Hunting to eat is one thing, but hunting for sport is another, I would think.

Author Reply: I am not much of a fan of hunting anyway so there was no way that I was going to let Legolas kill that buck. And I think you are right that the elves would hunt for food rather than sport. I see this spring hunting trip of the brothers as a tradition to bring in extra food after the winter.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/9/2004
"He had just completed his first watch while his brothers slept.....On either side of him, his brothers finally slept." LOL Ah, the totally oblivious nature of the young never ceases to amaze me!!! Legolas is so proud (the male hormones are definitely active here...:-)Eru help them all) of his ability to protect his BIG brothers and finally take his place in the family as an equal...and all big brothers can do is fake sleep, keep watch, and worry!!!

I really liked the three separate points of view from the older brothers. Feren is much clearer now in my mind, poor driven elf commander that he is! Still love Tavaro and his games of hide-and-seek with Legolas *G*, and Aldeon was a big he can't say no to the elfling (can't say that I blame him, Manderly...can you imagine saying "no" to Legolas? HA!) Anyway, this sets up the three older brothers and the bratling nicely for whatever havoc, trouble or mayhem (or all three) the author *clears throat nervously* has in mind for our four hunters.

Great, Manderly...just what I needed this morning before going to grade a bunch of tests!! Thank you!


Author Reply: Yes, the young can be so oblivious and us poor adults do nothing to shatter that oblivion by becoming very skillful actors if only to keep peace. I must say I've had my fair share of pretending just to keep my daughters cluelessly happy.

I am really glad that readers liked the different POVs in this chapter as I wasn't sure that it would work when I was working on it. I thought it was one way to make Legolas' brothers come alive a bit more, rather than just 2-dimensional figures taking up words on a page.

And yes, I am setting up for what is to come and your *clears throat nervously* is quite appropriate.

Thanks for your wonderful words!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/9/2004
Keeping watch, huh! Who, on whom? Legolas is very lucky in his big brothers, and if he manages to keep safe for long enough to get properly grown up, he will be able to count himself very lucky - in more ways than one!

Author Reply: Yes, keeping watch, and what Legolas doesn't know certainly won't hurt his ego! Legolas is lucky to have brothers like these though he probably doesn't realize how lucky he really is at this stage in his life.

Thank you for the review!

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/9/2004
Hooray! 'Nother chappy! ;)

Well, I gotta say that Leggy sure is going to deprive his brothers of much sleep if he hangs around with them too much. I really got a kick out of how they all could not sleep, so worried and intent on watching Legolas were they! LOL Poor Leggy, so disappointed nothing happened and his brothers nothing but relieved! I could just see them all give an innaudible sigh at the end of Legg's watch and their eyes glazing into sleep. Priceless! LOLOLOLOL!

I especially loved seeing a glimpse into their minds more fully. Their feelings for their youngest brother just make my heart sing and the wonderful insight to those feelings that we got of Aldean, that really gave me such lovely heart pangs! :) *sigh*

What a wonderful, informative, mushy, heartfelt, snuggly, insightful, endearing, creative and exceptional chappy! :) *sigh* Yes, you satisfied my Aldeon/Leggy snuggly, protective craving quite nicely here. ;) Heh, heh. Can't wait for the next chappy. Do hurry! Please! :)

Author Reply: I agree with you totally. If Legolas continues to keep watch, his brothers will end up as complete zombies by the end of the trip.

I am glad you liked the different perspectives in this chapter. It wasn't easy to write and by the time I was finished, I actually had a clearer picture of each of Legolas' brothers myself (and these characters are my own creastion - figure that out).

Thank you for your very descriptive review! It really does the heart good to read those words!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/8/2004
What a nice chapter! I loved seeing from each of their perspectives. I was struck by how clever and patient you were to write this. I'd have rushed along with my plot and missed this. My beta is always telling me to slow down and this is a good example of why.

Author Reply: I am glad this chapter worked. I had a hard time writing it but I thought it was necessary in order to bring out the characters of Legolas' brothers. As for rushing through plots, I think it's all a matter of difference in styles of writing. I tend to be wordy and I can just hear the readers saying 'Oh, get on with it!'. I enjoy your stories as they are now and if you improve any more, they will definitely put me to shame.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/4/2004
Oh, how in the world did a new story from you escape my notice??????? I'm horrified that I only now found it! :O But, I'm also extremely glad that I did! I've been wondering when you were going to start another one. *sigh* And it is most satisfactory so far. ;)

The endless teasing and bantering between the brothers is so endearing. I truly love the way Legolas bristles at being treated by an Elfling still by his family. He's struggling so hard to grow up but no one seems to want to let him. They are going to have to or they will lose him though. *sniff*

I love all his brothers but still, Aldeon just seems to grab my attention every time. The relationship he and Legolas share seems just a tad more, hmmmmm, what's the word, deeper? more understanding? than with Leggy's other brothers. Had it not been for Aldeon, Leggy would have been safely tucked away in his bedroll, sulking! LOL

And the last sentence...that was priceless! I just loved it. None of them are going to get any sleep on Leggy's watch, will they? ;) They are so protective. *anotehr sigh* I just love it! ;) Even if Leggy doesn't, I do! LOL

So glad I have another story from you to check for updates! Hurry, hurry, hurry! :)

Author Reply: So good to hear from you again! It's been a while since I've written anything. There are so many wonderful writers out there that I always feel a little hesitant (and inferior) in coming up with another story.

The teasing and bantering was a lot of fun to write. I can't seem to keep Tavaro's mouth shut for some reason. Yes, poor Legolas. He must think that there is some conspiracy going on to keep him forever an elfling.

Hmm, I do remember your liking the relationship between Legolas and Aldeon and quite a bit of that is coming up soon. Hope you won't be disappointed.

As always, thank you for your review!

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