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Promises to Keep  by Leaward 56 Review(s)
DrakeReviewed Chapter: 15 on 11/30/2004
No way! You can't end it now! I hereby demand (respectfully) that you post more. Right now. Drop whatever you are doing and post. Please. Pretty please......

Ok, enough being silly. I really liked this and would love to see more. You know, I can't help but think as I was reading about Tarkil that he REALLY needed some pointers when it came to romance, but it seems he's come through alright. With more trouble than he had to, but oh well. Never did find out his age, either......

And poor Mallor! Does he realize that he's going to outlive his wife by almost 150 years? That's a long time to be without someone, for certain.... and Tarkil's going to be facing the same thing. I wonder if he knows?

This was a great story. Please post more.

Author Reply: Happy Dancing! I made Drake want more!!!

I am writing more ... but I want to divide it into separate sections. I want the part where Tarkil goes into the war to be separate from when he comes back as the tones will be different and might attract different readers.

Nope! You never DID find out Tarkil's (or Poppi's) ages .. that's not revealed until the third story! You'll just have to keep reading. *Evil Grin*

The next story is called 2 of 31 (as in the two brothers of the thirty-one Dunedain Rangers that go to Aragorn's aid). But it's not ready yet. I'm finding it MUCH more difficult to write.


PS -- and YES, Tarkil REALLY does need some pointers when it comes to romance, but there's a real backstory to this as well that will come out later. (Doesn't help having a rake like Haldon as a brother setting the example either, does it?)

Beethovens7thReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/30/2004
WEEEEEE! Bravo! That was SO totally AWESOME.. So fast paced!! My eyes could hardly keep up! Not a wasted word! Have I said that before? Just the right amount of the kissing stuff to, and then henry walked inthe room! too too funny! I'm REALLY starting to like haldon too! I wasn't sure about him at first. My heart was litteraly racing this whole chapter! And ARGH, I don't have time to move on to chapter 15!!! Fabboooo story! really, You have inspired me to perhaps someday write more about my ranger, Tharon. (plot bunnies breeding everywhere!) If I do, can i come to you with questions and advice!? Big clappings, juicy fish, and crunchable birdses! (Gollums fave treats!)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 15 on 11/30/2004
How exciting! Tarkil is going to join Aragorn for the Battle of Pelennor and the Black Gate. He'll walk the Paths of the Dead! Wow.

Author Reply: *Smirk* Can you imagine me doing anything else with my dear Ranger, Daw? I'm working on that tale, but it's going much slower.

I'm so pleased (and honoured) you've followed all the way through the entire story. Your reviews have inspired me to keep writing. Thanks so much for all your support!


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/30/2004
When I realized Hal was around, I actually got all excited because I thought that now they would get things sorted out and they more or less did. Also, I'm glad the thieves got theirs. All in all, that was very satisfying. I'm a little worried about the poor thief's wife and child, but they're better off without him.

Author Reply: Well, if you remember ONE of the thieves does survive ... want to guess which one? And Poppi and Tarkil have more or less sorted things out, LOL, no thanks to Haldon!

DrakeReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/29/2004
As promised, I've started reading this tonight. Alas, however, it's midnight and I need to go to bed. This is a great story so far, and I want to read more...... :(

Well, there's always tommorow.

The part about the lack of feminine company spoiling the blood made me laugh. Hehe, if six weeks is a long time, that I must be doing REALLY WELL to retain my health and sanity. :)

Your writing style is a lot like my own. Only .....better. You get straight to the point without wasting too much time with detail, and I love. Also, Tarkil so far seems to be a pretty well-rounded, multi-faceted OC, and I think I'm going to like him. :)

Author Reply: LOL about the six weeks -- you're going to find out later that it's actually been a LOT longer than that for Tarkil, but he's not one to discuss such matters :-)

Thanks for the compliment about my writing. I worry -- a lot -- about how much detail to give. I often think that I give too little, but I know if I give too much it doesn't leave enough room for the reader's imagination.

And I'm glad you think you like Tarkil so far .. I have tried to make him well-rounded -- and flawed. What good is a perfect character, right? I hope you enjoy the rest of it.

Thanks so much for the review, Drake!

Beethovens7thReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/28/2004
Oh dear, I've reached the end of the posted chapters. I knew this day would come. Shall I say again how wonderfully written this is? Not a wasted word. The several plotlines going along together are fantastic. I adore reading about the rangers and can't wait to read more stories. You could write so many! I bet it is a fairly untapped market. Tarkil is Great! A wonderful character. I'm totally sucked in.

Author Reply: There'll be another posted soon -- the story's been written for a while, but I love keeping you waiting!

I think Rangers of the North are a very untapped market and I am writing two more stories. One following Tarkil as he fights in the war, and another for once the war is done. But I'm finding them much more challenging so I hope I can do them justice so you'll enjoy them just as much. And I've fallen in love with Tarkil (and even Haldon, though you haven't seen too much of him yet.)

I love getting your reviews ... without them I don't know if I would have kept writing! Thanks so much!


Beethovens7thReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/27/2004
Awesome! absolutely fantastic! I couldn't read it fast enough!! Ah it is all coming together. or do you have still more twists for us? and my hands are cold, so it made me REALLY FEEL the story, grin. Loving this story, looking forward to more!!! big clappings, crunchable birdses for Leaward!

Author Reply: Yay! I've been through enough snow storms to know how to write them, LOL! I'm so glad you're still enjoying the story ... but what's a crunchable birdses?


MysteriousWaysReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/27/2004
That was soooo GOOD!!!

Poor Tarkil. When is it he is going to figure out that he is in love. I am looking forward to reading how Poppi feels about him now.

The Locket! I so want Tarkil to find and totally annialate the men who killed the Greenbanks family. I feel sorry for that woman with the child, she didn't do anything. But her husband is lower than a snakes Belly Button.

Looking forward to reading more!

Author Reply: Leaward picks up a snake and carefully examines it for a belly button ... Hmmm... That must be pretty low!

Only a couple more chapters to go ... you won't have to wait too much longer :-)

MysteriousWaysReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/27/2004
I know I reviewed on this a few weeks ago. But according to my list I did not. I am sorry about that. moving on...

Now things are getting even more interesting. I am loving the way that Tarkil and Poppie are so clueless about love. I would write more here, but I am really itching to get onto the next chapter.


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2004
Oh thank you! I just couldn't bear to think of this child having seen parents burn to death. That made it much worse somehow.

Gethron's observation that Tarkil is more like Haldon than he wants to admit is a sharp one. And Gethron is also right that he has to decide what matters most to him: does he love her or does he care what other people think?

I also liked the musing on how Breelanders see the rangers. They do seem suspicious in FOTR. At least, Butterbur kind of does.

And Tarkil is now on the trail of the thieves. Good. I want them dead.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked that. I tweaked that chapter specifically for you!

Breelanders vs. Rangers -- it was Butterbur's statements that got me thinking on what they each thought of the other. They've both lived in the same land for thousands of years and yet the Breelanders don't seem to know anything about the Dunedain. But the small town (pop. 300) had the attitude if you weren't 3rd generation, you were a stranger, so I borrowed from what I'd seen of those attitudes too. And I don't think it'll be specific just to the Breelanders either :-)

And the thieves will make a reappearance soon... Boo Hiss...

Author Reply: Shoot -- that should read ... But the small town (pop.300) where I grew up ....

.... Leaward walks away muttering to herself...proofread before you hit Submit, you silly woman!

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