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A Short Rest  by Jay of Lasgalen 19 Review(s)
Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
I enjoyed this, Jay! I thought you did a good job of making the characters' speech distinct, and I recognized the bits of dialog from canon (yay!). Your Estel is a delight, his age (or lack thereof!) really shows by his actions. And your association between the "couple of friends" and E&E seems quite plausible and natural...

- Barbara

Author Reply: I think Bilbo in particular had a very distinct style of speech, so the books were a great help here, and helped me to stick to canon and keep him in character.

I couldn't write a story set in Imladris without the twins in it, and this makes them look like canon too!

NerdanelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
This is so cute! I really enjoyed it. You portrayed Estel very well. I loved the part when he said that he would never have to worry about having many names, and Gandalf said, "We shall see about that." Wonderful job!

Author Reply: Gandalf knows what we know - but little Estel doesn't. I'm glad you liked this.

Estel KenobiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004

*wipes away tears of laughter*

Dear little uneducated in the art of having more names then you know what to do with. *chortles* Ah, but he we learn quickly.

Loved the reference to dwarf women. I just hope that Estel doesn't decide to ask Thorin if he's a man or woman...that would be bad.

Very well done. Here's hoping that if there's a 'little Aras' cameo whenever the Hobbit finally gets filmed it's as good as this piece.


Author Reply: Poor Estel - all those names ... I had fun writing that! Estel may be young, but he's not stupid - which is why he didn't believe the twins, and asked Mithrandir. He won't ask Thorin that question!

I hope that if The Hobbit is filmed, Estel will be in it, and so will Legolas - either in Mirkwood, or at the Battle of Five Armies!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
That was cute. Welcome to the world, Estel! He strikes me as being a very young ten, but that's understandable, given the peacefulness of his home. And the fact that it's filled with Elves who probably have no idea how mature he ought or ought not to be and keep treating him like a little kid. So he thinks he won't have to deal with many names, eh? You just keep telling yourself that, Estel.

I like the confusion about whether the Dwarves are male or female. An early lesson in not making assumptions for Estel! Wouldn't it be funny if one of those Dwarves really was female, and Tolkien just didn't know it? Maybe Fili or Kili.

Author Reply: I tried to make Estel a typical ten-year-old, but they grow up so fast now! Poor lad, at this stage he thinks he's 'just Estel' and will never be anyone of importance.

There's a nice discussion of dwarf women in the appendices which I used for this section. It says 'the eyes and ears of other peoples cannot tell them apart.' So maybe some of them were female?

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
That was cute! I loved little Estel, dirty and with torn clothes, and so inquisitive and hungry for adventures as only a ten-year-old can be. His chat with Bilbo was nice - of course Estel wouldn't agree with him about cooking and adventures.

And I, too, had to grin about his remark concerning too many names. Poor Estel, if he only knew! Some months ago a friend and I tried to collect all of them - I think we gave up when we had 9 names, probably 7 of them German. In English there are some more, I have missed some sentences at the translation. He does beat Gandalf by some names, I think.

Author Reply: I tried to make Estel a typical ten-year-old, even if he has been brought up by elves.

Ah, the names - he doesn't have a clue, does he?

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
This reads as if you quite enjoyed writing about Bilbo, Jay. You've caught his turn of speech nicely, I think. And I laughed at the line about how Gandalf has so many names and Estel is glad he doesn't!

Author Reply: This is the first time I've written a hobbit, so I'm glad he worked. Poor Estel hasn't a clue about his future here, but Gandalf does of course - he's being mysterious.

Lily FrostReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
Wonderful! I was wanting to read a story about Estel meeting Bilbo, though I think that I had proposed it to someone else on the list who was complaining about a lack of plot bunnies.

A female Thorin? A few years ago my high school's junior theatre company put on 'The Hobbit' with mostly female players. Some cross-dressed, and some genders were swapped, Thorin and Gandalf included. The 'folk dancer' styled dress really worked well for Thorin, and the girl who played Gandalf was really pretty. My friend Nicki was Gollum, and she still does a really good impression. It was pretty good... the next year, in senior theatre company, they had to do a similarly gender-reversed Hamlet.

Gandalf can be very cryptic, and Estel will have many names. I think he managed to beat Gandalf in that field, actually.

Estel's constant questioning and unquenchable curiosity is sweet, and I like how you portrayed his relationship with Elladan and Elrohir. Oh.. and I enjoyed Bilbo's reactions too. Nicely done. :D

Author Reply: I saw that thread, and as I had this story outlined, I thought it was time to write it.

Thorin isn't really female, the twins were just teasing Estel, being typical big brothers - but they were pointing out that there really are dwarf women., and reminding him of the facts of life.

Thanks for the review!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
"I shall never have to worry about lots of names!”

Poor kid--the innocence of youth!

This was great Jay. I loved it. I like little Estel stories and I agree, he had to have met Bilbo and the dwarves while they were there. I love all the expressions and mannerisms you pulled out of the Hobbit and your take on who Gandalf's friends were. I thought the dwarf women thing was funny. Poor Estel has obviously been a victim of the twins before. All the dialogue was great. Good job.

Author Reply: Estel doesn't know who he really is here - but Mithrandir does! I liked puting that bit in, as he ends up with so many names in the end. It's the first time I've written little Estel, so hope it works. He's got 'little brother' syndrome here thanks to the twins, but I got the bit about dwarf women from the appendices, not the film.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/26/2004
Now here - nobody died!!!!!!!!!!

Estel is such an adorable ten year old - full of all the qualities of ten year old boys: packed with curiosity, unable to keep his clothing intact for more than five minutes, unable to believe that others do not know what he knows and desperate for adventure. I just loved the way that he belatedly added an 'r' to 'Ada' - just to show he's grown up. And the way he sneaked into a hiding place - and Elrond knew exactly where he was.

I like to think that Estel knew Bilbo from his visit to Rivendell - and that he met him on the way back.

So Estel thinks that he won't accumulate a lot of names, huh? I'm not so sure about that!

Nice story.

Author Reply: Hey - I can do light and fluffy sometimes! It doesn't all have to be angst.

Estel is at the stage when 'Ada' is too babyish, but he doesn't always remember that it's 'Adar' now. And he thinks he's just Estel, son of a Ranger, adopted by Elrond, and will never be anyone else.

I think if Tolkien had ever rewritten The Hobbit, Estel would have met Bilbo, and Legolas would have been at the Battle of Five Armies. As it is, we write all that!

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