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Behold, An Elf!  by Eruanneth_Luin 17 Review(s)
LOTR loverReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/17/2004
Good heavens, a dream come (sort of) true! How I would love to have had an experience like this. You did a wonderful job of describing three wonderful Elves (I was especially happy to read of my utter favorite, Glorfindel) and Alysha is a fine OC. The mood of the story is a fine balance of joy and sadness, bitter and sweet in turn. I enjoyed it very much.

Author Reply: For me, too! This was my first ever written story and if I had not felt it so keenly, it would never have come to fruition. And yet life among elves would be alike to us in ways, Light and Shadow, pleasure and sorrow, joy and grief and as Tolkien stated the Eldar feel these extremes more acutely than the Aftercomers. So glad you enjoyed my ‘vision’.

Glorfindel is also the favorite of my husband. Thus far I do not have a favorite as each elf has unique qualities, strengths and weaknesses.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/17/2004
Oh ... my. That was wonderful. I can imagine nothing better than to find Elrohir unexpectedly appearing in my garden! The questions were very natural (though how did she guess it was Elrohir, not Elladan?) and the inadvertent discourtesies understandable. The hair-braiding scene was great.

Although the elves would not appreciate the lust, I have to admit to drooling for much of this story!


Author Reply: Neither could I and that is why this tale came about. Yearning for elves is contagious. The questions! How I should love to ask a few hundred questions of elves, and as for Elrohir, she had a 50-50 chance of being correct.

The hair braiding was quite enjoyable for Alysha, until the realization that it was NOT appropriate treatment of Elf-hair. But at least she could let go, for which I was pleased.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/17/2004
This is remarkable - so well done and it a fascinating picture of elves contrasted with a modern human.

I hope they sail in the end, though. Their mother will want to see them.

Author Reply: This vast difference between elves and humans I have long held to be true. And I feel they have or soon shall be reunited with Celebrían ere long.

AlassielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/17/2004
Thank you! As one who has loved the Eldar since the meeting with Gildor, this felt exactly like a true meeting. Though my screen-reading software turned the Tengwar into gibberish, it was a wonderful touch. I found the characterization believable--both otherworldly and present. I think that many of us have desired such a meeting--I know I have, so thank you once again.


Author Reply: You are most welcome! And remembering back to my first reading of The Fellowship, I must agree that it was “love at first encounter” and I so envied Frodo, Sam and Pippin. And then they met again in Imladris! That would have been the end of the journey for me had I been allowed to stay

CorielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/16/2004
So you posted it after all! I'm glad to finally see the ending now, and the addition of Celeborn was wonderful. Some great elvish stuff here, and you may be assured I will be keeping all these intriguing insights very much in mind later. ;D

Author Reply: Celeborn was a surprise, albeit a times a pleasant one. Glad you got to read it ‘complete’ and hoped you enjoyed the reading as much as I enjoyed the writing.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/16/2004
I think this would be a dream come true for many of us, to meet Tolkien's elves in our world and converse with them!

Your elves are each distinct and in keeping with what character we know of them, and you treat them with a reverence that I think Tolkien would appreciate. All of your detail, especially the details about the effects of touching their hair, were well thought through and well done.

I liked the idea that Alysha was a descendent of Arwen and Aragorn. And if she remains childless indeed, then perhaps the sea longing will come upon the twins and they and Glorfindel will depart, their mission accomplished. Makes one wonder if other of her ancestors had received visitors from elves, at least those that held them with the same awe she did.

Very nicely done. Thank you for sharing it here.

Author Reply: My sentiments exactly! Elves here? Much I learned of elves from your History Lessons of the Eldar 101 and 102.

Ah, as for hair……there is something about long flowing locks of hair that enthralls and captivates the viewer, and the imagery came during the telling.

How many others might have been related and yet rebuffed the overtures of friendship or worse yet, desired only the baser satisfactions.

Your kind praise is sincerely appreciated.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/16/2004
What a lovely, amusing tale! You treat the elves with humor and reverence. I like the fact that they're not generic elves, but each has a distinct personality. And you give a nice sense of how different the elves are from us.

Author Reply: Thank you for your gratifying review and such a nice surprise that other people like my tale.

Elves are delightful in my mind and worthy of respect and each unique; I for one am glad that Elves and Men are very different.

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